[X&Y] This Is How You Destroy Neediness Forever
Published: Sun, 03/31/24
IN THIS EDITION: If you are serious about truly
deserving what you want instead of settling for
mediocrity, today's newsletter could be the most
important one I've ever written.
Yesterday I announced the return of the rare
opportunity to select any three of my fifteen
major programs for the price of one.
As you might imagine, this is a popular promo
so here's a reminder that today is the last day
to capitalize on it.
Specify three of my programs you'd like for
me to send you, and I'll send you all of them
Any Three Programs Of Your Choice For The Price Of One
Choose from The Big 4 Man Challenge,
Behind Closed Doors, The Master Plan, The
Man's Approach, Female Persuasion, The
Leading Man, Invincible, Get Together Stay
Together, Online Dating Domination 3.0,
Virtuosity, The Difference, Un-Settled or yes...
even The Walking Code or Massage Your
Your Choice 3-For-1
Want a quick-reference refresher on what
each respective program is about?
No problem...take a look and then click the
big red button near the bottom of the page:
That link above will empower you to make
a fully informed decision.
All that's left to do is get your hands on the
three programs of your choice, enjoy them,
and watch your fortunes with women increase
before your very eyes...starting today.
Much of the time the advice you read about not being needy,
avoiding clinginess, and eliminating manipulative tendencies plays
something like a Nike ad: "Just Do It".
But putting practical concepts behind such ideas can be elusive.
Last night I was on the phone with a guy who is about midway
through his Ten-Plus program. He had brought up an interesting
issue earlier in the day via e-mail:
"I realized all the changes I've been making have been for
obtaining positive responses from people. Perhaps what I've done
is valid, but I did it to be liked. I did it to try and manipulate how
people perceive me."
When I called him and started listening to more about what he was
getting at, it occurred to me that he actually felt a bit guilty
about being socially popular and women adoring him.
What threw me was that he used the word "manipulate" to describe
how he felt he had brought all of this about.
But when I finally grasped exactly what he was feeling, I simply
stated, "You know, you aren't a 'manipulator' simply because people
are giving you the type of social approval you've always desired".
You have every human right to be appreciated and to be approved of.
We all want that, and it's not at all a negative thing to enjoy the logical,
natural results of being generous, giving, and downright cool towards
people. And there's no guilt in being a magnet for women."
The words were more of an epiphany to him than I had even guessed.
In reality, being authentic about wanting to make the lives of those
around you better naturally begets approval from them.
Others appreciate your social demeanor towards them, and happily
reward you. And enjoying that reward, in a very real way validates
your actions towards others.
It's like a self-perpetuating cycle, loosely related to the good-old
Golden Rule: You become a man who enriches the lives of others,
and your life is thereby enriched to a greater degree.
The secret to success, from a social standpoint, is all in the
nature of the outward intentions you have and your ability to
execute upon them
Take ANY aspect of this level of social interaction and throw it
into disarray, and the entire house of cards comes crashing down.
Here are the four possible sides of what I mean:
1) Offer unconditional validation and goodwill while rejecting
validation and goodwill from others
Become a doormat, therefore, and open oneself to easy manipulation.
This can even come off as arrogance, as oddly tragic as that sounds.
No matter what, there is no respect for the "giver".
The polar opposite of this state of affairs would be...
2) Feign unconditional positive concern for others, while the real
intent is purely selfish gain
This is the very definition of social manipulation. It's also what registers
as neediness in the minds of most.
Now consider the two ends of the spectrum at large...
3) Little positive concern for others, little concern over personal
IN THIS EDITION: If you are serious about truly
deserving what you want instead of settling for
mediocrity, today's newsletter could be the most
important one I've ever written.
Yesterday I announced the return of the rare
opportunity to select any three of my fifteen
major programs for the price of one.
As you might imagine, this is a popular promo
so here's a reminder that today is the last day
to capitalize on it.
Specify three of my programs you'd like for
me to send you, and I'll send you all of them
Any Three Programs Of Your Choice For The Price Of One
Choose from The Big 4 Man Challenge,
Behind Closed Doors, The Master Plan, The
Man's Approach, Female Persuasion, The
Leading Man, Invincible, Get Together Stay
Together, Online Dating Domination 3.0,
Virtuosity, The Difference, Un-Settled or yes...
even The Walking Code or Massage Your
Your Choice 3-For-1
Want a quick-reference refresher on what
each respective program is about?
No problem...take a look and then click the
big red button near the bottom of the page:
That link above will empower you to make
a fully informed decision.
All that's left to do is get your hands on the
three programs of your choice, enjoy them,
and watch your fortunes with women increase
before your very eyes...starting today.
Much of the time the advice you read about not being needy,
avoiding clinginess, and eliminating manipulative tendencies plays
something like a Nike ad: "Just Do It".
But putting practical concepts behind such ideas can be elusive.
Last night I was on the phone with a guy who is about midway
through his Ten-Plus program. He had brought up an interesting
issue earlier in the day via e-mail:
"I realized all the changes I've been making have been for
obtaining positive responses from people. Perhaps what I've done
is valid, but I did it to be liked. I did it to try and manipulate how
people perceive me."
When I called him and started listening to more about what he was
getting at, it occurred to me that he actually felt a bit guilty
about being socially popular and women adoring him.
What threw me was that he used the word "manipulate" to describe
how he felt he had brought all of this about.
But when I finally grasped exactly what he was feeling, I simply
stated, "You know, you aren't a 'manipulator' simply because people
are giving you the type of social approval you've always desired".
You have every human right to be appreciated and to be approved of.
We all want that, and it's not at all a negative thing to enjoy the logical,
natural results of being generous, giving, and downright cool towards
people. And there's no guilt in being a magnet for women."
