[X&Y] The Lexus Incident (Read This If You Want To Eliminate "Rejection")
Published: Wed, 06/12/24
Updated: Wed, 06/12/24
WHAT'S INSIDE: Chances are you were NOT "rejected"
the last time a woman ignored you after you said
something perfectly normal to her. Here's why...
I was pumping gas and minding my own business
at the local gas station when I heard a bizarre sound
approaching from behind.
No, it wasn't a mob of my ex-girlfriends with torches and
pitchforks. That wouldn't likely happen.
Instead, as it turns out, it was a late model Lexus pulling
up to the pump on the other side of the island I was parked at.
When I turned around and looked I could see clearly that there was
a plastic, gallon-sized milk container wedged underneath the front
spoiler and it was scraping against the street.
Once the car came to a stop, out popped its rather stereotypical
driver: A spunky and very cute thirty-something woman with a
ponytail in a workout outfit.
She looked like she might be a real-estate agent if dressed
differently. I just got that impression.
Since my pump was on "auto" I had casually wandered around the
other side and made a simple, straightforward suggestion that I
believe any decent man would make to help a damsel in
distress...especially when it's 98 degrees outside.
"Hey, I think you're dragging a milk container under there. Let me
get under there and get it for you."
"No, no...I got it", she said tersely. And she quickly looked away
and began fishing with long, painted fingernails under the front of
her car.
I shrugged it off and returned to my pickup truck which--as thirsty
as it is--continued to swallow petrol at an alarming rate.
A few seconds later, I couldn't help but notice that she was
walking around the other side of her car to make her way to the
convenience store.
It was the longer way around.
When she returned a minute or so later my truck was still gulping
down fuel.
But even though I was still standing there doing nothing, I didn't
even notice she was there until her car door slammed shut and she
drove away.
This is because the woman had made it a point to walk clear around
the next island over to return to her car.
Without question, she had gone out of her way to avoid me.
Now here's the thing. Under circumstances such as these, I'm
pretty sure most of us as guys would feel a twinge of insecurity.
We'd probably mutter something to ourselves to the effect of, "Wow,
that chick didn't just hate me...she hated everything about me."
That's right, we'd see it as a clear-cut case of "rejection".
But here's the thing. Remember, in this case all I did was simply
offer to help her when she was in need...all from about fifteen feet
I wasn't a "Space Invader". I didn't say anything creepy, weird or
In fact, I was dressed in a clean, stylish shirt and pretty normal
Quiksilver walkshorts.
As for my truck, it's a late-model four-door...not something like
what Michael Madsen drove in Kill Bill.
In other words, this wasn't my problem.
Anyone looking on as a third party would have quickly come to
that same conclusion.
But let's look at this logically.
I suppose there's an outside chance that some inexplicable
force took over this woman's psyche and convinced her to be
disgusted by me on sight...even though I was friendly and
But I seriously doubt it.
After all, I can walk into elevators, order from restaurants and
hit the gym on a daily basis without causing a thundering herd of
innocent people to urgently stampede from my very presence.
So maybe there are a couple of other possible explanations for
what happened here.
I've just added another BRAND NEW video to The Difference's
Rob's got a phenomenal new exercise that instantly makes you
more physically attractive to women. He's never taught it
anywhere else before.
It's now a part of The Difference. Grab a "cold one" and check it
out if you haven't had a chance to:
First, what if this particular woman in the Lexus likes to think of
herself as competent and sharp, but is also easily embarrassed?
As such, she could have felt mortified that her car drew that much
attention when she drove up, let alone that I had acknowledged the
"awkwardness" of it all.
Meanwhile, I thought nothing of what was going on since surely
anyone could catch a plastic milk container under his or her car as
easily as someone else...so I was unlikely to see the situation as
she might have been seeing it.
That alone is a more plausible explanation than that she was
"instantly disgusted" by me personally.
But how about this?
What if the crazy truth of the matter is that this woman was
actually very attracted to me...on sight, no less?
