[X&Y] A Real Man Is A Provider...But Not A Walking ATM Machine
Published: Tue, 01/09/24
WHAT'S INSIDE: Women are turned on by a man who is
a "provider". What does that really mean?
What if you no longer wondered if talking to an attractive
woman would bother her?
What if rejection was a thing of the past?
What if getting the "run around" from attractive women
and being invited to their "friend zone" as if it were some
sort of privilege was something that happened to OTHER
I trust it's equally obvious to you that the "mating dance"
has changed...and not necessarily in a good way for most
of us as men.
YET...the shocking truth is women are still women, and
what attracts them and turns them on hasn't changed.
But you have to navigate the path differently.
Men who get this right will WIN, and those who don't
will remain frustrated.
That's why there's Invincible:
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As I announced yesterday, I've activated the first
ever 50% off coupon for it, which is automatically
applied when you get to the order page.
At the same time I've brought back the original fast action
bonuses from when it was originally launched (take a look),
including a live, 1-on-1 call with me personally:
Invincible -- 50% Off + The Master Plan FREE
Invincible is my flagship program, and it's no-holds-
barred straight talk.. No fluff, no tricks, no games.
It's your complete road map to:
* Powerful, masculine confidence...all the while smooth,
never hamfisted.
* Bold interaction with women, even in this day and age
* Crushing all self-imposed shame and guilt
* Interacting with women in challenging situations that
cause most men to crumble
* How to be sexually dominant in the way women want,
and reading her signs so that she loves you for it.
* Destroying limiting beliefs about yourself, the women
you want and how to get them into your life
* Choosing exactly the woman you want
* Gaining magnetic social charisma
And my favorite...
* How to be amazing without really trying (this will
blow your mind)
Along with giving practical examples of everything along the way,
including how to mesmerize women on first dates and make them
want more of you than less, I've included an entire, separate section
on practical steps.
Invincible is all about breakthroughs.
If flirting and/or timing of bold moves with women hasn't come
easy for you...
If sexually popular women you desire most have led you on
wild goose chases and stifled your interest with "just be
friends" talks...
If you've been on too few dates with women lately, and
all of them have ended up with, "Sorry, but there's just
no connection"...
If you've convinced yourself that women don't really
like sex...
Or worst of all, if you've ever let yourself get "whipped" in
a relationship you never really wanted to be in to begin
Then Invincible is not only for you, you're going to
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Let's get the obvious issue out of the way first.
This is NOT going to be some Pollyannaish bit about how you
need to have a fat bank account in order to have a great
I say that up front because every time I bring up the word
"provider" in the context of attracting women, there's someone
out there who automatically assumes my point is going to be
1) Some reiteration of the weird old meme that "9s and 10s
are reserved for billionaires and rock stars", or...
2) If you want to attract a woman, you've got to give her a bunch
of expensive gifts, a Signature Visa with her name on it and/or
anything and everything else she ever wants (demands?) of you.
Nope, that's not what this is about.
I'm here today to help RID you of BOTH of those ridiculous
thoughts, and to make sure they never creep into your cranium
ever again.
So what, then, is this whole notion of being a "provider" all
about? And more importantly, how does it relate to creating
sexual attraction in women?
Well, first we can address the objective side of things.
No, you don't have to be a billionaire (or even a millionaire).
And no, you don't have to lavish women with extravagance.
In fact, if you do have considerable personal wealth and indeed
flaunt it with women, you shouldn't be surprised when you attract
mostly self-absorbed "golddiggers".
After all, you'll have been asking for it. That's leadership. You
opened the door and women are simply walking through it.
I coach men like that quite often, and their number one issue is
finding a woman who wants them for WHO they are, not WHAT
they have.
However, no matter who you are as a man, a woman has to know
you at least have solid potential for being able to make a plan and
get things handled.
It's you who must take responsibility for making sure you, her
and any future family you create together are safe, warm,
comfortable and well-fed.
So yes, "provision" is tied very closely that other bastion of female
sexual excitement, "protection".
As a man, your mission is essentially to free women up from worry,
fear, stress and chaos.
By virtue of your masculine power, you take on any threat--real or
perceived--and you either dismantle it or battle it head-on.
Fortunately for all of us, in the 21st century that usually means
we do things like make sure the doors are locked at night and the
garage door is closed.
There's the occasional spider in the bathroom or can of beans on
the top shelf.
We don't often have rival tribes of cavemen attempting to beat us
into submission.
Now, let me be clear. It's not at all that a high quality woman
can't free her own self up from worry, fear, stress and chaos.
It's just that she gets physically turned on when you do it instead.
Yes, women have their own careers nowadays and all that. They
may not need you to "provide", at least in the sense that most of
us usually think of first.
But if you want her respect, admiration and especially her sexual
attention you'd darned skippy better be able to hold your own.
No, you need not be rich. Believe it or not, most women would
really rather live a normal, comfortable life than anything else.
It's just that she must never feel as if she's got to support you.
That's going to feel masculine to her if its the case, and she
therefore is NOT going to be horny for you.
You may have noticed that I allowed for the "potential" to be a
provider earlier. By that I meant that if you're young and still
in college and/or are on the verge of success, that's typically
enough for any decent woman.
It's sort of like how you can tell if a woman would be a good
mother or not, even if she hasn't made any babies with you yet.
The bottom line is a woman simply needs to see that you know
how to be proactive and responsible.
Importantly, independence and self-reliance is key. You can not
be seen as a man who must be cared for by someone else.
That means if you are 37 years old and still need your mommy to
cook you breakfast and do your laundry, it's going to be an
attraction killer.
And worse, the more you argue with me about how "unfair" that is
or how you're "trapped" in such a situation, the more you're proving
my point.
It is what it is.
You aren't turned on by negative, whiny women who lack joy...no
matter how much they bitch about that.
Well similarly, women aren't turned on by men who show no signs
of being able to provide or protect, no matter how much you
complain it's "not your fault".
A provider never, ever considers himself a victim, and he never,
ever resorts to blaming others for his circumstances.
He owns it.
I'd be remiss if I left this whole conversation at that, however.
Rather than simply giving you a pep-talk, I'd love for you to
actually be energized and flat-out psyched to be a provider after
having read this.
After all, as a man it should be perfectly natural for you to want
this challenge and rise to it.
So consider this. To be a true provider is really to be a ninja,
wizard, and general badass all rolled into one.
The provider is the guy who has the solution where others can
only seem to see problems.
Everyone loves a problem solver. After all, he's the diametric
opposite of a whiny, complaining victim.
Moreover, the most amazing type of provider thinks WAY beyond
material needs and physical security.
"Provision" can mean you use your charismatic charm, optimism and
confidence to foment a better emotional environment for all around
It can also involve you creating opportunities for the woman in
your life and others you love that may have not been there
For example, if the woman in your life has always dreamed of world
travel but was reticent to take off and go backpacking by herself,
your leadership and protection might be what it takes to make that
dream a reality.
If she has always wanted to go back to college and finish those
last two classes she needed for a degree, your encouragement and
belief in her might be the fuel that she needs to "just do it".
Make no mistake about it. A man who is a master provider is
nobody's doormat. He's no "walking ATM machine" to be taken
advantage of.
Like a "playmaker" in professional sports, he's the most respected
man on the field of play.
Why? He's a creator.
He provides all the building blocks to success, in every aspect.
In doing so he makes everyone around him a better player.
And he also makes most women insanely hot for him.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
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