[X&Y] Should You Tell Her THAT, Or Not?
Published: Tue, 02/20/24
WHAT'S INSIDE: Have you ever found yourself wondering whether
you should really have an important conversation with a woman or
Just yesterday I saw another ad claiming to give men the ability to
"trick women into doing anything".
I'm sure to some that sounds great.
But see, I think most of us are decent guys. We actually LIKE
women and don't really want to "trick" them.
Besides, most of us are man enough to understand it's way,
way better to have women in our lives who adore us and are
happy to be there rather than women who are simply swindled
into it.
Well, here's some great news for you.
Did you know that there are simple, logical ways to make women
WANT to do virtually anything for you?
That's right. There's never been any need to "trick" women
And it's been that way all along.
Just like sexy women inspire us as men to WANT to do things
for them, you too can harness your power as a masculine man
to make women giggle with delight as they do anything for you.
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Hundreds of other guys are already in on this and are enjoying the
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If you never discover how to charm women's socks off like this, you
may just remain locked out of a secret world that VERY few men
truly get a glimpse of.
But meanwhile, those who are in the know live a richer, more
fulfilling lifestyle than most guys can even comprehend.
Here's a crazy thing about how we as men tend to operate around
A lot of times, when we consider having a very necessary conversation
with a woman we end up in a "civil war" about it inside our heads.
In other words, one part of us encourages us to go ahead and talk
to her, while the other part warns us that we'd better not.
So what's the big deal?
Well, this may be one of those instances where learning a bit more
about how we think could yield a big-time payoff.
You see, when considering whether or not to talk to a woman about
something, the key variable in our mind is, "How will she respond
to this?"
As a gender, we tend to seek order rather than chaos, and stability
over drama.
So then, the default setting in our minds is to avoid ANYTHING
that's going to potentially cause a strong negative emotional
reaction in a woman.
We really don't like when women get upset, and we especially can't
stand it when they cry.
That's not necessarily a bad thing because all of that supports us
as we seek the greater good of leading, providing and protecting.
The problem arises, however, when we're just flat out too chicken
to face facts that really do need to be out in the open.
We stick our heads in the sand like an ostrich hoping the issue at
hand will go away, and we justify it in the name of keeping order
and avoiding drama.
But really we're just "failing to deploy".
The truth of the matter is that when there's an issue on the table,
you've got to man up and make sure it gets talked about.
Perhaps ironically, that's the REAL way to maintain order and avoid
drama. To run away from the issue is, at best, a short-term "band
aid" solution.
The problem will come back to bite you sooner than later, and will
likely be bigger and more complex than ever.
As an example, let's say that you go out with a woman and she
apparently liked you a LOT more than you liked her.
You don't really want a second date with her, so what do you do?
Well, if you're like most guys you smile and tell her you had a
great time, answer affirmatively when she asks if you're going to
call her...and then you disappear from the face of the Earth, never
to be heard from again.
Why? Because you don't want to deal with her emotions.
But see, that lacks integrity. The poor woman is left to sit by
the phone (and she will), expecting a call that will never come.
As such, you actually create more of a problem than if you'd been
honest with her up front.
Sure, the problem is HERS rather than YOURS, but I'm don't
personally see that as relevant.
If you're a man of character you're just as dedicated to avoiding
problems for others as you are to avoiding them for yourself.
Or how about this classic? Let's say a man really wants to have
sex with a woman he's started dating, but he knows she wants an
exclusive long-term relationship.
Meanwhile, he doesn't want that.
So what does he do? He avoids the whole "relationship" talk until
AFTER he "seals the deal".
Only THEN does he tell the woman he has no interest in being her
steady boyfriend. So it's "no deal" for her.
By design, he shies away from lesser "drama" up front until he gets
what he wants, opting to risk almost certain greater drama and
negative emotion later.
Or hey...maybe he just sticks his head in the sand again instead and
runs away.
Obviously, the two examples I just shared don't reflect the actions
of a high quality human being.
So then, how should our mindset change?
Well first, here's a weird thought. I really don't think that guys
who avoid having important conversations with women on a timely
basis are necessarily BAD guys.
I do, however, think that they're scared.
That's right, the long and the short of it is that they wimp out.
They're either too afraid of the woman's reaction or else they're
afraid it'll be harder to get what they want.
So then, the first order of business here is to remind you of a
very important fact: Most women can handle having a
straightforward, truthful conversation far better than you think.
They really are "big girls" now, for the most part.
What's more, they typically appreciate it. It definitely beats
being treated like a mushroom.
And the clincher? Masculine leadership and boldness turn women on.
So as bizarre as it sounds, your willingness to face the truth with
a woman might actually make her hotter for you than she was
The next time you ask yourself, "Should I talk to her about this? I
propose installing a new decision-making criterion.
Instead of wondering, "How will she respond to this?", ask instead,
"Is it in her best interest to bring this up?"
Let that be your simple "golden rule".
Take for example the universally dreaded "STD talk".
Most guys never have this conversation with a woman at all
because--wait for it--they're afraid it'll "throw water" on their
prospects of having sex with her.
Meanwhile, they put both their own health and that of the woman at
The breathtaking part is how often women follow that lead. Since
HE didn't bring it up, SHE doesn't either.
Instead of worrying about "killing the moment" or "offending her"
with that all-important topic of discussion, the concern should
revolve around doing what's right.
So you man up and talk to her about STDs before having sex with
her. Period, end of story.
And really, it's almost always the case that the conversations that
are in HER best interest to have are also in YOURS.
Should a woman actually become "offended" when you bring up STDs
enough to have a negative emotional reaction, you have to ask
yourself why.
My educated guess is that you may have dodged a bullet in that
case. Think about it.
And as far as "killing the moment" goes, you have two choices.
You can either avoid the issue and have it lingering in the back of
your mind, or you can throw it on the table, get it over with, and
proceed without that concern.
Which is REALLY better...for both of you?
It all comes down to this. If a conversation needs to be had with
a woman, you're better off summoning the courage to do what's in
her best interest and have the talk with her.
Since women are likely to surprise us with their rational adult
behavior vis-à-vis tough conversations, it may end up being a lot
easier to do than you had feared.
Add on the benefits of heading off greater stress down the road at
the pass AND possibly even turning her on and doing the right thing
becomes a "no brainer" decision.
Deserve what you want.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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