[X&Y] What To Say When Women Approach You First (Steal This)

Published: Sat, 11/11/23

IN THIS EDITION:  If a woman walks up to you and introduces
herself, do you know how you're going to respond?


Most guys feel virtually invisible to women.

If you can relate, then you know that walking around creating
absolutely ZERO intrigue on the part of women who are all
around you is PAINFUL.

But know this.  You have the power to swing the pendulum in
the opposite direction.

Not only CAN you cause women everywhere to take notice of
you, you really SHOULD.

After all, most women DREAM of meeting a great guy like you,
so they don't even know who they've been missing out on.

And don't kid yourself...they LOVE having subtly flirtatious
interactions with men just like you.

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As you know, a lot of energy is spent by guys all over the world
on figuring out how to approach women.

And lately, there's also been quite a bit of talk about the idea
of getting women to approach us first.

That's all well and good, although I'll stand firmly by my
statement that a woman respects a man more who approaches her
first, at least under "normal" circumstances.

But hey...I'll be the first to admit that there are some bold,
spunky chicks out there who will indeed come right up to you
and strike up a conversation.

I'm not talking about your next waitress and/or flight attendant,
either (although what I'm about to share with you would be
equally useful in that case).

What I mean is a woman breaking the ice with you right out of
the blue, maybe even surprising you a bit in the process.

So here's the big question:  What are you going to do when that

Have you ever even thought about it?

By now you know that I'm not particularly big on "openers"
or "pick-up lines", at least as most people understand and define

But if a woman "opens" YOU, the very first word out of your mouth
had better not be "duh"...right?

So it's an excellent idea to have an instant response that's ready
to go, on demand.

This topic actually came up during a coaching call the other night,
and here's a foolproof one that even a caveman could manage:

  "Wow, I'm impressed.  That was a great excuse to start a
  conversation with me."

As simple and elegant as the statement is, it combines confidence,
playfulness, well-placed approval (without overwhelm), and is
not too wordy.

Correctly stated, it's delivered in a genuine way without any
hint of sarcasm or snarkiness, of course.

In one simple motion you've welcomed her to help her feel safe
and you've flirted just enough to make it known that you recognize
the presence of sexual polarity.

But here's the GOLDEN part of it all:  In some mystical, magical
way you've also exerted an unquestionable measure of leadership and
control, even though she spoke to you first.


Now, no matter what she says in response to you at that point, your
next move is simply to tell her your name.

Preferably, introduce yourself with the minimum two words necessary:

  "I'm [Your First Name Here]."

I've figured out that it's HOT to women when guys do that as sort of
a delayed reaction after a conversation has already begun.

From there she'll likely introduce yourself.  

What do you know?  You'll have made sure that the conversation got
rolling with skill and ease instead of giving her the dreaded "deer
in the headlights look".  Sweetness.

At that point, continue as you normally would.  By the way, if that
part is tripping you up also for any reason drop me a note at
scot@deservewhatyouwant.com and set up a 1-on-1 coaching
session with me.  We'll get that sorted out in no time.



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