[X&Y] 4 Easy Ways To End A Losing Streak
Published: Mon, 02/19/24

IN THIS EDITION: Ever find yourself on a losing streak?
Here's how to end it...and make sure it never happens
I saw a bit a few years ago that made fun of how many movie
trailers start off with those words. But it sure seems like it's
true, doesn't it?
But how about this... What is YOUR world like?
Can you imagine a world where every woman was thrilled
by you and eager to do almost anything for you?
If you can, then you already know that having a charming,
masculine presence means everything.
It's the difference between living life basking in the warm light
of feminine favor versus having women barely notice you...if
But what if that latter scenario is more in line with your
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Before I say anything else today, here's a word of encouragement.
If you're currently experiencing anything at all that looks like
a losing streak when it comes to women, you WILL get through it
and get past it.
That is, as long as you're willing to do something about it, as
I'll get to in a bit.
And indeed, even if you're not on a "losing streak" at the moment
I'm about to show you how to make sure it never happens.
But first, I think it's necessary to clarify what usually causes a
"losing streak" to begin with.
To say one is on a "losing streak" (or "in a slump", if you will)
implies that there was a time when one was winning. There has been
a clear change of fortune--in the southbound direction.
Almost always, the beginning of such a slump can be traced to a
particularly bad breakup or heinous incident of rejection from a
particular woman.
Think about that as we go over these four key ways to end a "losing
streak", because it's going to be crucial to keep in mind
Here we go...
Call this the "macro" version of the "three second rule" (which I'm
notoriously not a believer in, by the way).
Don't let yourself wait any longer than three days after a particularly
bad breakup to start meeting women again.
Sure, I know you've been dealt a pretty heavy hit. But the longer
you wait to get on Tinder, talk to women on Twitter and/or spark up
conversations with bank tellers and waitresses the greater the
likelihood "analysis paralysis" is going to kick in.
And I know you guys. You're a particularly intelligent crowd, and
therefore especially prone to this issue.
You know, on second thought you'd be better off not waiting more
than THREE HOURS after a woman harshes your buzz to get out
You've heard the term "forgive and forget". And you probably know
how hard it is to do that.
But I've come to an interesting realization within the past few
years, thanks to Facebook.
I've been really enjoying reconnecting with old friends from high
school and college. There have been some great conversations that
have really made my day.
But crazily, there have been at least two incidences where I've
finished up a very cool conversation with someone only to come to a
stunning realization later.
I had stopped talking to that person years ago because we had been
seriously mad at each other!
Nowadays? Here's the thing. I had clearly forgotten what it was
we were so mad at each other about. And apparently, so did the
other person.
What that says to me is just how silly resentment and bitterness
are, not to mention useless.
All it does is eat at YOU from the inside.
And the simple fact that forgetting about how someone has wronged
you automatically results in forgiveness was a sobering thought to
Time does heal wounds. Big time.
So the question is simply this: Can you internalize that belief
and use it to accelerate the process?
Can you really let go of the resentment you feel toward that woman
for burning you? If you can, it'll benefit YOU.
You can even call forgiveness your "best revenge", if you must, in
order to sleep better at night.
So how does this end your "losing streak? Simple. Forgiving
equals losing bitterness. Losing bitterness equals attracting women
you deserve (e.g. not bitter ones).
Great women stay away from bitter dudes. When you stay bitter, you
stay by yourself.
When you feel like you've "lost", there's no better medicine to
cure what ails you than winning.
One of your first thoughts when you "lose" a woman should be to go
out and WIN at something else.
Intentionally focus on what you're best at, and go out and grab a
victory. Or two. Or six.
Do this rapid fire.
I really don't care whether you're a world-class expert at karaoke,
bowling, salesmanship or Wii. Go out there and kick ass.
And do it FAST.
Why? Because you need your confidence built back to where it
should be.
The beauty of this whole concept is that once you gain confidence
anywhere, you can port that mindset immediately to your
interactions with women.
That's EXACTLY what you need when you're on a losing streak
with women.
This last one could arguably be the least obvious.
There seems to be a pandemic belief out there that meeting someone
new and starting a new relationship takes a whole lot of time and a
whole lot of energy.
And what this belief does to someone who feels like they've just
been kicked to the curb is it freezes them in place.
The last thing we feel like doing when we're feeling defeated is
starting all over again.
It seems intimidating, if not flat-out depressing...but only when the
"limiting belief" I just described is in effect.
But the truth is that meeting someone new and building amazing
rapport with her does not have to take a lot of time.
In fact, the faster it happens, the more authentic that connection
likely is.
Let's say you meet a woman online for coffee.
It could take ten minutes before she says the magic words, "You
know, I've known you for ten minutes, but if feels like we've known
each other for ten years."
And seriously, when you are a "big four" man who ignites femininity
you're likely to shock yourself at how easy it is to get to know a
great woman.
That key idea of inspiring her confidence, making her feel safe and
comfortable with you, is all-important here.
Plus, if you think about it, what's more exciting than discovering
all the "firsts" with an amazing new woman? This should be pure
adrenaline, not drudgery. Right on?
So how about it? I've pretty much broken down here how "losing
streaks" are all in your head, haven't I?
Just like a major league DH who's in a woeful hitting slump hasn't
really lost his talent, neither have you.
He has hit .300 before, and will do so again just as soon as he
snaps out of his funk and reminds himself who the hell he is.
As I've told you before (and as is the central premise of The
Master Plan) you were BORN to attract women.
Just because things went awry with one woman doesn't mean you've
lost your mojo. You've just got to man up and reclaim your
There's no time for feeling sorry for yourself...ever. Slap a diaper
on that mindset.


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