[X&Y] Are Women "The Enemy"? (Rhetorical Question Alert)

Published: Sat, 01/13/24


IN THIS EDITION: Most of us love women, no doubt. But man, you
wouldn't think so considering what a "war zone" it can look like
out there...



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With seven billion other people sharing the planet with the
relatively insignificant number of us who are reading this
newsletter, you would think that most of us would naturally intuit
that men and women were designed to get along with each other.

After all, how else did we all get here?

Certainly male/female relations have taken a major hit in the
media lately.

Yet, if you look around at some of the "dating advice" and
"seduction training" that is popular nowadays--especially for the
guys--you'd think that the opposite sex were the Viet Cong or
Al Qaeda...only more mysterious and potentially dangerous.

Seriously, are we wanting to fill our lives with great women or
launch the Tet Offensive?

Who can be sure? After all, when guys get together to learn how to
divide and conquer...er...go meet women, it's almost universally called
a "boot camp". 

And who cares if the concept of "sarging" was named after a cat? It
has a nice ring to it, at least in this context. Some writings go so
far as to openly use military-inspired imagery.

And whatever is going on, it had better be a covert "underground"
operation.  If the women ever found out what was being
clandestinely strategized, our top-secret mobilization would be
rendered useless.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if soon someone started marketing his
or her latest and greatest seduction product as "recently
declassified by the CIA".

Actually, on second thought...too late.  I've seen something to
that effect also.

Meanwhile, behind "enemy lines"--the whereabouts of which may be
poetically summarized as the "No Man's Zone"--the latest recon
reveals the insidious plot that the "Pinkos" (Emily would consider
this a compliment if taken literally, by the way) are scheming. 

Basically, their plan is to get the Evil Male Empire to (gasp!)
defect to their side.  And they have their ways of making us talk.
And be more sensitive.  And stop being so...well...masculine. 

OK, that's enough.  As much as I'm amusing myself to no end over
here, my stomach can only take so much.

Here it is:  We're never going to get anywhere with the other
sex--especially the highest echelon thereof--if we can't friggin'
stand them.

Granted, maybe it's not all that dire.  My baseline opinion is that
guys who dive headlong into the pickup community often end up
participating in more of a live version of "Call Of Duty" then
anything having to do with real relationships with women. 

Maybe someone should come out with a game called "Frustration"
as a follow-up to "Rage".  It could be set at a club on South Beach.

But let's be fair.  Some guys earn their stripes fair and square
out there on the "battlefield" and become pretty effective pickup

Getting a bunch of digits, Facebooks and/or e-mails at a club and
then comparing scores with your buddies at 2am sounds like a blast,
But it's more like "laser tag with a liquor license" than anything
relevant to actual attraction and seduction. 

Become good enough at pickup and you basically don't have to
worry about even getting alone with a woman ever again. 

So then, it's actually not a "war on women" or anything.  I think
most guys like women, when you get right down to it.

Therefore, this is more like wondering aloud what a dog does once
he actually catches the car he's chasing. 

And that, gentlemen, is exactly as far as "paint-by-numbers" pickup
game gets you.  

Welcome to the hidden issue at play here.  Sure, the "real life
video game" can be a lot of fun for certain guys.

But that still leaves the women waiting for some men to actually
care enough about them to show up and partake of their feminine
gifts (which, interestingly enough, stretch far deeper than their
phone numbers).

As for the ladies, I can't exactly say they're necessarily going about
things in any less dysfunctional a manner. 

A female friend of mine once summed up popular "dating advice"
for women quite well when she said, "I think all of that stuff is pretty
much designed to help women find closure after they've been

Those were her words, not mine. 

Then again, having just typed them with my own hand pretty much
makes them my words too, doesn't it?

Elsewhere, women's self-esteem is allegedly requiring such
emergency triage that they need to be taught they're "divine
goddesses" who can do no wrong.  In other words, it's all his fault
(whoever "he" is).

Think I'm kidding?  There's even a book out there written around
the premise that every single problem women experience is
actually the man's problem....and it's written by a guy.

Whatever happened to having confidence in the other gender? 

It must have fluttered away with the pandemic rise in lack of
confidence in ourselves that we see nowadays, huh?

Face it:  two neuter creatures cannot become sexually attracted
to each other. 

Neuter and spay your cats and dogs and they'll lay around the house
staring at each other. Then they'll eat. Then they'll take a nap. 

You, on the other hand, don't necessarily have to live that

You can experience the fantastic depth life offers when you take a
chance and enjoy women because you expect the best from them.

Is that too optimistic for you?

Yeah, well...think like that and you may get burned here and there.

After all, human nature transcends the boundaries of sexuality.

But it still beats sitting around playing video games.



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