[X&Y] Is She Really A "Goddess"?
Published: Mon, 11/27/23
IN THIS EDITION: A number of the "lady gurus" out there are
telling women to consider themselves "divine goddesses".
What's up with that?
48 Hours From Now: Wednesday, 11/29 @8p EST (GMT -5)
Have you noticed who the most celebrated and admired
men are?
It’s rarely the guys who are experts at one thing
It’s those men who seem to know something about
Men respect other men who exude that trait, assigning
wisdom and leadership ability to them.
And women? Women get "the hots" for such Renaissance
Men because it's like they are ready for and can handle
For women, you already know attraction is all about that
FIRST IMPRESSION you give her.
When you are at a loss for what to talk about...or draw
a blank trying to continue a conversation, you're a less
attractive man to her primal senses.
But when you start a conversation confidently, saying
the right things and projecting the right image...her
feminine sexual nature perks up and takes notice.
Right now you're probably asking, "But Scot...how
am I supposed to know EVERYTHING?"
You actually DON'T.
You simply have know the secrets and get on the
fast-track to being a Renaissance Man.
That's exactly how Wednesday night's Masterclass For
Men will empower you:
48 Hours From Now: Wednesday, 11/29 @8p EST (GMT -5)
It's as simple as this...
From now on, while most guys fumble over PUA
"openers", if they even talk to women at ALL...
YOU will never have to ask "what do I say or do
next?" ever again.
What's more, you're ENTIRE life will be enriched
by making these simple but powerful changes to
your mindset, habits and skills:
48 Hours From Now: Wednesday, 11/29 @8p EST (GMT -5)
As I mentioned yesterday, this is THE FIRST THING
men notice about my interactions with women when
they come to San Antonio for Ten-Plus Live in-field
The SECOND THING they notice is how consistently
it straight-up WORKS.
But all the while, I really don't "know everything". I
simply DO what I'm going to impart to you on
Wednesday night.
And yes...I'm spilling EVERY secret, without holding
48 Hours From Now: Wednesday, 11/29 @8p EST (GMT -5)
Sound POWERFUL? That's because it is. And
NOBODY ELSE is talking about this.
Can't make it on Wednesday night? As always, that's not a
biggee. The Download Portal will be fully stocked shortly
after the event, so you don't have to miss out.
Recently I had the pleasure of visiting over Skype with one of
the most well-known female dating experts in the world.
Well, one of the topics that came up while we were casually
chatting was the idea of women as "divine goddesses".
No doubt, that sort of imagery is widely-used in a sort of new
agey way with female audiences far and wide, presumably to help
empower women vis-a-vis the pandemic phenomenon of low-self-
esteem among women.
Now I personally have no problem with empowering women and doing
something about rampant LSE. That is absolutely necessary.
But "divine goddess"? Come on.
Never mind the fact that equating oneself with deity is shaky
ground to begin with. That goes without saying.
The real danger here, apparently unbeknownst to a TON of women's
dating experts, is that A LOT of guys are already pre-programmed to
believe and act as if women REALLY ARE some sort of "higher power".
Simply put, whether women are ready to believe they are "divine
goddesses" or not, WE really don't need any extra convincing.
But the fact remains the same no matter what: Women are no more
superhuman than we are as guys. Period.
And to be perfectly frank with you, encouraging us men to put women
on an even HIGHER pedestal is counter-productive to everyone
involved anyway.
That's right. Even as the "lady gurus" purveying this sort of
thought believe themselves to be empowering women, they may in fact
be perpetuating the cycle of dating frustration...for both men AND
Here's why.
For starters, need I belabor the point that pre-approval of any
particular woman (let alone women in general) as summarily "out of
our league" will lead to certain failure?
You've got to be a CHOOSER instead of a CHASER, or else any
woman will find herself disinterested to the core...perhaps without even
knowing why.
What's going on there?
Well granted, it just might have been that mix disc you so painstakingly
repaired for her the day after meeting her, probably containing such
gems as "She's So High" in the playlist.
And even if you're more subtle about your "worship", the woman will
be left thinking for some reason that you were flat-out too easy to
catch, and maybe she could do better.
'Nuff said about that.
But I would contend that even WE as guys get crossed up in the
attraction department when we fall for the "women are goddesses"
By that I mean we can potentially become as disappointed and
frustrated with women as they are with us. Really.
Think of it this way.
Let's say you look across the room and behold what you are
instantly sure is the image of female perfection.
And right then and there you place her among the pantheon of
Now, as infinitesimal the odds are of her actually being attracted
to you when you've got that attitude on, let's give you the
benefit of the doubt for the sake of argument here.
As such, you actually get a first meeting with said "goddess".
And accordingly, you expect utter perfection. I mean, that only
follows logically, correct?
So from the outset you pile the pressure on yourself to match up as
her "Mr. Perfect", lest the slightest misstep derail everything.
Strike one. She's following your lead...right into the pressure
And guess what? She may or may not consider herself to fall under
the "goddess" classification, making matters worse.
But either way, layer that ridiculous amount of self-imposed
pressure on HER part on top of yours. Wow...I can cut the negative
tension with a knife just THINKING about it. Strike two.
And then, the unthinkable happens. She fails you in some way.
ANY way.
Maybe it comes out that she's not the image of virginal purity
you assumed a "goddess" would be. Welcome to the mother of all
"madonna/whore" complexes.
OR...maybe she ends up not having the amount of knowledge of
and/or interest in a particular subject that is deeply important to you.
And you're deflated like a flat tire.
OR...maybe she stinks up the bathroom at your apartment one night
when you're cooking dinner with her.
Strike three.
Any woman (or any human being on Earth) simply cannot measure
up to a yardstick of perfection, can she?
So now you see why everyone loses when we have "goddess
like" expectations when it comes to women.
I mean, the chances of any of us even getting a date with a high-
quality woman are next to nil to begin with when we think like that.
But how depressing is it to think that we're pretty much cratering
everyone's chances at any semblance of happiness even if we DO
create initial attraction on her part?
So c'mon "lady gurus"...how about turning your attention to
empowering women in the context of being real human beings,
without setting both they and the guys they meet up for failure?
And as for us, it's all-important to maintain the level-headed view
that even the most attractive women on Earth are HUMAN, just like
Let that sink in, and you'll find your interactions with women to
be WAY less pressure-packed...and WAY more enjoyable.
So once again, there you have yet another arrow in your quiver when
it comes to going from GOOD to GREAT with women.
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