[X&Y] You Become Her Hero When You Do This

Published: Tue, 01/30/24


IN THIS EDITION: Making her feel safe and
comfortable in your presence? That's only the



Tomorrow Night: 1/31/24 @8pm EST (GMT -5)

A lot of what you hear nowadays on how to
get better with women is rooted in pessimism.

I can fully understand that. After all, most of
what we've been told about how to attract and
relate to women doesn't work.

And it especially doesn't work for us as individuals
in particular, if it works for anyone at all.

But here's a MAJOR clue...

Pessimism itself DEFINITELY doesn't work
either, does it?

I trust that much is obvious.

So why the "pity party"? As men who already
know men and women are designed to attract
and relate to each other, who else is ready to
stand up and claim success?

Never has there been a more mission-critical
moment where we as men need to slice through
the tangled "bird's nest" of what DOESN'T work
and get back to focusing on what DOES.

After all, women themselves are wondering what's
taking us so long.

That's why tomorrow night's Masterclass For
could be the most powerful and important
one I've ever hosted for you.

Save Your Seat:


Tomorrow Night: 1/31/24 @8pm EST (GMT -5)

To be clear, YES...I've always endeavored to
give you the straight-up truth about what works.

But never before have we broken down WHY
specific ideas and strategies work, for WHOM
they work, and under WHICH circumstances.

And for sure, this is the first time I'll officially hold
what WORKS up to the light and compare it to
what you've heard elsewhere that does NOT
work (and in many cases, isn't even designed to).

No more time wasted spinning your wheels
and/or wrestling with conflicting advice.

Crystal clarity on dating and relating to women is
yours from now on.

I'll reveal 8 foundational mindset premises that
will lift the veil instantly on what typically confounds
us...greatly simplifying how to know immediately
what works and what doesn't.

(HINT: You will have heard NONE of them before
from anyone else.)

Then, we'll dive into the specifics on of what works
in just about every area of success with women
where we as men find ourselves frustrated...

...and that goes for whether you're currently
single, dating casually, have a girlfriend or
are married.

Even if you're trying to repair a relationship
after a breakup, this Masterclass is for you

See the complete list of what's going to be
covered and grab your ticket here:

Save Your Seat:


Tomorrow Night: 1/31/24 @8pm EST (GMT -5)



Let's say you succeed at making a woman feel a deep, animal
attraction for you.  There's no worry about the dreaded "Just Be
Friends" Zone.

That's all well and good, but you really only have to cover the
first two of the "big four" to get there.

You got it...being 1) confident in your inherent desirability to
women and 2) portraying masculinity as women define it are more
than enough to keep you from getting "JBFed".

But there's more, of course.

As I've said before, if you can make a woman feel safe and
comfortable in your presence then just about anything goes.

Not only is she attracted, but she'll be comfortable acting on that
attraction with you.  You can let your imagination run wild with
that thought.

But lately I've been thinking about this third component of the
"big four" a bit more closely.

Whether you classify it as a trait or a habit, isn't providing security
to a woman rolled up under the whole "masculinity" heading?

I mean, if you think about it, that's a big part of what transforms
a mere male humanoid a real man in a woman's eyes.

You know the drill.  It's all part of being a leader, provider and
protector, etcetera, etcetera.  Right?

So maybe it's time to fine-tune that third pillar of the "big four"
a bit.

I submit to you the idea of...[drum roll]...establishing ongoing

Can you convince her that you're going to use your physical
strength (which is probably greater than hers) along with your
emotional and maybe even your intellectual strength to protect
her instead of to harm her?

If she's worried at all about it, she doesn't trust that you have
her best interests at heart.

But if she believes you can--and will--take an active role in
protecting her from whatever external or third-party forces may
ever seek to cause her harm, then you're in.

That's what will cause her to relax in your presence and willingly
come along for the ride.

Give this some serious thought, because what I'm talking about here
is indeed deeper than simply going through the motions of making
her feel safe and secure in your presence.

This involves her assessment of how your ability to protect her
intersects with your real-world intentions...not just in the moment,
but over the longer term.

That is to say, in her mind you're going to either be part of the
problem or part of the solution.

As a man, you have the power to represent her worst nightmares,
or to instead represent a cocoon of protection from such harm.

You successfully differentiate yourself from the bad guys by
looking out for her.  Most of us, of course, are good men at heart,
and we look forward to being this guy for a woman.

So no problem.

But wait...this clearly goes far beyond simple physical protection.

She also wants to know if you're a protector or a destroyer when it
comes to her emotions and her human needs.

If you're selfish, pushy or using trickery, you can't be on the winning
end of that spectrum.

A manipulative, narcissistic man may fool a weak-willed or naïve
woman for a short time, but ultimately it's still like putting lipstick on
a pig.

At the end of the day, it's the guy who can make a woman trust his
genuine intention to protect her at every level who succeeds at
freeing her to express her wild, vixen-like sexuality with him.

You become her hero at that point.

And yes...that can happen sooner than later.

Once again, I've given you a clear differentiation here between
what SELLS to "newbies" and what actually WORKS with women.

Naturals already know the difference.  Do you?

Be Good,

Scot McKay



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