[X&Y] 3 Examples Of Women At Their Most Beautiful

Published: Wed, 01/10/24

  When are women most beautiful?
If your answer is the same as what most guys would
immediately think of, you may be missing out on some
of life's most satisfying moments...  



There are two types of guys who read these newsletters
(and this may feel like "tough love", but so be it).

First, there are guys who want to really, actually fill their
lives with better women than ever.

Second, there are guys who aren't going to do JACK
about anything in real life.

Like the (weird) wintertime song by Dean Martin, they live
in "Marshmallow World"...as evidenced by how they sit
on the couch turning into one.

Reading these newsletters makes them FEEL like they're
doing something about their lack of success with women.

But the reality is they're getting softer...and softer...until
even Mr. Stay Puft is jealous.

And the cold winter weather only makes matters worse.

Which guy are you?

If you're the second, history says you may or may not
ever get truly motivated enough to act.

But if you're the FIRST kind of guy, then I've got a killer
50% off promo going on for The Man's Approach.

What's more, the program now includes an audio
featuring live, real-world cold approaches.  In the
audio I talk to women between 18-35, including
GROUPS of women at the same time. 

That way, you get objective, practical examples
of how to meet women and make them love you:

50% Off TMA+ Live In-field Cold Approaches

This is the complete plan for getting out of your house
and in front of REAL women.

What's it gonna be?  Another boring year or
finally an exciting one full of women?

Meet women effortlessly from now on, attract them,
start conversations and get their numbers--all
without having to be a sleazy pickup artist:

50% Off TMA+ Live In-field Cold Approaches

Just for fun, I'll also fork over a full and complete copy
of Online Dating Domination 3.0 for FREE.

That way you're all set to meet women online or offline.

Remember, the special page comes down in 24



Here's the question du jour, mon frere:

When is a woman at her MOST beautiful?

If you're a red-blooded, perfectly normal man your knee-jerk answer
may have been something to the effect of, "when she's naked in my

If your answer involved a more explicit sexual act, I can't really
fault you for that either.

And I'm not going to argue with you.

But you see, those realizations come to you without my having to
write you about them.  

Today I want to encourage you to look BEYOND the obvious.

I've harped quite a bit in the past about how guys who focus mostly
(if not completely) on "getting some" from a woman are typically
the guys who are getting NONE from ANY women.

Nothing has changed in that regard.  If your goal is "close
the deal", the "payday" tends to be more elusive.

The key is, of course, to focus on igniting femininity with your
masculinity.  Inherent to this worthy endeavor is appreciation for
women at the holistic level.

It's fairly popular to talk glibly about "feminine gifts", along
with how, when and why they're bestowed on us as masculine

But in order to be eligible to receive those gifts, the first step
is to recognize what they even ARE.

Suffice it to say that there's a lot of joy, relaxation and sheer
happiness to be gained from women if you seek to appreciate
them rather than to use them as masturbation tools.

In other words, women can make life a LOT more enjoyable for
you in ways that transcend what happens in the bedroom.

I've had several requests from you guys for some practical ideas
on how to expand your reality as such, and here's the best one
I know of:  Start opening your eyes to the sheer, natural beauty
of women at times other than when they're performing sexually.

That way, you just might suddenly realize it isn't such hard work
to look beyond the sexual with women.  In fact, it's big fun--like
a treasure hunt for extra measures of hidden sexiness.

Resist any macho urge to pass off what I'm suggesting here as
"mushy stuff" or whatever.   

Happiness is central to a live well lived, and I'm about to unlock
a major, major secret to finding more of it very quickly.

From this day forward, here are some objective, practical ways
you can see deeper beauty in new ways when interacting with

1)  When She's Smiling And/Or Laughing

Most would agree that the vast majority of us as human beings are
more attractive when we SMILE.

I don't know, but that COULD be why we're always cajoled into
smiling when our picture is being taken.

Personally, for some reason I tend not to trust people who are
uglier when they smile.  Maybe they just remind me of the Emperor
in Star Wars.


One of the reasons why making a woman smile and laugh is
such a popular skill to learn is that doing so instantaneously makes
a woman MORE beautiful.  And it's nothing short of thrilling to know
you can make that happen at will.

Taking this a step further, I've written before about how when you
see "The Glow" from a woman you can rest assured that you've won
her heart.

"The Glow" is best described as "smiling jubilantly with her eyes
in adoration".  Yes, it's definitely big fun to see that.   

2)  When She's Sleeping

There must have been like a dozen tunes on this subject by hair
bands from the '80s, huh?  Songs by Aerosmith and Def Leppard
come to mind immediately.

They were on to something.

When a woman is sleeping, she's peaceful and still.  You can stop
and admire her all you want, without making her feel self-conscious
or embarrassed.

The pureness of her female presence can be absorbed into your
soul, as if a priceless work of art...which she is.

Best of all, nothing so clearly communicates her complete trust in
you than when she's willing to fall asleep in your presence, be that
in your car, on a blanket in the park or yes...in your bed.

No fair getting her so drunk that she passes out.  That doesn't

3)  When She's FEELS Beautiful

Confidence rules.  And yes, confident women are as sexy to us as
confident men are to women, right?

So it stands to reason that when a woman BELIEVES she is
gorgeous and sexy (those are two different concepts, remember)
she's going to APPEAR more so to you.

Here's the best news in this entire newsletter:  You have an
immense amount of control over this variable.

Here's a stern warning to misogynists:  If you treat her like an
"ugly, stupid b****" that's what you're likely to end up with.

And no kidding, if you think ALL women are like that, prepare to
habitually attract exactly who you expect to.

But on the other hand, if you affirm a woman and encourage her
to affirm herself you'll reap breathtaking rewards.  

In short, INSPIRE confidence in her.  She'll follow your lead.

Note that your confident affirmation of her beauty and sexiness
are NOT to be confused with dropping a barrage of physical
compliments on her up front because you're so overwhelmed to
actually be in the presence of a "hottie".

We're talking about validating HER confidence here, not
telegraphing your lack thereof.   

Yes, you deserve a woman who's beautiful and sexy.  So why
not assure her when she's living up to that?

What I've shared with you are but three quick examples of how
to ramp up your personal enjoyment of how beautiful the woman
in your life is.

Remember, however, that both you and she are individuals.

As such, your proverbial mileage may vary.  Open your eyes to
those moments in life when a woman is at her most beautiful
and enjoy.

If you think of any in particular that I should have mentioned,
by all means write me at scot@deservewhatyouwant.com and
tell me your thoughts.

Be Good,

Scot McKay


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