[X&Y] Meeting Women Again After Divorce Or A Breakup
Published: Sun, 02/11/24
WHAT'S INSIDE: Breakups are TOUGH. There's no two ways
about it. Here's the quickest formula for bouncing back from it.
The real secret to catching a woman's eye and making
her take notice is so simple and natural that most guys
completely miss it.
Hint: It's all about who you are, not what you say or do:
If you're sick of trying to figure out how to know if women
are interested, let alone how to talk to them, you're not
There's no frustration worse than wanting to meet a woman
so badly...but ultimately letting yourself down by backing off.
The real tragedy is the vast majority of men can't get the
job done, no matter how many books they read or pep
talks they try to give themselves.
For the next 24 hours, you can get the full and complete
secret with nothing held back for a full 50% off:
It Really Can Be This Easy
Remember, what this guy teaches is so genius and so
revolutionary that I brought him on board the X & Y
Communications team.
Start attracting women without a doubt...with no more kicking
yourself later for "failing to deploy".
Rob's original (and amazing) program Code Of The Natural--
the one that started it all--has been so wildly popular with you
guys for years that I've decided to go ahead and give it to
you when you get The Walking Code.
That's a 2-for-1, and at 50% off as well it's a no brainer.
Hi Scot,
Just wanted to say "good job". After having my heart
broken by my divorce from a woman I really loved, I have
been looking for someone else to spend the rest of my
life with.
I, like you have been told that it wasn't my fault and that
I did all I could to try to save my marriage, but it still
doesn't take the pain away.
After almost a year I feel that I am now ready to begin dating
again. I figured "Hey I was married, I shouldn't be afraid to
talk to women."
Boy was I wrong, I am just as shy as ever when it comes to
approaching women.
You have begun to open my eyes to the fact that I am not
alone in this regard and that it is OK to approach women.
You are empowering me to get the relationship I want and
deserve and not to settle for a substandard relationship.
I just wanted to give a huge thanks and good luck on your
life together with Emily.
Thanks and God Bless,
B. -- Mississippi
Thanks B. These are the letters I most enjoy receiving.
We love knowing that we're making a difference.
There's indeed no time to be a "victim" after a tough divorce.
Just because your ex-wife did you wrong does not mean
that other women will all treat you poorly.
Similarly, her opinions aren't necessarily those of other
women you'll meet along the way. If she ever complained
and/or berated you in the past, none of that matters anymore.
Learning to deserve what you want is THE best and absolute
quickest way to put the past in the rear view mirror.
That's because it puts YOU back in the driver's seat of your
life rather than wallowing in the pain of the past (you know,
like a "victim" would).
Take control and go for it. Yes, you'll quickly find that new
conversations with new women will generally go better than
you ever even guessed they would.
Be sure to go out and date all sorts of women so you can
truly evaluate who it is you are looking for. In other words,
decide for yourself who it is that you actually WANT to
That's a crucial step on the road to deserving what you want.
Then, once you have total control over your dating life you
can become CHOOSER instead of the CHASER. That means
you can then make the decision to stick with one great woman
on your own terms.
But definitely be sure to raise the proverbial bar as high as
it can go before getting into your next long-term relationship.
Thanks for the well wishes for a happy life. You're next!
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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