The words were more of an epiphany to him than I had even guessed.
In reality, being authentic about wanting to make the lives of those
around you better naturally begets approval from them.
Others appreciate your social demeanor towards them, and happily
reward you. And enjoying that reward, in a very real way validates
your actions towards others.
It's like a self-perpetuating cycle, loosely related to the good-old
Golden Rule: You become a man who enriches the lives of others,
and your life is thereby enriched to a greater degree.
The secret to success, from a social standpoint, is all in the
nature of the outward intentions you have and your ability to
execute upon them
Take ANY aspect of this level of social interaction and throw it
into disarray, and the entire house of cards comes crashing down.
Here are the four possible sides of what I mean:
1) Offer unconditional validation and goodwill while rejecting
validation and goodwill from others
Become a doormat, therefore, and open oneself to easy manipulation.
This can even come off as arrogance, as oddly tragic as that sounds.
No matter what, there is no respect for the "giver".
The polar opposite of this state of affairs would be...
2) Feign unconditional positive concern for others, while the real
intent is purely selfish gain
This is the very definition of social manipulation. It's also what registers
as neediness in the minds of most.
Now consider the two ends of the spectrum at large...
3) Little positive concern for others, little concern over personal
This illustrates lack of self-respect, and therefore an inability
to respect others. This is the stuff personal hopelessness and
despair is made of.
And finally...
4) Genuine unconditional concern for others, expectation of
positive response from others
to respect others. This is the stuff personal hopelessness and
despair is made of.
And finally...
4) Genuine unconditional concern for others, expectation of
positive response from others
This is, by definition, what mutual respect is all about. In order to
truly respect (and therefore enrich) others we must hold our own
measure of self-respect to a golden standard.
We do not allow ourselves to tolerate mistreatment by others, even
as we treat others fairly and reasonably.
Do you see now how all of that (respect, approval, neediness,
selfishness, selflessness and manipulation) sorts itself out?
If not, read this newsletter several times until it starts to make
sense. Doing so could illuminate your ability to deserve what you
want more than most people will ever comprehend.
Just for good measure, here are some other thoughts that my friend
and I discussed on the phone...all pertinent:
1) A "needy" or "clingy" approval-seeker's primary problem is that
he is still in his own head, rather than considering others first.
truly respect (and therefore enrich) others we must hold our own
measure of self-respect to a golden standard.
We do not allow ourselves to tolerate mistreatment by others, even
as we treat others fairly and reasonably.
Do you see now how all of that (respect, approval, neediness,
selfishness, selflessness and manipulation) sorts itself out?
If not, read this newsletter several times until it starts to make
sense. Doing so could illuminate your ability to deserve what you
want more than most people will ever comprehend.
Just for good measure, here are some other thoughts that my friend
and I discussed on the phone...all pertinent:
1) A "needy" or "clingy" approval-seeker's primary problem is that
he is still in his own head, rather than considering others first.
"Neediness" means he is preoccupied about getting his own needs
met. The one who is willing to prioritize giving validation over
receiving validation is the one who is more likely to get validation
and approval. This is because such approval is a reward rather
than something that is demanded.
2) Similarly, respect cannot be demanded effectively any more than
He who respects himself enough to not be a doormat can respect
others accordingly. The desired level of respect is therefore naturally
earned in a bloodless coup of sorts.
Contrast this with "badboy" guys who command respect through fear
and intimidation. The "respect" afforded them is hollow, and
therefore unfulfilling...especially from women.
3) Manipulation is the fake shadow of effective social skill.
It's an imitation, exactly as pickup techniques are an imitation
of genuine manhood in a social context with attractive women.
The manipulator should only expect to effectively manipulate
"doormats", who will have no real foundation for bestowing respect,
as we've already noted.
In other words, manipulation cannot bring about genuine respect
or approval...only disingenuous imitations thereof.
4) The manipulator is self-serving, which is a perversion of
self-respecting in every sense. The manipulator's mindset is not
evolved enough to realize that ham fisting one's desired results on
one's own terms can only--at best--result in the effect the
manipulator himself envisions. Meanwhile...
5) ...He who respects self and therefore others finds that his social
rewards are lavished upon him by others on their terms, which very
often exceeds imagination's grasp...and typically better and more
exciting than any outcome that could have been manipulated.
So by definition, this experience far exceeds any potential hollow
And ALL of the above, when considered together, should describe
once and for all why the sex-focused man complains that women are
"dead lays".
Similarly, now you have a clear picture as to why the man who
provides leadership with confidence, direction and--most of
all--genuine positive concern is the one you'll never hear
complaining that there are "no good women in [insert your country
here] nowadays".
He operates with a clear conscience. He naturally draws the
adoration and respect of those around, especially highly desirable
MOTOS. It is he who understands how it is a man becomes a
"chooser" versus a "chaser".
He deserves what he wants.
More and more, I'm hearing questions from guys just like you that
center around a common theme: You're sick and tired of being told
that band-aids and quick fixes are what make a guy successful
when it comes to having the dating life you want.
You know there's more to life than pickup and seduction, and
you're ready to find out once and for all what deserving what you
want really means.
For the vast majority of you, what you want is full control over a
successful dating life.
And more than that even, you want to be able to find the greatest
woman you've ever met.
The question remains, however: Will you be able to attract her and
deserve her when you find her?
Frankly, I know there are bunches of women out there reading this
also, and your concerns are similar.
Today you've been given a massive piece of that puzzle in the form
of taking effective ways humans relate to each other--and the
understanding thereof--to a whole new level.
But you know as well as I that becoming someone who is serious
about never, ever settling for less than you want is a process.
And every single bit of practical know-how takes you one step
closer to that incredible state of deserving what you want.
For most people, that is something that eludes them for an entire


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