[X&Y] She's "Not Ready To Date" (But Her Ex-BF Is Back In The Picture?)

Published: Fri, 01/12/24



I can't think of any situation more frustrating than being attracted
to a woman...but not knowing WHAT to do about it.

Obviously, you should talk to her. But what do you TELL her?

And what if you DO talk to her, but don't get the signals you're
looking for?

And how about when it seems like things might be progressing,
but BOOM...a major roadblock comes up?

Maybe you're even going out on dates with her, but it all seems
like it's going NOWHERE.

She's "not ready to date"....but her ex-boyfriend is back in
the picture. Or she seems interested, but then doesn't return
your texts. She disappears for the weekend with a "friend"...no
details. She's "busy" for the next month, even though it went
great when you saw her last.

Or here's a good one...she's been "sick" like six weekends
in a row now. She should get her immune system checked.

Situations exactly like these have come up multiple times
when doing Laser Coaching with guys who've jumped on
board so far.

And without exception, they got the practical, actionable
answers they needed...and positive progress was made.

They got those answers FAST, without any "fluff" clouding the

There's immense value in getting clarity from someone you
know is unbiased, and who has seen scenarios like yours
hundreds of times.

That's what Laser Coaching is for. Fast, targeted answers
when needed most.

Some of you have been on the fence about it since I first
launched the new program.

But there's no denying the RESULTS for the guys who were
bold enough to blaze the trail.

As it turns out, Laser Coaching is not only perfect for men
who are busy and results-focused.

It's also ideal for guys who feel they're "big four" men already,
but want to gain mastery over the inevitable day-to-day
challenges that come up when relating to women while
balancing a career and other commitments.

I challenge you to take the next 365 days to fine-tune your
wisdom and knowledge...and even gain that true mastery
over your social life, once and for all.

Just like there's no greater frustration than being at a loss
for what to do about a certain woman, there's no greater
thrill than having invited her in to your life in the exact way
that makes her crazy about you.

Drop me a note at scot@deservewhatyouwant.com or
reply to this newsletter.  Let's make this happen for you.

Laser Coaching:




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men reclaiming their masculinity, standing as a
positive role model and deserving the high
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