[X&Y] 3 Different Types Of Guys (And You've GOT To Know Which One You Are)
Published: Fri, 02/23/24
IN THIS EDITION: Whether you're all about getting married someday
or the exact opposite, today's newsletter is a "must read"...
I've been taking guys out in-field to meet women since the very beginning.
Ask anyone who's ever done a Ten-Plus Live weekend with me and they'll
tell you it's a real eye opener.
Yes, we always meet lots of feminine, adorable women with ease.
There's NEVER been even one instance of a "hard rejection"...and that's
over the course of nearly twelve years.
Nevertheless, I still experience some nervous energy whenever one of
you comes to town It's the kind that reminds me I'm alive.
That's perfectly okay. After all, it's one thing to go out and meet women
for yourself.
It's another thing entirely to do demos in front of someone else, with the
full expectation that they'll go great.
That only means I have to prepare ahead of time.
I get lots of sleep. I hydrate. I drink very little, if any alcohol over the
course of the weekend. I usually even get a fresh haircut.
All of that is fair and reasonable.
But there's one thing that I'll NEVER do before a Ten-Plus Live
I'll NEVER use Pheromone Advantage.
Why not?
It's UNFAIR, that's why.
And as a purist who teaches skills that work, I can't take short cuts.
You see, just as I shared with you yesterday, I know from quite a bit
of personal experience that Pheromones Advantage is like having
an "easy button" under your desk in math class.
It's like entering a Ducati in a bicycle race.
In other words, this is meeting women on steroids:
Actually, it's not exactly like steroids.
It doesn't shrink your balls. Figuratively speaking, it actually has
the opposite effect:
Remember, there's only a bit of time left to score FREE Pheromone
Advantage body soap and FREE shipping with your multi-bottle
The soap makes sure that fragrances in regular soap, colognes,
etc. don't counter the powerful positive effects of Pheromone
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It would be "dirty pool" for me to use Pheromone Advantage on
the job.
But for you every advantage is fair game. You're on "leisure
(Oh, and if you're already in a relationship? Wait until your
woman turns into a tiger before you're very eyes. It rocks.)
Emily got an e-mail once which I'll never forget. It began with
the story of how the woman's boyfriend told her early on that he
was absolutely, positively not interested in ever getting married.
She, however, really wanted a husband someday. But nevertheless,
she stayed with this guy because she really liked him. Weeks
turned into months, which then turned into a year and a half.
Finally, the woman was writing Emily in frustration because the guy
still was showing no interest in putting a ring on her finger.
"How could he do this to me? How could he lead me on like this?
What's wrong with this guy, and how to I get him to pop the
Emily's message back to her was almost painfully concise.
"There's nothing wrong with this guy. He told you exactly what to
expect from him at the beginning, and you simply chose not to take
him at his word."
Essentially, Emily told her that she had nobody to blame for her
current circumstances but herself.
And although that kind of advice doesn't sell e-books to women, it
is indeed the simple, uncomplicated truth. In fact, it's probably
obvious to you as a guy.
But wait a minute, though. It's not as if the scenario in the
example I just gave is anything new or unusual, is it?
If I took a show of hands, my guess is that nearly every one of us
has been in a similar situation. We TELL the chick in plain
English what our goals for our dating life are, and yet she
proceeds as if the conversation NEVER happened.
What on Earth is up with that?
Well, in order to find a solid answer to that question, the place
to start is with the fact that there really are THREE basic kinds
of guys, and you're one of them. Ready?
1) Guys who would love to find one great woman, end the dating
"rat race", get married, enjoy some stability, move on with their life
purpose and maybe start a family
2) Guys who are never, ever going to get married because they
value sexual variety too much and/or straight-up don't believe in
the institution of marriage
3) Guys who don't really know what they want
Interestingly, even within our own gender guys who are Type 2s
generally have no idea what in the world Type 1s are thinking, and
vice-versa. Each thinks the other has rocks in his head, and may
even say so.
Now, since we as guys tend to be pragmatic sorts who pretty much
tell each other how it is, it's not as if we're going to challenge
the validity of another guy's position. After all, what's in it for us,
But women tend to let their minds wander in a different direction
sometimes, especially when they're starting to develop feelings for
a certain guy.
Weirdly, when a woman asks a guy how he feels about long-term
relationships and doesn't hear the answer she was hoping for, she
often tends to automatically assume that he's a Type 3.
In other words, if she's looking to get married someday and her
boyfriend tells her that he's definitely NOT interested in that,
she gravitates toward the notion that he'll surely change his mind.
More specifically, she believes that SHE will be "The One" to
change his mind, if you get my drift.
Now, I'm not going to deny for even a split second that there are a
multitude of guys out there who are indeed Type 3s.
Younger guys in particular often declare that they're never going
to get married only to experience some strange flip of a switch
around age 28 or 30 that triggers a mind change.
But that's not necessarily a given. And when a guy who's in his
late 30s or beyond clearly states what his mindset is, you can bet
that he knows what he's talking about--perhaps to the point where
he'll even freely ADMIT to being a Type 3, if applicable.
With all of that said, you can neatly draw the conclusion that it's
every bit as important for women to understand men as it is for us
to understand them.
After all, look at the predicament the lady who wrote Emily found
herself in. Make no mistake, it's HER FAULT that she's in that
position. Her misunderstanding of how men think and act is HER
PROBLEM, not his.
Granted, just about any guy who vehemently states he's a Type 1 or
a Type 2 could, at least theoretically speaking, really be a Type 3
and someday change his mind. That's a fact.
But the thing is, a woman can't possibly BANK on that, and then get
angry when she loses that bet, pointing the finger of blame at the
So what's the importance of all of this for us? Well, that's
simple. If you've made it VERY clear to a woman where you stand
relative to long-term relationships, marriage and the like then
you've got to make sure she takes you seriously.
Similarly, be as clear as you know how to be, and then be watchful
over time to make sure she isn't assuming that your mind can (and
will) be changed when it likely will not.
Finally, don't allow yourself to be manipulated and/or pressured in
any way by a woman you've been truthful with. Your will matters
every bit as much as hers in any relationship that both of you are
a part of. If you've been straightforward and honest, you've got
nothing to feel guilty about.
So far I've mostly been addressing those of you who are Type 2s and
perhaps Type 3s leaning towards a Type2 mindset.
But how about if you're more of a Type 1? Well, for what it's
worth, women will actually tell us exactly what they're like early
on also.
That means that if you want a wife and a woman tells you she's NOT
interested in marriage, or interested in being married to you in
particular, you must come to grips with that and deal with it.
It's every bit as foolish to assume you can change her mind as it
is for a woman to believe she can change yours.
Hey, wait a minute...maybe that means men and women aren't so
different from each other in this respect after all, right? Go
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