[X&Y] She'll Be Addicted To You...If You Can Do THIS

Published: Sun, 05/26/24


IN THIS EDITION: Why is it that some guys just naturally attract
women while other guys feel the need to memorize routines and
resort to any other trick they can find?


Yesterday I announced this coming Wednesday's
Masterclass For Men, called Be A Man Who

We as men instinctively want to make a difference
instead of merely blending in to the background.

Not only are we born with innate primal ambition,
the plain truth is that we take a stand to make a
difference, that's when we matter MOST to WOMEN.

But the weird part is that nowadays, when it's
easier than ever to be an "influencer" to thousands,
FEWER than ever actually care to.

And more of us than ever before are left empty
inside. What is going on there?

Look, you don't exactly have to be world famous, or

You can--and should--be authentic and true to yourself.

But you do have to MATTER. What does that even look
like? It's as if everyone is only out for themselves

This coming Wednesday, May 29th at 8pm EDT is when
we get down to the real-world TRUTH about how to
make a lasting impact as a man...

To those we love.

To those we meet along the way.

And ESPECIALLY to women.

Never has a Masterclass been more mission-critical
and potentially transformational:

Masterclass For Men: Be A Man Who Matters

As if the ability to make a lasting difference in the
world isn't enough motivation for you, this time I'm
also giving you a full and complete copy of my
Un-Settled program with every ticket.

The idea of living your life to the fullest is so
hand-in-glove with making a real difference as a
man, that it's practically a moral imperative
that I include it for you:

Masterclass For Men: Be A Man Who Matters

It all happens THIS coming Wednesday, 29 May at 8pm EDT.

If you can't make it on Wednesday, that's no reason
to miss out. Claim your ticket and access the Download
Portal shortly afterward.



Scot, how's it going? So this weekend I went on a hike with a
friend and a bunch of her friends (whom I didn't know).

I hit it off amazingly with a girl. Halfway though the hike, one of
the guys refers to her as 'babe' and only then did I realize they
were a couple... I mean, this girl was flirting with me the whole
time up until then.

I even pulled a "Superman" with her by catching her when she'd lost
her balance and was going to take a nasty 50 foot drop. It was, as
you put it, "movie quality" stuff.

So after I realize they're together I give her room and start
hanging out with some of the other people on the trip. But for the
last 1/4 of the hike, she was back--and she'd been the one to come
to me.

Over the last two years I've become the kind of guy with "quality
problems'" such as this one (much of the credit for that goes to

I have options, I'm not desperate, and I don't want to break them
up--that's out of the question. Any suggestions?

P.S. You've helped me a bunch over the last year or so. I think
you've answered about 3 or 4 of my emails extensively.

I'd love to actually buy some of your advanced material.  What
program would you suggest I look into?

Emilio (Gallup, NM)


Hello Emilio, and thanks for writing.

Ah yes...a "high quality problem" indeed.  Perhaps yours could
arguably be considered the "highest quality problem" possible,
which I'll elaborate upon.

But first things first:  You are absolutely correct in not wanting
to break those two up.  

To do that would openly demonstrate a distinct lack of character.

Ultimately, lacking character is one of the most poisonous ways to
kill your ability to deserve great women.  It has a way of catching
up with you, sort of like eating a dozen Krispy Kremes a day for a
few weeks in a row.

So in the situation you described, the key is to understand your
new female friend is obviously not completely happy in her
current relationship.

She's seeking you out when he's right there with her, openly
flirting with you...and what's more, NOW you're even literally
her hero.

I'd certainly rather be YOU than her "boyfriend" right now. 

As such, it would appear this is a short-term waiting game.

You'll find that as you become more the kind of man who
represents what women really want you'll see situations like this
more often. 

Soon than later, EVERYTHING FEMALE starts loving you.

And this doesn't necessarily have to be an overtly sexual thing.  

Girl's moms love you.  Grandmas love you.  Your two-year old twin
nieces love you.  Heck, in my life Emily's DOG (which is female)
even loves me.  She's horribly jealous of Emily.

This, among other things, is why little girls need dads.  

When my oldest daughter was very young, she'd greet me when
I came home from work by racing to the door and leaping upward
into my arms.

With every fiber of her being she trusted I would catch her...which
I did, every single time.

And yes...when female creatures of all types LOVE you, then it
becomes WAY easier for intense sexual attraction to happen
when appropriate...accompanied by the freedom to express it
and newfound passion in doing so.  Nice.

Therefore, this female friend of yours really couldn't help being
drawn to you. 

The "problem" is hers and her boyfriend's, frankly.  You are who
you are, and make no apologies.  What...were you going to let her
fall 50'?  

Of course not.  

And where was her boyfriend when she most needed him,

Considering where you are, your request for a POWERFUL next
step couldn't be more on time.

This coming Wednesday, May 29th I'll be holding the monthly
Masterclass For Men. It's the topic that will take you
to even next-level "leading man material" with women:

Masterclass For Men:  Be A Man Who Matters

You are already on your way. This Masterclass will give you
stone-cold MASTERY in this part of your life.

Be Good,

Scot McKay


Reading Emilio's story and my response to it, my guess is that you
couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to be in a position
like his.  

I mean, come on--with all of the focus on "pickup" and "openers"
elsewhere in men's dating advice, stories like this serve to
completely flip much of the material you've been reading out there
right over on its side...probably scattering loose papers everywhere,

Seriously.  If you are like most guys nowadays, the concept of having
a woman seek out your company first pretty much fries your circuits.

But see, Emilio was able to attract a woman who (unbeknownst to
him) even had her BOYFRIEND with her.

As I said, she really couldn't help it.  Emilio isn't about getting
his jollies by stealing some guy's girlfriend.  But when she
dumps the chump who "failed to deploy" (and rightly so), she'll
know where to find him.

The truth is that the world is SORELY LACKING in men who "get it"
these days.  Yet, the great women are STARVING for guys who do.

Can you be that guy?

Can you "unwire" the programming that comes from either "Mr. Nice
Guy" brainwashing OR "dark side" tactics that actually repulse real

It's time to start getting the HIGH QUALITY women you WANT
MOST in your life.  The kind who are feminine, emotionally stable
and happy to offer you unsolicited approval...not to mention sexy
enough to stop traffic.

Transform your life into a world where YOU have the power...and
the options.

Forget flowers, candy and "kissing up".  

Join us for this month's Masterclass For Men, this Wednesday:

Masterclass For Men: Be A Man Who Matters

By the way, if you can't make it on Wednesday night, you
don't have to miss out.

Like I do every time, I'll create a full Download Portal
shortly after the event.

You will even be able to send me your questions and/or
talk to me 1-on-1 afterward.  All of that is INCLUDED.

Masterclass For Men: Be A Man Who Matters



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men reclaiming their masculinity, standing as a
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