[X&Y] What If "Just Be Yourself" Doesn't Work So Well?

Published: Tue, 05/21/24

Updated: Tue, 05/21/24

WHAT'S INSIDE: Are you REALLY yourself, nowadays? If not,
don't expect to attract the women you really want.



What DOES work is being the "big four" man women naturally

Life is truly about as good as it gets when you can be that guy
every minute of every day.

If you want to avoid the stress, embarrassment and worst of all the
rejection that most men live with for their entire lives, you've
got to take a bold step...

You've got to make the firm decision that TODAY is the day you say
"enough is enough".

And from this very moment forward start living your life as a man
who enjoys the company of exactly the women he wants,
whenever he wants.

No matter what the media would have us believe, the truth is that
the vast majority of us as men want only to treat a good woman

We're all about being her hero.

But tragically, more good, decent men just like you than ever before
have simply given up...thinking that meeting real, live women just
isn't worth the trouble OR the perceived risk of "bothering" them.

Some guys have even commented on my own blog and elsewhere
that they've actually trained themselves to stop noticing women

But meanwhile, the truth has been hiding in plain sight.

Despite all of the negative media, it's still true (and always will be)
that women WILL follow the lead of a man who has their best
interests in mind, and they'll LOVE him for it.

Even high quality women themselves are left shaking their heads.

They have NO IDEA what to do...except wait...and hope...that a
great man like you will rise above the fray and boldly turn her on.

That can ONLY mean that they're depending on YOU to sort all
of this out...and FAST:

That's why I developed The Big 4 Man Challenge. It gives you
everything you need to escape the "Just Be Friends Zone" and
be the real man she craves:

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Approach women with ease and confidence.

Get the girlfriend of your dreams.

Have the relationship with her that others don't even believe
is possible.  (Emily and I spill all of our secrets.)

Rock her to the moon and back in the bedroom.

PLUS...master your social circle and get ahead in your

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The Big 4 Man Challenge covers all of those mission-
critical areas...AND contains the full blueprint for the now
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Guys all over the world write to me about saying, "I should have
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Plus, this time I'll also give you the only other group
coaching program I've ever done for FREE
. That's Un-Settled,
which is all about feeling ALIVE again.

The 50% off promo ends tomorrow.

Still not convinced how important this is to get handled in your
life?  Read on...



In the past you've heard me mention that if I simply exhorted you
to "just be yourself" I would be giving you terrible dating advice.

After all, what if "being yourself" isn't actually working? 

If that's the case, asking you to redouble your efforts at what
isn't working won't do you much good at all, right?

And hey...even if "being yourself" does work for you, how do you
know you can't improve upon it?

Meanwhile, however, you've also heard me talk about deserving
what you want. 

That's our #1 mantra around here, and for good reason.

After all, if you become the most evolved, outstanding version of
yourself possible then you'll stand an excellent chance of attracting
exactly the women you want.

So how do these two ideas intersect?


"Isn't who I am RIGHT NOW my 'authentic' self?  And if that's
the case, isn't this 'deserving what I want' stuff really about
becoming someone I'm NOT just to attract women?"

That excellent question came up during a recent coaching call and I
wanted to share the somewhat surprising answer with you here.

To begin with, consider this.

I want you to think back to your earlier days. 

Was there something you used to do habitually that makes you cringe
these days to think about?

In my case, I used to be a major approval seeker. 

I worked very hard to be the center of attention and to make sure
everyone knew--even if subtly--what my latest success was.

Nowadays, I look back on those days and wish I knew then what I
know now. 

Thankfully, I've all but cured that insecure tendency to "show off".

And to be sure, that one factor has contributed greatly to higher
levels of success at this point in history than in the past.

So then, was I "being myself" more back then, or am I more
authentic today?

Here's the truth...and I do hope you're sitting down for this.

The REAL you is most likely NOT who you are right now.  It's
who you confidently ENVISION YOURSELF to be at your very

In other words, if YOU (yes YOU) can visualize the most evolved and
successful version of yourself--and it's in line with a reasonable
self-assessment of your personal gifts--then there is no reason why
that reality isn't yours to make happen.

You are NOT stuck with your current liabilities, as long as you are
willing to do what it takes to make the positive change happen.

And the even better news is that you will not be acting "fake"
while intentionally modifying your thoughts and behaviors to create
new beliefs and habits.

Rather, doing what it takes to get to where your highest vision of
self becomes a reality IS authenticity in motion.

That's great news...and it should definitely bring the concept of
"deserving what you want" into reach for you.

Now for sure, if my "vision" was to become the new backup point
guard for the Spurs that would NOT be based on sober self-assessment.

BUT...I do believe that if, for example, I continue to improve my
physical conditioning I'll be a better version of myself than I am

So yes...that guy who is in better shape than he is now is who I
really am.

The more I move toward that goal, the more I deserve what I want.

And this stands to reason. 

After all, when it comes to women, most of us find ourselves
attracted to the ones who are absolutely, positively making an
effort to be their best selves.

Here's an exercise for you. 

The next time you're out "observing" women, take a particularly
deep look at the ones you find yourself attracted to.

Were her personality not as much fun or as positive, if her sense
of fashion weren't quite as keen, and if she weren't as openly
confident and flat-out sexy as she appears, would you have even
noticed her?

Next, go out of your way to observe some other women who you might
have flat-out ignored otherwise. 

Is there a more evolved, higher-quality woman in there who could
emerge if she wanted to?

In other words, could she present herself more positively if she
cared enough to? 

And importantly...would you be attracted to her if she did?

Conduct this exercise in an honest manner and you might shock
yourself at how much a woman's follow-through on deserving what she
wants really, truly matters.

Whether you find her attractive or not depends on it far more than
you might think.

And yes...that can only mean it matters to women how fully YOU
deserve what you want, too.

In fact, I'll go so far as to say this:  Show me a man who deserves
what he wants, and I'll show you a guy who is 100% pleased with the
women he attracts.

That makes sense, after all. 

If you are the best version of your authentic self, how can you NOT
attract exactly the women who will compliment you the best in every

They'll adore you and vice-versa...and rightly so. 

Can you see how this maximizes your chances at having a fantastic
long-term relationship someday?


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