[X&Y] Why You Might Not Be The "Jerk" She Says You Are
Published: Fri, 11/17/23
IN THIS EDITION: When a woman calls you a "jerk", should you
always take it at face value?=====
Sexual frustration among men is at an all time high.
More of us than ever before believe that if we even
HAVE sexual interest in a woman, let alone demonstrate
it, we're some sort of "predator".
That leads to countless men with NO women in their
lives--apart from the ones they tantalize themselves
with on the computer screen, of course.
The latest stream of celebrities exposed as sexual
assailants has only freaked us all out even more.
As if all of that wasn't bad enough, it's as if we're
constantly bombarded by jokes on television commercials
and in sitcoms about men who strike out with women.
That just rubs salt in the wound.
At this point it's gotten SO bad that one of the fastest
growing movements on the Internet is called "Men Going
Their Own Way" (#MGTOW).
It's a HUGE thing. Guys are banding together and
deciding they don't need women anymore and that
they'll just live without them.
In other words, because women seem so fed up with men,
these guys are going to be fed up with THEM as well.
But here's the crazy part.
Meanwhile, the vast majority of women really don't
have an axe to grind with men.
They're just wondering where we all ARE.
While the #MGTOW crowd is convinced that women only
use sex as a trap, at best, most women are wandering
the planet even MORE sexually frustrated than WE are.
Think I must be joking? Guess again.
Women are lighting up the cash register at Amazon
buying literotica books.
They're also fueling a multi-billion dollar "toy"
industry. (Ever hear of "Slumber Parties" or "Pure
The raw truth is that women CRAVE sex.
But the most twisted part of all is that they can't
straight-up TELL us that because they fear being
shamed as a slut.
Once again, society has dealt us all a raw deal.
So it's up to us as REAL men to take what's BROKEN
and FIX it.
There are red-blooded, real WOMEN out there who are
depending on us to be their heroes.
They anxiously await the moment when we boldly give
them the masculine, sexually-charged MAN they desire
...and the sheet-ripping relationship with us that they are
The step-by-step road map for doing every bit of that (and
much more) is Behind Closed Doors:
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That's the real man's guide to identifying truly healthy,
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The right woman will thank you for this. I'll leave
picturing what that would look like to your naughtiest
Let the #MGTOW crowd do their own thing. Go the
OPPOSITE way instead, toward the women who are
impatiently waiting for you to give them the hot,
sexually fulfilling relationship with you they deserve.
I've never been one to buy into the conventional wisdom that says
"women love jerks".
Generally speaking, I strongly believe that only women with
terrible self-esteem and practically zero self-respect would ever
actually seek out men who treat them poorly and get into
relationships with them.
But maybe it's time for me to admit something. There really is ONE
very specific situation where I have to agree that women tend to
LOVE jerks--or should I say ONE jerk in particular.
Who is this guy? Well, he's the one who just dumped his girlfriend
against her wishes, that's who.
Maybe you're one of those guys who always tends to hang on until
the bitter end, and therefore are pretty much used to being the one
who's dumped. As such, maybe YOU'RE the one used to being in
love with a woman who you now think is a stark, raving be-otch.
After all, what I'm talking about here applies to men and women
with equal predictability.
And hey...if you can relate, keep reading these newsletters and get
your hands on The Leading Man as soon as you possibly can.
But on the other hand, if you've ever broken up with a woman who
was crazy about you, you just might know what it's like to be on
the receiving end of things...and it's NOT pretty.
Granted, there are indeed some "shrinking violets" out there who'll
quietly accept the end of a relationship for what it is.
Let's not kid ourselves, however. If THAT'S the case you've got to
think she couldn't have been too bent out of shape over it. She
might even be in agreement that it's all for the best, to be honest.
Try telling that to any woman who is of the firmly held belief that
you are her future husband, though. You'll soon witness a
breathtaking display of the grieving process in its classic
That first hit of "denial" is going to come in the form of her
trying to talk you into patching things up with her. She might
underplay whatever crazy stuff caused the breakup to begin with
and/or promise to "change".
Don't be surprised if she calls you the next day after the breakup
as if nothing ever happened. She might even invite herself over to
your place for a little "adult time".
If I were you, I wouldn't fall for that. If you broke up with her,
it was likely for a perfectly good reason.
So stick to your guns.
Here's the thing, though. Very shortly after that you should fully
expect to feel the wrath of HER guns...which will be BLAZING in full
Now hopefully we're speaking figuratively here.
But nevertheless, man...is she ever going to HATE the very sound of
your name.
And even if she's typically a total sweetheart, she'll likely light
you up with every other name in the book BESIDES what's on your
birth certificate--especially making sure to inform you in no
uncertain terms of how big a JERK you are.
Rest assured you're not really a jerk, dude.
It's all happening due to that all-too-predictable second stage of
grief. That's "anger", of course--the part where she feels free to
give YOU grief.
You've got to look at this rationally, even if she refuses to.
She's pissed off that the breakup happened, and the only person to
unload her vitriol on is YOU, Bubba.
It only makes sense.
But remember, even SHE doesn't actually think you're a jerk. She
actually still adores you and thinks you're great. She LOVES you.
It's starting to become crystal clear to her, though, that you're
NOT coming back.
Therefore, in her mind she NEEDS you to be a "jerk". If she can
talk herself into believing that, then maybe she can start getting
over you.
Or maybe it's a lot more simplistic. She feels HURT, and YOU hurt
her...therefore she can only blame you for the pain. And hey, jerks
tend to cause pain, right?
Again, relax. I'm sure you didn't MEAN to hurt her. You made the
best decision given the circumstances, thereby avoiding A LOT MORE
pain later. So no, you're STILL not a "jerk", even if she fails
to see that for now.
I trust that this brief refresher in human psychology will empower
you to keep a level head and not respond in kind the next time a
besmirched lover takes her grief out on you.
But I also trust that you won't let her guilt-trip you into getting
back together with her, either.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
P.S. On a similar but related note, don't EVER be surprised if
a woman calls you a "jerk" when she's shown unrequited interest
in you.
Again, you're NOT a bad guy. You simply weren't into her, and
that's okay.
Oh, and for the love of all that's good in the universe, please
don't EVER mistake that for "rejection".
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