[X&Y] A Choice Four-Letter Word For You...

Published: Wed, 03/06/24


WHAT'S INSIDE: Use this four-letter-word too much
around women and you'll find yourself at a serious
disadvantage. (Hint: It's not a brutal curse word...
and no, it's not "love" either.)



Over the last 18 years, men who have put me to work for
them have all shared several key things in common.

1) They were great guys with a genuine love for women.

2) They were fed up with turning pages on the calendar
without seeing any better results.

3) They all got wonderful results with women that exceeded
their expectations...leaving them to wonder why they
waited so long to go for it.

And here's the fascinating part. Nearly EVERY one of those
same guys started out asking the exact same question:


“What happens if I go for it–put in the time, effort and
resources–and yet, in the end I still don’t see results?
I’ll feel even worse than if I hadn’t done anything at all.”

That's right, it has been perfectly NORMAL for them to wonder
aloud if they're going to be the first guy who I can't help get

But they were not.  And like I did for them, I guarantee
thrilling results for you also.

I realize how easy it is to put off coaching.  It's as if there's
a weird mental block...even when you really want the
profound and triumphant change it will affect in your life.

Many men stay on the fence for one simple reason: fear.

It’s kind of like skydiving. You want to feel the rush, cross it
off of your “bucket list” and say you’ve conquered it.

Jumping out of the plane is by far the hardest part.  When
the door to the airplane opens, you’re consumed with what
might happen if the chute doesn’t deploy.

But once you go for it you’ll feel the exhilaration of the
adventure and the thrill of conquering your trepidation…
especially after you land safely.

That and the real results are why so many men report
wishing they had done coaching YEARS ago.

So you’re left with a choice.

You can find the courage and jump, rejoicing with your
friends once you float safely to the ground.

Or…you can stay on the plane and land with it, only to look
on in disappointment and grumble in frustration as your
friends who went for it rejoice together.

In that sense, I'm a lot like a skydiving instructor. Even though
this may be your first jump, I've done this countless times.

As such, I can help you conquer the fear of the unknown,
encouraging you toward greatness…all the while confidently
knowing you’ll get fantastic results like all the others before

So what's it going to be?  Is today the day you're ready to
start getting the results with women you know you deserve?

Write me today at:


..and tell me your story.  Whoever you are, I can custom-
craft a plan of action for you that fits exactly what you
want to do...whatever your dream result is.

That goes whether you want to date several women at
once who all adore you, identify and attract the best
woman you've ever met, or anything in between.

It's also easy to schedule a quick 25-minute call with me
to explore the absolute best way to get you stunning,
powerful results in record time.

Let me know you'd like to get on the phone with me by
scheduling your call here:



A major part of my job as coach is to motivate.  So here
it is:  I know from first-hand experience that you CAN
get the woman (or women) in your life you really want.

It's only a matter of when you take a stand and boldly
say you're ready to succeed where most guys shy away.



You're actually about to get the first half of a two-part series from

Instead of just giving you ONE word you should re-think using so
much, I'm actually going to get around to giving you TWO.

They're both "four letter words".  But relax...I'm not your grandma
(at least not yet), and I have no plans to wash your grubby mouth
out with soap.

Actually, you know well enough by now to know I'm not going to
waste a perfectly good newsletter telling you not to curse so much.

Besides, every man of character already knows that apart from a
select few VERY isolated exceptions (e.g. hip hop artist, drill
sergeant), cursing can only HURT your career and your social
standing.  It can almost NEVER help.

Instead, I'm going to give you two words that are actually
all-too-common even among pre-school teachers and Disney
Channel starlets.

The first is "HATE".

Starting right now, work on intentionally eliminating that word
from your vocabulary.

Clearly, of course, full on "hate speech" is on a different level
than casual use of the word.  We're all probably avoiding that sort
of thing already.

But think about it.  People tend to glibly pronounce how much they
"hate" all sorts of things...all the time, all day long.

"Oh, I hate when that happens."

"I hate licorice."

"I hate this commercial"

Hate is a strong word, isn't it?  It's an inflammatory version of
mere "dislike".

As such, when you cut it from your vocabulary, there's a
fascinating and wonderful result. 

You instantaneously and magically become a more positive person.

In a brave new world where more and more people are adopting the
premise of "ridding their life of negative people", it's good to
know you now have a dead simple way to dramatically decrease the
chances of perfectly decent people blotting you out from your
social circle.

You can kind of put what I'm suggesting to the test, if you'd like.
The next time you're around a woman who's a cutie and actually kind
of nice, pay attention to how much she uses the "H word". 

In your mind, correlate the frequency with which she uses it to how
positive your feelings are for her. 

I'll bet you a buck that the more she says "hate" in casual
conversation, the less you like her. 

In fact, if you see this phenomenon in action before your very
eyes, you can actually "call it out", as mentioned a few
newsletters ago.

"You know, you hate all sorts of things", you might tell her.  "Why
be so negative."

It might floor you when she tells you she didn't even REALIZE she
was saying "hate" so much.   She may have had no real desire to
come off as such a negative person.

So that's the FIRST word.   And what I said about it probably seems
logical, no?

But on the other hand, the SECOND word is likely to surprise you.  

In fact, I'm going to have some 'splainin' to do in order to even
give you the full impact of WHY you should monitor your usage of it
FAR more than you do presently.

As such, I'm going to save it until next time, when I can give you
the full low-down on it.

But rest assured, it's such a KILLER...especially when it comes to
creating attraction...that you'll thank me for letting you in on the
secret.  Stay tuned...



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