[X&Y] Sick Of Chasing Women Only To Get "Rejected" Anyway? Read This...
Published: Sat, 02/10/24

IN THIS EDITION: If you've been chasing women hoping
to get positive results, this newsletter is for you.
It never fails. Whenever I've told you about Rob Brinded, it
seems like I end up fielding an endless stream of e-mail
questions about how weird what he's talking about is.
I have to tell you, I fully agree.
The first time I ever heard this guy talk I thought he was from
outer space or something. It was a David D. interview disc, and
I'll admit I actually turned it off and stopped listening.
In fact, it wasn't until I actually met Rob in person that I finally
got a clue and recognized his genius.
As you most certainly know unless you've been hiding under
a rock, in a truly ironic twist Rob and I actually joined forces
several years ago. He's now part of the X & Y Communications
Rob's "day job", however, is being the human movement expert
to pro athletes all over the world, including high-profile La Liga
(Hint: He relocated from the UK to Barcelona years ago to be
closer to his best clients).
But his very finest work might just be what he does for YOU.
Going beyond mere "body language", Rob shows you how to
move and carry yourself in a way that women instinctively--even
primally--find sexually irresistible.
His work is actually SO powerful and edgy that some of his
contacts in the sporting world have pressured him to STOP
teaching it.
You'll notice his name no longer appears on any of the public
pages for his programs. That's why. It's ALL behind the scenes
Yet the work continues...all because 1) NOBODY else is teaching
this stuff, and 2) it WORKS...and almost miraculously so.
Having given it some thought, Rob's original (and amazing) program
Code Of The Natural--the one that started it all--has been so wildly
popular with you guys for years that I've decided to go ahead and
give it to you when you get The Walking Code.
And that's in addition to getting The Walking Code for 50% off:
Get 50% Off The Walking Code + Code Of The Natural FREE
The Walking Code contains all the secrets to carrying yourself in
an innately attractive way that makes women take notice--and
even approach you first.
It also includes the bonus audios that Rob and I did on making
the best use of his teachings when interacting with women AND
in daily life.
But to be clear: You'll also get Rob Brinded's full-on course on
attractive body language. This is the original program that covers
it all.
Once you get your hands these two programs, you won't believe
how much value Rob has packed into it. He may as well have
called it "101 Ways To Make Women Want You Right Now".
The bottom line is that this guy is thinking in such radically
original ways about body language and creating attraction that it
really does come off as completely wacked out at first.
But after meeting Rob personally I finally paid attention to what
he teaches. I did the exercises he suggested, and WOW did they
You not only LOOK better when you discover his genius, you even
FEEL better.
In addition to famous athletes, he counts billionaires among his
clients (for real).
Fortunately for you, it doesn't take a billion dollars to get your
hands on Rob's secrets:
Get 50% Off The Walking Code + Code Of The Natural FREE
I rarely recommend a program as highly as I do these. Everyone
I know who has gotten them raves about them.
The other day I started really contemplating the idea of chasing
women even more than I ever had before.
First off, what's the root cause of chasing?
We chase because we just can't handle the thought of losing an
opportunity with a woman.
If we make matters worse by focusing totally on her, the "fear of
loss" we feel means we push and push even in the face of longer
and longer odds until the woman finally either flatly tells us to "go
away" or files a restraining order.
That's not good, obviously. But far too many guys really don't see
any other option. They either chase or go home.
I get e-mails all the time from guys who vehemently try to convince
me that it's virtually impossible for any man to retain his power
with women.
So how in the world did we ever start believing we have no choice
but to surrender all the power of "acceptance" or "rejection" to
women rather than reserving our right to be choosers?
I mean, anyone with half a brain can see the advantage of
choosing versus chasing.
The thing is, I'm not sure we can so clearly see the disadvantages
of chasing.
Honestly, I think the truth about a man's ability to have power in
the dating world is so cloudy to so many guys because chasing
really isn't a standalone condition.
Rather, it's merely a symptom of a bad habit developed over time:
seeking approval.
Simply put, men who don't desperately try to get others to approve
of them are almost always choosers.
Meanwhile, almost all guys who ARE approval seekers are chasers.
Interestingly, all of us--if we're honest--deep down really WANT
others to approve of us. Either that or we're antisocial.
And who tends to get our approval in this life? People we respect
and like. People we see as benevolent leaders. People who are
making a positive impact on their world.
Who doesn't get our approval? People who bore or irritate us.
People who are selfish and don't have the best interests of others
in mind. People whose thoughts and ideas aren't deemed valuable.
So put two and two together and you can conclude that the amount
a person is starved for approval and therefore voraciously seeking
it is inversely correlated to his level of personal power.
Chicks dig a man with personal power. Without it, he really can't
present himself to be a leader, provider or protector.
So ironically, the MORE a man apparently needs a woman to approve
of him, the LESS attractive she's going to find him.
If you've ever wondered exactly why chasing a woman almost never
works no matter how hard one tries, there's your answer.
Yet, guys still try to defend the faulty premise that women have all
the power. But you can now see that even if they're proven right, it'll
STILL get them absolutely NOWHERE with women. Go figure.
As tragic as this already sounds, it gets worse.
People who chase approval tend to be "yes men". Almost by
definition, they say "yes" to every request made of them.
Part of effective leadership is knowing how and when to say "no",
even when that means someone else doesn't get what he or she wants.
So then, "yes men" are more easily manipulated and respected
less...even as they're TRYING to make everyone happy with them.
On the other hand, studies have proven that saying "no" often
actually makes your occasional "yes" even more powerful.
Behavioral Psychology pioneer B.F. Skinner once famously trained a
pigeon to peck over 1000 times between instances of actually
getting a pellet of food for its labor. Amazingly, the more pecks
it took to get a reward, the harder it was to get the pigeon to
stop pecking.
Crazy huh? And while pigeons aren't people, the basic premise does
indeed transfer to our behavior. The women who get inside our
head the most and stay there most certainly are NOT rewarding our
every peck with a pellet, are they?
So why, then, when the woman we've been chasing finally agrees to
hang out with us do we drop everything and meet with her on HER
terms and on HER schedule?
How is it that whatever question she asks, we somehow feel
compelled to give her a comprehensive answer on the spot?
That doesn't demonstrate leadership, patience or any other sign of
personal power.
It telegraphs starvation for approval because nobody else ever
offers any. So why should she be the exception?
There's no reason at all for any woman to respect a man like that.
He can't stand up TO her, therefore he can't stand up FOR her.
Can you see the forest for the trees once and for all? Can you see
the true amount of collateral damage caused by chasing?
From now on deserve what you want. Count yourself worthy of
approval and stop trying so hard to capture it. Stop being a "yes
man" and start saying "no" more often. Stop chasing and start
choosing instead.


(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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