[X&Y] "I Want A Great Woman, But NOTHING Is Working"
Published: Sun, 12/10/23
You don’t need me to tell you that life with a fantastic, adoring and
sexy woman in it is better than one without.
And it’s not that you’ve been sitting around doing nothing about it
for all these years.
It’s just that nothing you have tried has worked.
The problem is much of the information out there on how to meet
and attract women is re-hashed from elsewhere.
Worse, much of it is rooted in what men THINK will work rather
than what REALLY works.
That’s why many report having gone on “bootcamps” or
even consulted with another coach (or many), yet still
...Until they did the Ten-Plus program.
Then and only then did they realize the wonderful success they
always knew they deserved.
So what’s the difference?
It’s not complicated or mysterious at all, really. I encourage,
motivate and impart information to you based on what gets
real-world results.
Although I’m a normal guy like anyone else, I met and dated
lots of beautiful sweethearts, and have been in a wonderful
relationship with the woman of my dreams for nearly 18 years
now (in fact, TODAY is our 17th wedding anniversary).
There’s no “theory” here. It’s objective reality.
What’s REAL is what WORKS, and yet somehow the truth is
elusive. You just don’t see other coaches boldly displaying their
relationship success. They can’t. That’s what makes Ten-Plus
so radically different, why nobody else can teach it and—best of
all—why the success rate is near 100%.
This is not an “easy button”. It will not reward you for any bad
feelings you may have toward either the past and/or women in
There aren’t a whole lot of tricks or canned tactics.
But if you WANT to get this part of your life handled, it’s the
proven path to success.
It all starts with you drawing a line in the sand. If it’s a good
fit, your life will change…starting today:
Get Serious. Take Action.
In retrospect, had you told me eighteen years ago that a woman
who exceeded my wildest dreams was waiting for me, I would
have moved mountains to get her into my life.
Had I known a decade before that, I would have avoided a
WORLD of pain and heartache caused by being with the wrong
woman to begin with.
End the frustration. Bypass the mistakes. The good part is
worth its weight in pure gold.
Get Serious. Take Action.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
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