[X&Y] What Stops 99.9% Of Men From Meeting Women

Published: Sat, 03/16/24


IN THIS EDITION:  If you tend to be intimidated by going after
the highest quality women, today's newsletter is for you.



Right now I have exactly two more Ten-Plus coaching slots left
available, and scheduling is now open for Ten-Plus Live
experiences from mid-April onward.

Ten-Plus is, of course, a uniquely-crafted coaching plan designed
to take you from where you are now to where you want to be in as
little as 90 days.

High-character men such as Navy S.E.A.L.s, military officers,
doctors, celebrities, serial entrepreneurs and more have done
Ten-Plus and/or Ten-Plus Live programs with me in the past.

Hundreds of other guys have as well...from all walks of life, and
from every corner of the globe.

What every man who does so has in common is a sincere desire
to deserve what they want and never settle.

Meanwhile, Ten-Plus Live is an intensive 4-day in-field experience
here in San Antonio, TX where you get the customized, undivided
attention you want and deserve. This is an exclusive opportunity for
a select few.

By the end of the weekend you'll have the fine-tuned ability to
meet women, charm them, make them love you, get their numbers
and choose from your favorites.

E-mail me at scot@deservewhatyouwant.com and tell me your

If you would fine out more over the phone, here's the place to
schedule that.  My direct number is actually on this page as

Reserve Your Time Slot

You can also schedule a one-off session right away if you have a
particular sticking-point you want to get handled today once and for

Remember, I'm one of the best in the world at what I do.  Without
exception, guys who work with me claim that my best work is done
live and in person.

This means that coaching with me is not inexpensive.  But if you've
priced the typical "bootcamp" you'll be pleasantly surprised to find
that you can get 1-on-1 coaching for about the same price. 

If you have just about everything going for you in life except the
right woman to share it with, this is the ultimate investment in



Are you having a hard time believing that the highest-quality women
on Earth are ever--in a million years--going to be interested in YOU?

Well, guess what?  As is often the case, this just might have more to
do with what you think than with what women themselves think.

One magic principle that is often the culprit is this:

"High quality" is a relative term when it comes to women.
...especially as it pertains to exactly those factors I'd call
"hotness triggers" that paralyze you when it's time to approach.

What on Earth could I possibly mean by that?

Let me break it down for you.

Yes, the highest quality women on earth have strong character, kind
hearts, and stable emotions.  They respect and enjoy masculinity.

All of that isn't negotiable for any guy who is dead-set against
settling for less than he wants.

But let's face it.  When was the last time you chickened out from
approaching a woman for any of the reasons I just shared?

Let me guess...  Never.

After all, you really can't tell what she's like inside if you've
never met her before, which is usually the case when approach
anxiety hits.

Granted, I said usually.

Sure, you may have noticed a particular woman has a warm smile or
something from afar.  

Then again, so does your grandma.

For all I know, you could even be secretly in love with someone
at work or school.  And yeah, having talked to her a bit you know
she's a sweetheart.

But level with me here.  There are plenty of women who have great
personalities and solid character out there who you have zero
problem walking right up and talking to.  You know, to ask what
time it is, order your lunch, etc.

Why is that?  What gives?

Well the difference is, they don't physically attract you sexually.

It's the particularly sexy ones who get you all wadded up in

The bottom line is that you get tangled up in the sexual fantasy
such that it all starts seeming "too good to be true" that she
would ever like you back.

Let me spell it out:  The "Too Good To Be True Factor" is what
messes with your head and tells you there's no way a woman will
possibly ever really like you.  

Why not?  Well, because you actually like her also, of course.

Realize this:  Such an assumption is grounded upon absolutely
as far as objective reality is concerned.  

AND...fortunately for you, me and every other guy that's exactly the
area where "high quality" is a relative term.

Because "high-quality" means the whole package, inside and out.

If Olivia Wilde showed up buck-naked at my door--holding a six
pack of Guinness--I probably wouldn't even get aroused.

Seriously.  She does nothing for me.

I can't really explain it.  She's just not my type.

Now some of you are probably out there shaking a fist at your
computer screen thinking I must be wacky in the head because I
don't think Olivia Wilde is all that.  

Others of you are thanking me for finally calling out what
you've thought all along.


No matter what, I think we can all agree that what's "hot" to you
may not be "hot" to me, and vice-versa.  Ask any other guy out
there his opinion, and it might be completely different altogether.

And that's the thing.

It's probably only the women you think are hotties that intimidate

The "Too Good To Be True" factor kicks in and/or you automatically
assume the competition must be too fierce.

Other women you might be able to go talk to without any trepidation
at all.  Meanwhile, several of your friends may think she's a
veritable paragon of female perfection.  

They may go so far as to consider you fearless for having talked
to her in such a calm, collected manner.

Oddly, she may have even been attracted to you when you spoke to
her so confidently, which could have been an awkward moment for

Have you ever taken all of this into consideration?  Have you ever
even put this big picture together before in the way I'm
describing it?

So, what if you could empower yourself with this knowledge?

What if you could really believe that your type isn't necessarily
every other guy's type?

Could you then, once and for all, realize that the women you prefer
are still normal human beings?  That they may not be getting
utterly hammered for dates by every, single guy out there?

And what's more, can you--as a man who deserves what he wants--
begin to realize that maybe, just maybe, the kind of women you are
most attracted to are the ones who will more than likely be attracted
to a guy like you in return?

Look, my guess is that Olivia Wilde really couldn't give a rip whether
I'm attracted to her or not.  She has plenty of attention coming at
her from elsewhere.

And no, as the saying goes, "you can't kiss all the girls".  You're
no better (or worse) than any other guy out there in that respect.

But if you equip yourself with the fact that nobody can be
everyone's proverbial cup of tea--even the women you go nuts over
--then my guess is that you will start to see things differently.

And realizing that another guy's "10" is your "6 ½" (and vice-versa)
may be just the logical encouragement you need to talk to woman who
knocks your socks off like the normal, merely mortal human being she

She's probably getting "swept off her feet" by a high-quality man
like you far, far less often than you think.  Go talk to her!



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