[X&Y] How Long Before You Can Cut Loose Around Her? (Reader Question)

Published: Fri, 05/10/24

Updated: Fri, 05/10/24


WHAT'S INSIDE: Should we always be so straight-laced and
polite around women? Travis in Arizona thinks maybe not.



In thinking about today's newsletter, I'm reminded that the BIG
frustration most guys experience nowadays is they just don't
feel it's okay to be a man anymore.

But what the hell else are we supposed to be?

You can't tell us our inherent masculine nature is "toxic", and
then not give us anything valid to replace it with.

Well, the part that often goes unsaid by the media is that
all of the negativity toward us as men is coming from relatively
few women out there.

Like I've said before the VAST, VAST majority of women
out there actually WANT a masculine man, and fully realize
that's what their feminine nature CRAVES.

It matches up exactly with how we as men really like particularly
feminine women.

So it only makes sense that we would focus on how to be
a high-value MAN, instead of surrendering to the whims of
the few women who would want to neuter us.

After all...are those women even the ones you want to be with?

Boldness. Confidence. Ability to handle a situation in a
way that makes a great woman feel safe.

Decision making. Courage under fire.  Ability to stand
up and protect one's ground.

You can represent ALL of those virtues naturally, by your
very nature.  And best of all, you can do so with WARMTH
and a sense of humor women love.

That's where the magic is, gentlemen.

Invincible captures all of those secrets for you that the
media will NEVER tell you...and does so in a concise,
fluff-free package you can start acting on today:

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For the next 24 hours only, you can get Invincible for
50% off
. Plus, I'll give you my classic roadmap for reclaiming
natural masculinity for FREE. That's The Master Plan.

Both programs are hard hitting and not for the faint of heart.

But they are aimed squarely at the #1 concerns and frustrations
millions of men face today.

You get real, actionable solutions for bypassing the political
melee and keeping it real with women who will appreciate and
adore the man you really are...

Isn't that what it's truly all about?

Invincible 50% Off, Plus The Master Plan FREE

And now, here's a primo example of how to unapologetically
be the authentic man you are. My take on the topic at hand
will probably surprise you...



Hey Scot,

You've said in your newsletter about using our best judgement
but as you know, some people have skewed judgement or none
at all about some things.

I don't feel like I have a good gauge as to what is appropriate.
These questions seem silly to me, but I honestly am clueless.

How long do I have to know a woman before I'm allowed to burp
freely? I ask about that specifically because a man that inhibits
his own burps just seems like hes repressing his masculinity.

I want to be masculine. I want to high-five my friends, tell dirty
jokes, and burp as loud as I want. I don't want to be Mr.
Respectful-all-the-time anymore.

I also drop F bombs with my friends because I believe in speaking
freely without a sense of elitist prudishness.

But should I be using F bombs on a first date? During a cold
pick-up? If not, when?

It's a good question though I think because when I'm on a first
date, and the woman drops an F bomb, I will noticeably feel more

She has taken a layer of cordiality away so we can begin to be

This leads me to believe that I definitely should do it so I can
be myself, and if she is on the same page, so will she.

If she dislikes it, then I guess it's just as well that I weed her
out. I just don't want to weed out women that I shouldn't.

What do you think?

Travis (Tucson, AZ)


Hello Travis:

I can't thank you enough for writing.  You've brought up a fantastic
topic for discussion, yet it's one that I can't recall ever addressing.

I love when that happens.

Having thought this one through before going forward with an answer,
I believe what you're about to read might come as a shock to many
who've been receiving my newsletters for a while.

Nevertheless, here goes...

Way back in 2007 I did a rather high-profile interview with none other
than David DeAngelo that introduced me to tens of thousands of guys
at once, establishing me somewhat uniquely as the guy who had
advice on women for decent, regular guys of strong character.

Man, to this day that was one of the most exciting moments ever.

This was at the peak of when the whole "Pickup Community" was in
style, replete with its tricks, canned lines and quick fix tactics.

Needless to say, the absence of sleaze from my approach to things
raised some eyebrows, but also sounded refreshing to many.

One of the points I underscored in that interview was that there
was NEVER any good, solid, intelligent reason to use profanity.

For example, anything you could say WITH "F-bombs" attached could
be said at least as effectively WITHOUT them.

I predicted that guys who were listening would find that to be an
intuitive observation, and that they would agree with me

Most did indeed.  However, a small but vocal number of guys
challenged my opinion on that matter.

