[X&Y] Enjoy Women More (A Must Read)

Published: Sat, 02/24/24

IN THIS EDITION:   When it comes to relating to women, you can be a
chooser or a chaser.  But there's actually a third option.


...and it was GREAT.

Check it out, here's what I mean.

Emily and I were out at another wine tasting event, since
we're into that sort of thing.

As the sommelier went on and on about Zinfandels and
Viogniers, my mind wandered.

I found myself feeling particularly thankful for having Emily
in my life.  Even though she was just sitting there minding
her own business, my gaze turned toward her and I felt
myself smile.

She was irresistibly sexy to me.  Since we were in public, I
simply held her hand.

She turned to me and smiled.  But when the event was
over, I embraced her and kissed her as soon as she stood

Then a weird but wonderful thought hit me.

I told her, "You know, I'm as crazy about you as ever.
After all of this time together, it's like I just met you."

She savored and enjoyed the moment, as did I.

But later while driving home she spilled the beans.

"You know, with the whole pheromone thing you and that
Dr. Amend have been going on and on about on the
phone, I went and found that box he mailed to you."

Immediately I knew what was coming next.  She had found
the bottle labeled "Women's Formula".

I looked over at her and raised an eyebrow.

She responded with an innocent smile and a shrug.

"You have it on right now, huh?", I asked.

All I got was an enthusiastic nod, still smiling.

Well, I have to be honest with you.  It hadn't even occurred
to me to give the Women's Formula to Emily.

But hey, I'll admit I really LIKED what I was feeling.

Suddenly I realized that when we as guys wear our version
of Pheromone Advantage it must be sort of like the closest
thing to Viagra for women.

I arrived at that conclusion because that's EXACTLY how
the Women's Formula was working on me...only with what
I can only described as a "raw attraction" component
attached to it.

So guys, if you're not in on this party yet, it's definitely time
to take a solid look...especially since I talked Dr. Amend into
bringing back his 15% off coupon (SCOT15), along with free
shipping and a free bar of pheromone soap with multi-bottle

Men's Version

And if you'd like a nice JOLT to how you're feeling toward
the woman in your life, try giving her THIS:

Women's Version

By the way, I fully realize there are plenty of women out there
who read this newsletter.  Now you have my solid, first-hand
testimonial that the Women's Version straight-up WORKS:

Women's Version

Listen, Pheromone Advantage is NOT a blanket substitute for
being an attractive, "big four" human being.  Of course not.

But it sure is FUN to supercharge the attraction process with
it.  At this point there's NO DOUBT about that.



I've written to you quite a bit about choosing vs. chasing. 

The key premise there being, of course, that if you want to have
complete control over your dating life you've got to see yourself
as a man who has OPTIONS among women. 

Otherwise, you'll find yourself chasing one woman at a time...
especially if you think she's your only chance at getting a

Basically, if you feel that SHE'S the one who'd be settling for
YOU were she to actually go out with you, you're CHASING.

Yeah, yeah.  You know all of that already.

So the reason for this particular newsletter, then, is to introduce
you to a very viable THIRD option when it comes to how you might
relate to women.

I call it "enjoying women"...mostly because that's the best description
of what's actually going on.

That's right...you don't necessarily have to choose OR chase any
particular woman.  You can simply ENJOY her.

Now, you might be wondering to yourself why you wouldn't be
enjoying a woman even as you choose or chase her.

Well, as per the true, dictionary definition of the word "enjoy",
you certainly might.  In fact you SHOULD.

But what we're talking about here is enjoyment of women apart from
ANY indication of choosing or chasing.

In other words, you can be a chooser, a chaser OR an enjoyer.

Here's how it works.

Typically, whenever we see a hottie we immediately decide whether
we're potentially interested or not.  If the decision is an
affirmative one, our thoughts turn to asking her out. 

We've conditioned ourselves in today's modern culture to make a
move.  Never mind for now how effective we are at actually getting
around to it; the point is that's what's naturally on our mind.

