[X&Y] Women Want You To Be In Control (If You Do This)
Published: Sun, 11/26/23

WHAT'S INSIDE: Are you in control of your relationships,
or do women walk all over you? Worse...do they simply
walk away?
or do women walk all over you? Worse...do they simply
walk away?
Your response to the Black Friday promo I ran over the
past several days was phenomenal.
Nevertheless, I'm getting a few cranky e-mails.
One in particular caught me off-guard because the guy
made a really good point.
Basically, if my true calling where I'm most effective is 1-on-1
coaching (and it is), then "The Whole Lot" should include my
ever-popular Ten-Plus coaching program.
That's the one about 85% of the guys I work with select
because the program's framework is proven and the actual
content of it is customized for every individual.
Fair enough. I like the idea.
So hey, next comes Cyber Monday tomorrow, right? Let's
make this happen.
If you've been thinking about getting the fast-track
advantage of having me in your corner as your
personal coach, I'm about to make the decision to
go for it as easy as it gets.
The next five men who make a bold move to do a Ten-Plus
program with me will get the entire Black Friday Special
package I just offered over this week for FREE.
That's right...a full-on Ten-Plus coaching program PLUS
all $2295 worth of goodies in the package.
You just can't lose. It's time to enjoy the success you
deserve, and you're about to be empowered with absolutely
There's only one catch. t's got to be good fit. We both have
to agree your results can (and will) be 100% guaranteed.
But if you're of sound mind and respect women, that's really
all that's necessary to get you on the fast-track to wild
success in every area you want to iron out.
Dating, relationships, adventure, lifestyle, career, social
Want to be one of the few and the proud who gets in on
this? Write me at:
...and let me know how to contact you. I speak with
every guy I coach beforehand.
Or you can schedule the intro call here (it's free):
When you're on board, I'll fully populate your Member's
Portal with all the goodies and send you the login...right
before you get all the REST of the bonuses in your email
as well.
But that's only the start, of course. Expect a customized
plan of action that gets you the results you want, no
matter how unique your situation is.
Women love a man who's in control.
But what does that mean, exactly? It really seems as if it's hard
to find the exact mix of attitudes and actions that will result in
turning women on rather than either causing them to roll their eyes
or worse...run away.
Being in control requires masculine strength, almost by definition.
Yet, we've all heard about certain guys who can only be described
as "controlling jerks". It's their way or the highway, regardless
of what the woman desires or even what's good for her.
Almost invariably, guys who attempt to hamfist relationships like
this are actually demonstrating more weakness than strength.
They put the woman they're with on lockdown, largely because
they're so insecure in their jealousy.
They assert their selfish, narcissistic will in a feeble attempt to
feel powerful, probably because they lack power in virtually every
other area of life.
But make no mistake, there are also guys who are so weak that
even when they try to be controlling, they come off as begging.
Perhaps you've known a guy who was so insecure about losing a
woman that he resorted to threats and/or ultimatums to try to keep
her around.
Such behavior only comes off as desperation. Leveraging fear of
loss is quite simply an ill-conceived attempt to hold a
relationship together that's not healthy for either partner.
Meanwhile, there are even guys out there who habitually deny a
woman almost anything that's within their sphere of influence to
affect, even if they're required to fight pure, obvious logic in
the name of being contrary.
Again...it's all rooted in security.
Granted, most of us aren't so extreme. But that doesn't mean there
still isn't room for improvement.
Unfortunately, some of what many of us do in the name of being a
man who's "in control" is learned from reading questionable dating
Well, either that or we misinterpret perfectly reasonable dating
Perhaps you've been taught never to give a woman what she wants,
lest she thinks she "owns" you.
I've personally read advice clearly advocating that the only
straight answer you should ever give a beautiful woman is "no".
And then there are the countless twists on trying to get what we
want while camouflaging neediness or selfishness.
The "three day rule", "kino escalation" and "building compliance"
all come to mind.
So then, what is the right way to present yourself as a man who's
worthy to be in control?
The answer is disarmingly simple, yet it almost never occurs to
many in this "me first" culture of ours.
What you do is make bold decisions based on what her best interests
You'll soon find out that nearly every well-adjusted woman with a
good heart is going to respond magically to that.
No, you don't necessarily give in to whatever she asks...nor should
But when it's cold outside you give her your jacket instead of
shrugging and telling her it's too bad.
Yes, YOU are the one leading. But your leadership invariably shows
positive concern for her.
Sooner than later you'll not have to worry about when to call a
woman. If you sense she needs a call from you, you'll pick up the
phone. You won't play games.
You'll quickly discover that when you actually give a rip about a
woman you're attracted to, she's more likely to want to have sex
with you than if you were pushy about it.
And most of all, you'll find yourself with a willing woman rather
than merely a compliant one.
So go ahead...take control. Do it the right way and you'll have
distanced yourself from all the other creepy jerks and milquetoasts
out there who just don't get it, and probably never will.
Give a woman you really like the freedom to accept your leadership
and willingly offer you the control you deserve as a man.


(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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