[X&Y] 7 Disastrous Mindsets Guys Have About Their Physique
Published: Sat, 12/02/23
IN THIS ISSUE: My long-time friend and "Golden Ratio" guru himself
Brad Howard sits in for me.
By now you know Brad Howard. He is one of the more unique (and
personable) guys I know among my ever-growing list of "dating guru"
buddies. Truly, he is a man of dual expertise.
Besides having some serious game with women, Brad is also a
world-class expert when it comes to health, diet and fitness.
His specialty? You guessed it: How to design a diet and workout
plan that specifically maximizes attraction:
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If you've been unfamiliar with Brad until right now, you're in for
a treat. Enjoy...
--by Brad Howard
Here are the top 7 reasons that we as men never get in the shape that
we deserve... and end up sitting on the "sidelines" in the process.
MISTAKE #1: No clear, written goal in mind.
Most men go haphazardly about their lives with no specific goal,
especially when it comes to exercise and improving their lives.
Yep, most men think that they are TOO GOOD to even think about it,
knowing that if we just "work out", everything will take care
of itself.
... which is one reason most men never see ANY results.
MISTAKE #2: No clear metrics to measure your performance
Again, this goes back into mistake #1 a bit. SOME men might have
a goal, but we don't know how to measure the results. Maybe, at best
we have loose metrics that won't show us the "big picture" of what's
going on with our bodies.
Oh, and by the way, body weight is a loose metric at BEST as it
really tells us NOTHING about how our bodies are composed.
Think about that.
MISTAKE #3: Believing that there will always be tomorrow
Procrastination kills more dreams than action EVER will. Think
about how many times you've thought of a great idea, yet failed
to act on it.
Remember... we never look at an action that we DIDN'T take and
recall THAT as the turning point of our lives.
MISTAKE #4: Believing that she'll love us for who we are
Here's the kicker. Women detest stagnation and when they say
things like...
"He's changed. He's not the same"...
...what they really mean is that you've stopped doing the things
that turned her on in the first place.
One sure fire way of starting down the path of disaster with
our women is to stop trying to improve our positions in life.
When we stop trying to change for the better... the ride's
over. And don't forget, women love to be ON the ride, but they
absolutely hate BEING the ride.
MISTAKE #5: Believing that we aren't meant for good things
Believe it or not... most men don't truly BELIEVE that we are
destined for greatness. Maybe we've watched that one scene in
Fight Club one too many times, but the simple fact is that men will
simply let their lives PASS BY because we don't BELIEVE that we
deserve better.
So we do nothing - and commit the biggest sin ever in my point
of view - we become stagnant.
MISTAKE #6: Believing that bigger is better
Did you know that most men OVERESTIMATE the amount of muscle
mass that they need to unleash subconscious physical attraction
by an astonishing 30%?
It's true. When it comes to crafting our perfect bodies, bigger
is most assuredly not better.
MISTAKE #7: Not Getting HELP
This is big FAR the biggest mistake of all.
Just as men loathe getting directions when we're lost, most
men will never ask someone to help them get this part of our lives
Our egos prevent it... like asking for help reduces our
manhood... or makes us look weak or helpless
This is the mistake that keeps most men from EVER having the
kind of success that we truly want out of life.
Hey, I've been there myself.
Did I have challenges? You bet.
But I stopped trying to do everything myself. I learned to
find the PEOPLE that could help me and leverage their results
and expertise to get my results FAR FASTER than if I tried to
do it on my own.
It has been a very rewarding experience.
Want to read more about what exactly Brad (along with John Barban)
has learned from some of the experts he has made friends with?
Discover the entire story (along with some practical dietary tips) right
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Were you motivated by Brad's words? I know I am every time I hear
from him.
Getting into precisely the kind of shape we need to in order to
specifically cause women to be more attracted to us is a fascinating
concept to me.
And having the energy to back it all up when you DO start meeting
is just a major bonus.
In my mind, this is another very crucial piece of the puzzle when it
comes to deserving what you want. Here's that link again:
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Thanks to Brad for sitting in today.
I'll be back in the saddle next time. Stay tuned.
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