[X&Y] 2 Or 3 Out Of 4 The "Big Four" Ain't Bad...Right?
Published: Tue, 08/22/23
WHAT'S INSIDE: Do you really NEED to
have all of the "big four" going for you in
order to meet women?
have all of the "big four" going for you in
order to meet women?
Do you have unique sticking points that require
equally unique ways to overcome them?
Are you more motivated to get results when
there's someone in your corner to encourage
If either or both of those sentences describe
you then it's time to put me to work for you.
You've done what it takes to get your career
on track, and spent the time necessary to
improve your golf game, play the guitar and/or
whatever else you're good at.
So now it's time to turn your attention to the
most important indicator of overall happiness...
...Your success with women.
Ten-Plus is a complete plan to take you from
where you are right now to where you want to
You'll work with me 1-on-1 to custom craft your
specific, individual plan of action.
Write me at scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
and tell me what your sticking points are.
and tell me what your sticking points are.
Give me a way to respond to you via phone,
Skype or Zoom and I will do so personally.
Or, simply use the quick form here:
Skip To The Good Part...More Women In Your Life
Everyone who does the Ten-Plus program
gets results, most of the time beyond
expectations. I am still the only one who
offers a 100% guarantee that I am the last
coach you will ever need for this area of
your life.
You may already have a strong feeling that
Ten-Plus is right for you. If so, be sure to get
in touch with me as open spots tend to fill up
In case you're new around here, I often talk about the "big four"
factors that attract high quality women.
They are:
1) Masculinity (i.e. the type of manhood that ignites feminine
sexual desire as opposed to mere machismo) 2) Confidence (i.e. trust in one's own competence that empowers and
enables one's ability to lead effectively) 3) Inspiring Confidence (i.e. the ability to make women feel safe
and comfortable in your presence, knowing you have her best interestsin mind)
4) Good Character (i.e. having a strong sense of purpose, taking
responsibility and being committed to doing the right thing evenwhen nobody is watching)
Having harped on and on about these for several years now, I've
never encountered any argument about their accuracy whatsoever
...even from particularly strong-willed women who've rolled their eyes
initially at my preposterous assertion that I knew what they wanted
in a man.
In fact, if you've seen the footage of my presentation at the Real
Man Conference in Germany, you've seen me put the "big four" to
the test LIVE in front of a few hundred people.
Each of the several women who happened to be in the audience
agreed that the "big four" idea was spot on.
So yes...if you are a "big four" man, you can absolutely, positively
expect to attract high quality women.
The emphasis there is on "high quality".
That's because I have a bit of a confession to make to you today.
If your goal is simply to attract women, you don't really have to
have ALL of the "big four" in place.
To be truthful, you really only need the first two.
That's right. If you are masculine in the way women define it,
you'll create sexual interest.
They won't be able to help it, much in the same way that you can't
help it when you encounter a woman whose amazing, transcendent
femininity ignites your masculinity and sets it off like a firecracker.
And following logically, if you are confident enough to believe a
positive result will come from you approaching and meeting her,
you'll receive the gift of realizing just how attracted your
masculine presence has made her.
Bingo...that may be all that's necessary to "get" a woman.
So what about making her feel safe and comfortable in her
Well, think of it this way.
If a woman has low-self esteem and/or is pretty desperate for a
guy, she may throw caution to the wind (even if temporarily)
simply to feel wanted.
And hey...what if some guy mistreats her, uses her or dare I say
abuses her, even?
In her twisted way of thinking she may somehow feel that's what she
deserves...that it's her lot in life.
So then, yes...if your goal is simply to get a good looking woman
here and there to spread her legs for you, then you might be able
to get by with the "big two".
But know this.
If you want a woman to be a bit more enthusiastic about getting
frisky with you, you just can't beat the effect that a feeling of
safety and security will have on her.
I'm telling you, when a woman is attracted to you and also feels
completely safe with you, the sky's the limit.
Complications that guys with zero "game" tend to complain about
like "last minute resistance", "bitch shields" and other such
nonsense melt away.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Yes...women want a "protector", but all too often the guy they
feel the most need to be protected from is the guy they are with.
If you're consistently seeing a pattern of resistance from women
who you could have sworn were attracted to you, you may need to
work on that third component of the "big four".
Otherwise, the women you do get to stick around for a date or two
will almost always be women with a damaged sense of self-worth.
And if that's the case then sure...you may begin to think that "all
women are crazy" or something. But I assure you they're not.
It's just that the higher quality women will only respond
powerfully to a man who has the first three of the "big four" in
But wait a second...what about that fourth component: Character?
Ah...I've saved the biggest revelation for last. And unfortunately,
it's going to be frustrating to hear.
"big three" guys are perhaps the most dangerous men on planet
That's because they can get just about ANY woman ANY time...at
least for the short term.
They can attract them sexually and charm them into feeling safe and
comfortable with them, and can do so with expert skill.
But make no mistake, they lull women into a false sense of security.
A man who can portray the "big three" but who lacks character is
precisely the guy who girls' mothers warn them about.
At best they're what I call "fakers and flakers".
At worst they're liars, manipulators, players, cheaters and con
Basically, without character a "big three" man is a high quality
woman's worst nightmare.
And significantly, he's also a true "big four" man's worst
nightmare as well.
Let's face it; it's the "big three" guy who's influencing women to
fear getting into relationships and "getting hurt"...again.
That's because as soon as a "big three" man is found to lack
character, any high quality woman will summarily kick him to the
From there, it'll be harder for her to trust the next guy, even if
he really, truly is a genuine "big four" man.
Like I said, that's frustrating...for everyone involved, no less.
But when you read between the lines in the horror story I just
related, you'll discover exactly why the fourth component of the
"big four" is SO crucial after all.
It's character that defines a high quality man...and it's exactly
what enables him to keep a high quality woman around for the
long term, if he so chooses.
So can you "get by" on being a "big two" man...or "get over" by
being "big three" man?
Perhaps...I guess.
But why settle for mediocrity and eventual frustration when you can
be a "big four" man who satisfies the wildest dreams of even the
highest quality women on Earth?
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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