[X&Y] Few Men Actually Dare To Do This...
Published: Sat, 12/30/23
IN THIS EDITION: Do you really want to get better with
women...or are you just telling yourself that?
women...or are you just telling yourself that?
I suggest you buckle your seat belt before getting a load of
what I'm about to challenge you with below.
Just in time for the new year upon us, it's going to represent
a major crossroads for hundreds, if not thousands of you.
Seriously. And it won't matter whether you're in a relationship
with a woman now or not.
I know this because I've been to the place I'm about to describe.
Sure, it's been over 20 years now...but I know first-hand
how easy it is to fall into.
Fortunately for both you and me, I also know the way OUT.
If after reading what follows you sense more strongly than ever
that it's time to put me to work for you as your personal coach to
greatness with women, I'm sure I'll relate to your story 100%.
And for that very reason, I'll be glad to hear from you. Drop me
a note here:
...Or let's talk for 25-minutes about it, if you never have before.
It's free:
Some guys continuously manufacture limiting beliefs for
themselves, even as they SAY they want fantastic women in
their lives.
Are you one of those guys?
I'm sure you're shaking your head. After all, why even subscribe
to a newsletter like this if your goal ISN'T to improve with
But I hear every day from guys who think their age, height,
ethnicity or some other factor is holding them back.
Usually, they believe that factor is THE one that universally kills
And even though in 100% of the cases (yes...I said 100%) their
limiting belief is overestimated, I can understand why we as
guys could easily get fixated on the self-perceived negatives.
But the scenario that still shocks me after over sixteen years of
doing this is when guys invent stuff to make sure success with
women eludes them.
Worse, sometimes guys conclude that limiting beliefs are
beyond their control, when it's often plain as day that they
really could DO SOMETHING to eliminate them entirely.
Okay, enough theory. Here are a few examples.
For starters, a guy may be living at home with his mom at age
40, lamenting the fact that he can't get a date because of it.
Or, a guy may have been laid off from his job, and is completely
convinced that no woman will ever date him until he's employedagain.
Or a certain guy may be 20 or 30 pounds overweight and
assumes that's what is holding him back from meeting women.
Now, when limiting beliefs truly are beyond our control, I can
understand why we would feel like we're at a disadvantage when
it comes to attracting women. (Never mind the truth that even
those can be overcome.)
But there's a big difference here.
The three examples I've listed above are fully within our control.
If you're 40 years old and still living with your Mommy, you CAN
move out.
If you've lost your job, you CAN get another one.
And if you've got some weight to lose, you CAN do it.
But to be completely realistic with you, even these self-imposed
"limitations" aren't the obstacles to attracting women we make
them out to be.
Heck, you're talking to a guy who once told himself that until he
lost 30 pounds, no woman would want him. After my divorce, I
waited until I lost the weight before I started dating.
Sure enough, I started meeting some nice women. Then I ended
up gaining much of the weight back for a while there...
...and women liked me MORE.
Go figure.
And remember, you're also talking to a guy who lost his dream job
around the same time his first marriage ended. But I was still able
to get a date.
Women understood there was a downturn in the IT world and that
I'd eventually get a new job.
All I needed was to be confident the new job would happen.
And I had to actively LOOK for that job instead of watching Jerry
Springer and collecting unemployment checks.
So yes. If a limiting belief is within your control, you may be
overestimating its impact.
You CAN change it.
Yet so many guys STILL DON'T.
In fact, they don't even really try.
What's up with that?
No matter how much some of us SAY we want success with
women, the TRUTH is (drum roll...) we're much more comfortable
with mediocrity.
That's right, I said it.
The status quo flat-out doesn't hurt enough to be worth changing.
We've got a roof over our heads, nobody's shooting at us, and
we're not starving.
So loading a new game on the X-box and diving into a new bag
of Cheetos is like falling out of bed.
And it feels sort of okay, if not flat-out great at times.
Meanwhile, any sort of change at all involves inherent discomfort,
doesn't it?
Something's gotta give, and that involves moving away from the
routine of "normal" life and facing the uncertainty of what the
future holds.
That's not always such a fun thought, is it?
Then there's that one devastating factor that's so hard to ignore:
You may TRY...but FAIL.
Ka-boom! And the emotions associated with that--especially as a
man--are potentially too heavy to deal with.
So what do we do?
Usually, we do NOTHING, that's what.
We wake up today and do the same thing we did yesterday.
And we also continue to passively give lip service to how much it
sucks that we can't find any great women to be with.
Well, if you really want to end the cycle of failure with women and
start meeting great ones for a change, you've got to do
It may have to be something radical, but probably not.
In fact, the steps necessary to bring about the change you say you
want may not be nearly as scary as you think.
But you must move from top dead center. Otherwise, you'll keep
doing what you've always done and you'll keep getting what you've
always gotten.
All the while, women out there are craving a great man just like
If you at least make an effort as a man with even a shred of
confidence, you WILL be rewarded by women with their respect
and even their affection.
But you've also GOT to make the decision to go for it.
Some of you have been writing me e-mails asking me for "quick fix"
answers to complex questions. You say you want a life-changing
silver bullet, but you don't want to invest any time, energy or even
a few bucks to get the answers.
And no matter what I write in response to such e-mails, most guys
still do nothing.
I typically expend more personal time and energy when I answer
those emails than the amount of time the sender spends writing
them and acting on my answer COMBINED.
Today's newsletter is for YOU if you're really, truly sick of not
having the women in your life you want to deserve.
And if you've been challenged and perhaps even motivated by
what you've read so far, I applaud you.
After all, remember this always: I was once in your shoes.
But fast-forward to today. Man, am I ever glad that back in 2002 I
lost everything and hit rock bottom. Otherwise, I may have never
been motivated to change.
Had I not been forced to do things differently, I may still be a
"cubicle jockey" by day and in a miserable marriage.
But here it is: You do NOT have to lose everything in order to
wake up to the fact that massive success could be right under
your nose.
And I sincerely trust you won't wait until you actually do lose
everything to figure that all out.
everything to figure that all out.
But what IS it going to take? Was this urgent message I just
delivered to you enough?
Be Good,
Scot McKay
P.S. If what you've just read sounds exactly as if I've written
it just for you, I did. It's time to write me and put me to work
for you and start being a man of reality instead of mere
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