[X&Y] This Month's Masterclass: The "Just Be Friends" Zone
Published: Sat, 03/23/24
If there was a Mount Rushmore of dilemmas
men find themselves in with women, getting
banished to the dreaded "Just Be Friends"
Zone would be on it.
Hell, it would probably be George Washington.
First, if it has happened to you, you're NOT
alone. Virtually NO MAN gets a "free pass",
even if he's won the "genetic lottery".
But what's more, getting "JBFed" is the
I mean, you've met a woman who just DOES
IT for you in every way...
...but she WON'T go out with you...at least
not on a real date.
Meanwhile, she tells you weird crap like:
"I like you, just not in THAT way."
"I wouldn't want to risk our friendship by
dating you."
Or the absolute most cringeworthy
line of them all...
"You're like a brother to me."
I mean, not only are you getting NOWHERE
with her romantically, it feels patronizing.
Downright emasculating, even.
...one day, after you've quietly sat and
endured her complaining about all of her
other jerkwad boyfriends...
...and given her all the advice, along with
a shoulder to cry on afterward, she blurts
out something to the effect of THIS
"You're such a catch. Why are you still
I mean...you're sitting right there!
Gentlemen, enough is enough. This
pattern has to STOP, already:
Masterclass For Men: The "Just Be Friends" Zone
And here's the good news...
Despite all the bizarre advice out there on
this like, "just share your feelings with her
more clearly", or (this is nuts), "you didn't
'escalate kino' enough as soon as you
met her"...
...there are very REAL ways to GET
OUT of the "Just Be Friends" Zone...
And yes, you are in TOTAL CONTROL,
whether you realize it or not.
In this month's Masterclass For Men,
you'll finally get ALL the answers you
need to revolutionize women's interest
You'll start igniting real, primal attraction
that makes them WANT you...
...not just want cool free stuff from you, or
to have you help them move (again):
Masterclass For Men: The "Just Be Friends" Zone
If you think about it, for all these years you've
heard plenty of advice that doesn't work.
But what has always been missing is
getting a handle on what's actually GOING
ON when a woman "JBFs" you.
The truth is not all "JBF" situations are created
You first have to know what you keep getting
into before you can know how to get out of it...
...and make sure it NEVER happens again.
Masterclass For Men: The "Just Be Friends" Zone
This coming Wednesday, March 27th
at 8pm EDT is when the veil finally gets
lifted on this most mystifying of frustrations
with women:
Masterclass For Men: The "Just Be Friends" Zone
Yes, this one has been a long time coming,
so it will be popular.
Secure your ticket for this Masterclass For
Men before they're all gone.
From now on, be one of the few (and the
proud) who NEVER has to deal with this
crazy and humiliating situation with women
EVER again:
Masterclass For Men: The "Just Be Friends" Zone
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