[X&Y] Sexy...For The Win
Published: Sat, 12/09/23
WHAT'S INSIDE: What's the difference between sexy and slutty?
As traditional as New Year's resolutions are, procrastinating in
December is just as much so.
Sure, the Holidays are busy. There are parties to go to and
presents to buy.
But here's the thing. The VERY SAME people who wait
until "after the Holidays" to do something to get results they
want in their life are EXACTLY the same ones who tend
to break their New Year's resolutions quickly.
Why is that?
Simple, there was no real urgency. No real need.
Sometimes we tell ourselves it's time to make a bold move...
time to directly influence a different outcome.
But we do that just to make ourselves feel better in the
moment. Something else is prioritized, even if we don't
know why.
At some point, however, we get fed up. We look ourselves
in the mirror, call out our own B.S. and finally DO something.
Years ago, it took a bitter divorce, losing most everything to
lawyers and feeling like I was "washed up". I hit rock bottom
before I could bounce back. That's when I finally decided it
was time to change my fortunes with women.
More recently, I did what it took to get back into excellent
shape. I finally got sick and tired of being, well...sick and
tired. And I also didn't want to give up on doing LOTS of
things I loved to do. Now, I feel 20 years younger...in
record time.
Obviously, I'm EXTREMELY happy I made both of those
So here's the truth.
The calendar doesn't matter. YOU do.
You can continue to watch other guys get the women (and
the life) you want, or you can pull the trigger on getting to
the next level.
Here's my commitment to you: If you're ready, willing
and able to treat yourself to real-world results, I'll
guarantee your success.
Write me at scot@deservewhatyouwant.com and tell me
you're ready.
Or if you'd rather, get on my schedule here:
We will put a plan of action together that
maximizes your potential, does so in record time, and
won't break the bank.
Once the excuses stop, the rewards start. Take it from
hundreds of men I've had the privilege to work with:
you'll never look back.
I'm seeing more and more evidence that we've completely lost
touch with what "sexy" means, especially as far as what makes
a woman sexy.
That needs to make a comeback. Big time.
Men who are confident, stylish and masculine are generally
understood to be sexy. We talk a lot about that sort of thing
around here.
But for women, there's a disconnect in today's culture, and it's
a particularly tragic one.
Somewhere along the line, the concept of "sexy" somehow began
to be confused with--or even considered interchangeable with--
Do you know the difference between the two? Can you articulate
what that difference is?
Both a "sexy" woman and a "slutty" woman are sexually attractive,
and each can therefore can get men pretty well charged up.
But that's where the similarities end.
In my mind the difference is very clear. A "sexy" woman exudes
the kind of natural feminine charm and mystique that ignites
masculine energy.
Softness, warmth, playfulness, comfort, fun, peace, dignity, joy,
motherhood, grace, a warm smile and a caring heart draw men in...
all woven together with confidence.
Certainly, a feminine woman who believes in the natural strength of
her very femininity itself reaches the elusive state of irresistibility
that "lady gurus" harp on so consistently...and for good reason.
After all, what masculine man can resist a feminine woman?
Natural femininity is just flat-out SEXY.
So, then, what causes a woman to come off as "slutty" rather than
As we've discussed before, men who are sex-focused tend to
chase away great women.
Similarly, women who think "all men are sex-focused dogs" tend
to attract, well..."sex-focused dogs".
After all, what man who genuinely appreciates femininity is going
to settle for a woman who has such a cynical view of manhood?
And therein lies the answer to what really is at the core of
Simply put, when a woman decides in her mind that all men truly
are "sex-focused dogs", we already know how that attitude affects
what kind of guys she tends to attract.
But what is HER reaction?
Some women are frustrated by their view of men and prefer to stay
alone and dateless.
Other women, waving a white flag to what they perceive to be the
only dimension of manhood available out there, instead capitulate
to men who focus on sex.
Perhaps in today's culture there are plenty of women who are just
as sex-focused as many men are. I won't discount that. But in the
majority of cases when a woman comes off as "slutty", she simply
believes she has the most to gain if she just gives sex-focused men
exactly what they want.
So she portrays herself as a sex object, with the goal of maximizing
her sexual visibility and therefore her potential for getting attention
from the type of guy she feels she must settle for.
After all, the alternative--in her mind--is NO guy.
Notice I used that word "settle" again. That's exactly what is
going on here.
When we are sex-focused and/or have talked ourselves into
believing the opposite sex is such, we set ourselves up for getting
less out of life than greatness when it comes to relationships.
Often you hear "sluttiness" referred to in the same context as lack
of self-respect. Agreed, insofar as the act of capitulation to mediocrity
But it's much deeper than that.
And again, it's not a "male/female" thing, it's a "human" thing.
How so?
Sex-focused men and the women who capitulate to them (and
vice-versa when the shoe fits) are both not just disrespecting
themselves, they are failing to respect the other gender.
Think also about how many guys believe women are all gold diggers,
and then capitulate by trying to buy their affection. That's the same
exact psychological pattern.
Ultimately, you know what it all adds up to: Everybody involved is
getting exactly what they are setting themselves up for in their
respective dating lives.
If you want a great relationship with a wonderful person, you must
believe there is greatness to be had in the other gender.
Think "appreciate and ignite" rather than "capitulate and accept"
and you'll get out from under this sexual rat race if you so choose.
Then, of course, you'll begin to deserve what you want.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
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