Over the course of subsequent years since then I've arrived at what
I'm going to openly admit is, perhaps ironically, a more evolved

What I believe about not using profanity, especially around women,
still makes as good sense as ever...as long as you're like me.

But it's arrogant of me to assume that everyone is like me.

It's even more arrogant to assume that everyone should think the
same way I do, especially given how I slip up sometimes in my own

But you see, I personally happen to find women who swear like sailors

You, on the other hand, don't.

And guess what?  That's PERFECTLY COOL.

That means, as shocking as it may sound at first to hear me say it,
you probably SHOULD establish comfort with women by talking the
way you talk normally and doing what you do normally.

Be true to who you are and OWN IT with 100% confidence.

If you're meeting women online, you can even talk about all of this
in your profile.  Now more than ever, I recommend targeting your
profile toward the kind of woman you most want to meet.

You definitely want to use good judgment, however.  For example,
you don't want to lead with something so crass it would throw Andrew
Dice Clay into a fit of jealousy.

Remember, it isn't that being cordial at first isn't the natural
and correct thing to do.  The problem I wrote about recently is
that most guys KEEP being cordial for hours, days, weeks and even
years.  That's what keeps them from connecting effectively with women.

So then, if you like women who are a bit "rougher around the edges"
you may be MORE likely to attract them by feeling free to burp here
and there and tell a dirty joke, especially after you've demonstrated
that you know how to make a suitable and appropriate introduction.

For sure, we have a LOT of those women right here in Texas, just
like you do in Arizona.  And they've got more than their fair share
of guys who love 'em to death.

In fact, I have a confession to make.  One time I went on a date
with one of those insanely sexy women who's also strong willed, a
bit of a tomboy and about as smart and quick-witted as they come.

Predictably, one time at a social function she charmed
everyone so completely that we eventually had a dozen people
crowded around us.

I was basking in the of glory of it all, of course.

It was then, to my utter horror, she proposed a toast which to this
day is one of the most tasteless and profane ones I've ever heard.

EVERYONE loved it.

I got hoo-hahs and "attaboys" from everyone I knew for bringing her
to the party.  Many went on and on about what a cool girl she was.

You know what?  They were right.  But I just wasn't feeling it.

But man, I bet the two of you would have ADORED each other.

And that's FINE.

You see, here's the thing.  Despite how people generally tend to
judge each other socially, attraction itself always has been and
always will be about the "big four".

Confidence.  Masculinity as women define it (and the polar opposite
for women, naturally), making MOTOS feel safe and comfortable in
one's presence.  Character.

That's what defines HIGH QUALITY.  The rest is a matter of
discussion and opinion.

Some of that discussion may become heated.  And opinions may turn
into full-blown debates.

But as I spend more and more time on this Earth, the more and more
it occurs to me that some of the most honest, straightforward and
well-meaning people I've ever met drop "F-bombs" and burp.

Some of them are even women.

Now, with all of that said, I do want to clarify another position
that I'm confident you'll find is congruent with all else I've brought to
the table thus far.

I've shown your opinion some respect, now I present another side in
the name of balance and sober thinking.

I would caution against assuming that any guy who's making the
judgment call to refrain from burping, cursing and telling dirty
jokes in the presence of a woman is somehow repressing his

All of that stuff represents the most raw form of machismo, which
is VERY different than masculinity as women define it.

Machismo is what we as guys do to relate to and impress each other.

As such, it's heavily dependent on shared interests, cultural
values and mindset.

Masculinity, however, is by definition the polar opposite of
femininity, and is therefore what ignites sexual attraction in

Interestingly, it's boldness, confidence, a strong sense of
identity, good decision making, courage, ambition, having a plan,
looking out for a woman's best interests and forming valid
solutions to imminent problems that literally turn a woman on.

The trappings associated with how those traits of masculinity as
women define it present themselves are perhaps more irrelevant than
most of us in our arrogant, self-absorbed opinions would ever guess.

In fact, there are plenty of legitimately masculine guys who would
NEVER burp in public, tell dirty jokes and/or drop "f-bombs". 

That's okay for them, just as how you choose to present yourself is
okay for you.

Welcome to why country singers get as many women as rock stars.

It's also why poets and sculptors might attract another whole type
of woman than NFL linemen do.

Ultimately, we tend to favor women whose social, cultural AND moral
values match ours.

As long as she's a "big four" woman in her own right I don't mind
one bit if she thinks it's hilarious when you burp and/or tells you
to "F off" when you're joking around with each other.

To each his AND her own in that regard...and rightfully so.



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