[X&Y] Asking Waitresses Out, Meeting Women At The Gym, Etc.
Published: Fri, 09/01/23
What if the waitress serving you lunch is the cutest, friendliest little
honey you've seen in weeks, and she keeps doing irresistibly
sexy little things every time she's nearby?
Are you still dreaming up excuses for not getting her number?
Do you still tell yourself she's only being nice to you because
she's on the clock?
What about when it's getting late and only two of you are
left at the gym...you and HER?
Do you still believe you're "bothering" that silky brunette who looks
like a 3D Lululemon poster girl, just because she's working up a
sweat with headphones on?
Deep down you know she HAS to be one of those "high
horsepower" women whose voracious libido would absolutely
rock your world.
But all you're left with are the fantasies, all because you wouldn't--
or couldn't--act.
The hottest flight attendant you've seen in months is standing at the
front of the plane giving the safety instructions, at the same time
modeling how insanely feline she is in the tight-fitting uniform she
chose to wear this morning.
Your eyes lock with hers, and as a sly, knowing smile unconsciously
crosses your face, there's an almost imperceptible twitch in her hips
as she looks upward to the right while barely suppressing a half-
Now that you've been completely distracted from how to save
yourself in an emergency, are you going to flirt with her during
the flight, or pretend your "moment" together never happened?
You know you want to talk to those women. And you know how
much backing off feels like a kick in the crotch.
Do I even have to mention that summertime is almost over?
Some of you might even have some quality beach time left,
and you've got to meet women on the beach. It's practically a
moral imperative.
I mean, there they are...all oiled up while lying on a towel and
looking sexy as hell. In bikinis, no less.
So how do you go from being an "innocent bystander" to rubbing
the next round of suntan lotion on her?
Well...one of many videos in The Man's Approach features Celeste,
one of Maxim Magazine's "home town hotties".
In it, I get her to cover every possible angle when it comes to
approaching women on the beach. And wait until you hear the major
secrets that Celeste reveals. They're total game changers, for sure.
In another video you'll watch Celeste tell you exactly how women
want to be approached at the gym.
Plus, you'll hear from another beautiful woman named Erika on
how to meet waitresses...and single moms.
Is there plenty in there on how to meet flight attendants and at the
Gym? You know it.
In fact, there exists a WHOLE AUDIO on how to meet flight
attendants while they're working a flight...courtesy of an actual flight
Here's the thing... THAT audio is actually in a different program,
called The Difference.
So what am I going to do, leave you hanging in the air? Not a chance.
For the next 48 hours, you'll not only get The Man's Approach for
50% off, I'll give you The Difference for FREE with it.
That's also the program with audios on subjects like how to identify
women who look younger than their age, and how to meet women
are bars and clubs even when you're alone.
You'll get BOTH programs activated for you in the Member's Portal
when you get The Man's Approach for half price:
Meet Women Anyplace, Anywhere - 50% Off + The Difference
Remember, in addition to even more videos I haven't even mentioned,
you'll get the complete toolkit on how to approach women, make
conversation, create attraction, get numbers and make sure first
meetings happen.
The Man's Approach is also where my now legendary audios on
virtuous masculinity, what to replace "dates" with and how to get women
to make physical contact with you first all are.
And of course, there's LIVE in-field footage for you.
Best of all, right now you'll get a full 50% off without a coupon code
while the gettin's good:
Meet Women Anyplace, Anywhere - 50% Off + The Difference
Now is the time to stop getting sand kicked in your face and be the
guy who gets the girl instead.
It's all there for you in The Man's Approach AND The Difference.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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