[X&Y] "No Disappointments"

Published: Wed, 01/24/24

 Do you REALLY know what you want in a woman? Here's how to make sure...


WHAT'S INSIDE:  Do you REALLY know what you want
when it comes to women?



By now you're ready to stop TALKING about getting better with 
women and actually DO something about it instead.
But which one of my programs should you start with?  They're
all packed with practical steps and proven to change the fortunes
of men everywhere.
Well, you don't have to decide on just one:
Three Programs Of Your Choice For The Price Of One

It's easy.  Just go to the link above and seize the opportunity
It's usually a 2-for-1, but for the next 48 hours you get three.

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Behind Closed Doors, The Master Plan, The Leading Man, The
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That's THREE for ONE, for the next 48 hours only:
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By and large (whatever that means), the vast majority of us have 
no idea
what we really want when choosing a woman. 

We may feel as if "we'll know it when we see it" or something like
that, but beyond ticking the obvious checkboxes (i.e. "Um...really
hot and kind of fun to be with, I guess.") we don't ever objectively
identify the exact details of who the woman of our dreams REALLY

Maybe it's because there's a stigma around being "too picky". 

Maybe it's because we've been brainwashed to believe that either...

1) ...nobody really ever gets who they want, or worse...

2)  ...that we' re shallow for having high standards in every way.

Well, let me unconditionally throw my full support toward being
"too picky".  And if someone ever tells you you're "shallow" for
wanting it all, send him or her to me.  I've got your back.

So with that formality out of the way, what do you do to make sure
you're on the right track here?

Simple.  You make an Excel spreadsheet. 

In it, you list the TOP TEN traits you deem important in a woman.
I don't care what they are.  You are the sole judge of what's on
the list. 

Make a column for each trait.

Then, in each of several rows below type in the name of a woman you
are currently dating or want to date.  You can even list women
you've known or dated in the past for reference.

Once you have the names written down, rank each woman from 1-10
under each respective trait in accordance with how you feel she
measures up to the ultimate standard you have in mind.

Then, add up the numbers at the end of the column.  Out of 100
possible points, each woman will have a grade.

Now I know what you're saying.  This sure seems like a stone cold
way to evaluate women.

Well it may look that way at first glance, but the truth is that
most of us as guys tend to evaluate women very subjectively. 

Going purely by a "seat of the pants" impression of how much we
like a particular woman can get a bit confusing--or even misleading
--when we know several women, can't it?

This is especially true when ALL of those women are fantastic,
and ALL of whom are completely different as individuals.

So yes, it's assumed you already have an emotionally positive
feeling toward each of the women you're considering.

Rather, the method I just described to you is a way of grounding
your mindset, so you can effectively temper your subjective,
emotional response to women with factors you've decided were
important ahead of time.

Notice I said, "ahead of time".  No fair making your spreadsheet
AFTER you start dating someone.  

Even though I did suggest running the numbers for previous
girlfriends as a reference exercise, trust me when I tell you
you're VERY LIKELY to weigh your spreadsheet in favor of women
you WANT to score well if you already know them and like them.

So for that specific reason it's best to have a clean slate.

And now, here's what's arguably even more important than the
list of traits you want:  you've got to make a list of deal breakers
as well.

This list has no limit with regard to the number of entries that
can be on it.  And it doesn't require any scaling from 1-10.

Rather, it's completely binary..."Yes" or "No".

And on that list are all the absolute non-starters that should
unequivocally disqualify ANY woman you are seeing.

Again...I don't care what's actually ON the list.  That's up to you.
But whatever you write down on that,list you've got to promise
yourself RIGHT NOW that if you ever see any of it show up in a
particular woman you are dating, it's breakup time. 

No ifs, ands or buts.  No passing "go" or collecting $200.

If you build both the spreadsheet and the deal breaker list and
live by them closely, your chances of having to deal with excessive,
mind-numbing and potentially life-altering drama will go WAY, WAY

In fact, most guys who overlook what I'm sharing with you today are
almost sure to end up with the wrong woman...and as a direct result
are equally likely to end up in divorce court. 

If you think I'm kidding, simply look at the public statistics.

So like the list of traits you want, it's crucial that you create the deal
breaker list BEFORE you start dating.  That is, BEFORE you start
dating someone who is so hot she causes you to excuse what may
have been a clear deal breaker...if only you had written it down
before meeting her.

The deal breaker list clears your head about what you DON'T want,
much as the spreadsheet of desired traits gives you clarity about
what you DO want.

Think of both lists as two halves of a pact you make with yourself
at the very beginning of your journey to becoming amazing with

When it's in writing on paper...perhaps even endorsed with your
own signature, you'll always have an immediate an undeniable
touchstone to your reality as perceived long before ever being
"clouded by beauty vision" (more on that tomorrow).

Be Good,

Scot McKay

P.S.   A number of years ago a certain guy in New York state made
the big mistake of sharing his spreadsheet with a former girlfriend. 

As a result, it went viral on the Internet. 

Be sure to file that lesson away in your back pocket.  Absolutely,
positively keep your documentation to yourself...for sure.


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