When you make that bold move, you'll either be in choosing mode
or chasing mode...probably from the very start, and depending on
what your mindset is.

But wait...what if you sort of deferred judgment for a bit?

Or, even if you DO know you're attracted, what if you deferred
ACTING on it for a bit?

In most pickup circles hesitation is considered a crucial error in
ANY situation where you encounter a beautiful woman.

But hang with me here for a moment.  What I'm about to show you is
magical, under the proper circumstances.

When you decide to be an enjoyer, you're indeed deferring
immediate action.  In fact, that's the MAJOR differentiator between
enjoying and choosing or chasing.

But you're holding off on making your bold move for a very
specific reason:  To avoid moving directly into the courtship

A-ha...see where I'm going with this?


OK then, let me elaborate a bit.

First off, it's probably best to tell you up front that enjoying
is a strategy that's indeed best used when interacting with women
who are already in your social circle rather than women you, say,
see at the airport and who you may never see again.

If you find a woman you know attractive, enjoying her effectively
lets you savor her presence for the time being, see what she's like
and flirt a bit with her to see how she reciprocates.

In other words, it gives you a chance to sit back and evaluate her
at a deeper level for as long as you like, all without the pressure
of an actual "date".  Instead, you relax and let everything sort
itself out over the course of simple social interaction.

See the magic there?  First dates are stereotypically where all of
that happens.  You literally beat the system by exercising a bit of
patience relative to asking her out so soon after realizing you're
interested in her. 

That might sound good, but it gets better.

Normally, were you to decide to date a woman from the group of
people you normally associate with you'd be socially tied to her.

In other words, it wouldn't go over so well if you were to start
actually dating other women in that social circle at the same time,

But you CAN "enjoy" as many women in your social circle you want,
and simultaneously.  This can only mean that any decision you DO
make to eventually choose one will be an informed one.  Nice.

There's even more, though. 

I've saved the best for last.  Here's the true genius of it all.

I'm convinced that women instinctively know when you're an
enjoyer, and they follow your lead accordingly (as women almost
always do).

So if you were to choose one woman, the others would back off if
they're high quality women.  They'd recognize that you've initiated
the courtship process with a mutual friend, who they wouldn't want
to create drama with.

But when women SENSE you're in enjoying mode, they recognize that
YOU also are to be enjoyed, and that's what they tune themselves
into, as if automatically.

With that established, the whole actual process of taking
inventory of all of those women by flirting with them, seeing
what they're like, etc. can be structured any way you wish. 

In fact, don't be surprised if and when any and all women in your
social circle who aren't exactly interested in anything serious
right now with anyone start hinting at opportunities to get

The degree to which you can exercise discretion (i.e. keep your
mouth shut) will be the degree to which women will hint at this.

If you've ever noticed how there always seems to be ONE guy in your
group of friends who somehow gets the attention of ALL the women
without actually dating ANY of them, now you know his secret.

Unfortunately, unlike him most guys will NEVER get this whole
idea of being an enjoyer.

But as of right now you're in the know.  And having seen how the
whole enjoyment concept works, doesn't that lift a lot of weight
off your shoulders in a way?

It should.  That's because all of the sudden you don't have to
actively pull the trigger so soon on each opportunity with women
that comes your way, especially if we're talking about your
established, recurring social circle.
Here are two quick notes before closing.

First, remember a while back when I shared the old story about two
bulls on a hill with you?   Looking at all the cows in the valley
below, the younger one excitedly talks about "running down there
and getting one!"  But the older bull calmly suggests that they
"walk down there and get 'em all".

I've just shown you the pragmatic, objective way to "walk down
there and get 'em all".

Second, recognize that online dating may be the ULTIMATE venue for
enjoying women. 

Think about it.  Every woman's profile is a social circle unto

You can evaluate and enjoy women you start interacting with online
as much as you'd like--and STILL go out on "dates" with them all
the while.



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