[X&Y] What To Do When She Does You Wrong

Published: Wed, 05/22/24

Updated: Wed, 05/22/24


What if you suspect your wife or
girlfriend isn't treating you right?



Yesterday I announced that I had brought back that
automatic coupon that scores you a full 50% off of
my program The Big 4 Man Challenge:

50% Off B4MC + Un-Settled FREE

I talk often about being a man who looks for the
best in women, and leads accordingly.

Now, truth be told I'm not a blind idealist. I fully
realize that we as humans have our ugly moments.

So yes, women can do you wrong. Today's newsletter
(see below) is full acknowledgment of that.

But there is a reliable roadmap to identifying,
selecting and relating to only the BEST women.

Forget the women who do us wrong. Let some other
guy deal with them.

From this day forward, be the "big four" man who
primally attracts "big four" women:

50% Off B4MC + Un-Settled FREE

The Big 4 Man Challenge is for men who love women,
and want to be with the right one.

That's what makes it so powerful, and why every man
who's in on it is super psyched.

Right now you also get a FREE copy of my other group
coaching program, Un-Settled.

Remember, that automatic coupon is valid through
tomorrow only.



Have you ever suspected that a woman isn't treating you

How do you know it's not your imagination?

More importantly, what should you do when and if it happens?

I mean, is what she doing "normal" female behavior, or
should you not let it slide?

We as guys find ourselves in such a predicament all the
time. But all too often we're left standing there wondering
what to do...even as she keeps doing whatever it is she's

That's one of the worst feelings in the world, right?

Well, here's a blog post that gives you practical answers to
all these questions and more:

EduMcKaytion Blog

Extra time and effort went into this one since I just kept on
thinking of really important stuff that couldn't be left out.

So yes...I've come up with a dozen specific scenarios that
are BAD female behavior.

But I didn't throw a lot of problems on the table without any
solutions. For each bullet point there's an evolved, intelligent
way to handle it:

EduMcKaytion Blog

By the way, not everything I wrote is gender-specific, even
though a LOT of it sure seems to be. Nevertheless, I'm still
"equal opportunity", as always.



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