Think about it this way. What if she's a woman of character who's
already in a relationship--or even happily married--and is extra
careful not to put herself in a position to flirt with other guys,
let alone cheat?
If she actually found me intriguing, she might actually go out of
her way to keep from getting involved in a potentially flirtatious
conversation with me.
Now obviously, the truth is that I'm happily married also and my
sole intention really was to help.
But SHE might not have realized that...just like I actually didn't
think to check if there was a big rock on her left ring finger or
Nevertheless, it isn't completely out of the question that an
attractive thirty-something in a four-door sedan would be happily
married, right?
Go ahead and let what I've been telling you here for the last few
paragraphs sink in.
There is not one definite explanation for why this woman wanted
nothing to do with me.
And certainly, the more you think about it the more likely it is
that what happened at the gas station on Thursday afternoon was
not a personal indictment of my lack of attractiveness.
I mean, to be honest, Lexus Lady could have fit in nicely with that
crowd of ex-girlfriends I mentioned before...you know, except
without the torches and pitchforks.
That is to say, lots of women just like her have decidedly not
"rejected" me.
Maybe she did find me interesting. Or maybe she was flat-out
Or, maybe she indeed found me distasteful.
Who knows for sure?
The point is that the next time YOU don't exactly get a favorable
reaction from a woman you approach, it might not be because YOU
were "rejected" either.
As I've said time and again, "rejection" is pretty much a myth that
we invent based on having pre-approved a woman as some sort of
"goddess" before we even get to know her.
It's NOT a "competition", it's just a conversation.
And what's more, you are NOT creepy, weird or pushy to a woman
UNLESS you really are creepy, weird or pushy.
Simply being a perfectly normal man who does and says perfectly
normal things is NOT going to disgust or frighten women. I promise.
How will this new mindset transform your interactions with women?
Can you sense when a woman is embarrassed and help her relax
in the moment? That will keep you in the conversation longer if
you can.
Can you sense when a woman isn't actually afraid of you, but rather
afraid of her attraction toward you? How might you respond to a
situation like that?
Be Good,
Scot McKay
X & Y Communications is dedicated to making you the most skilled
participant in the dating world you can be, at whatever stage of
life you are in. It's straight talk about the most creative
subjects, somehow encompassing character-based principles while
being neither too shy nor too judgmental to hit the important
things head on. The basic fluff you've heard a million times
isn't rehashed around here.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
This e-mail newsletter is a free service of X & Y Communications.
It is never sent to those who have not asked for it. If you
believe you have been sent this message in error, please respond
and we will kindly (and promptly) remove you from our mailing list.
the last time a woman ignored you after you said
something perfectly normal to her. Here's why...
I was pumping gas and minding my own business
at the local gas station when I heard a bizarre sound
approaching from behind.
No, it wasn't a mob of my ex-girlfriends with torches and
pitchforks. That wouldn't likely happen.
Instead, as it turns out, it was a late model Lexus pulling
up to the pump on the other side of the island I was parked at.
When I turned around and looked I could see clearly that there was
a plastic, gallon-sized milk container wedged underneath the front
spoiler and it was scraping against the street.
Once the car came to a stop, out popped its rather stereotypical
driver: A spunky and very cute thirty-something woman with a
ponytail in a workout outfit.
She looked like she might be a real-estate agent if dressed
differently. I just got that impression.
Since my pump was on "auto" I had casually wandered around the
other side and made a simple, straightforward suggestion that I
believe any decent man would make to help a damsel in
distress...especially when it's 98 degrees outside.
"Hey, I think you're dragging a milk container under there. Let me
get under there and get it for you."
"No, no...I got it", she said tersely. And she quickly looked away
and began fishing with long, painted fingernails under the front of
her car.
I shrugged it off and returned to my pickup truck which--as thirsty
as it is--continued to swallow petrol at an alarming rate.
A few seconds later, I couldn't help but notice that she was
walking around the other side of her car to make her way to the
convenience store.
It was the longer way around.
When she returned a minute or so later my truck was still gulping
down fuel.
But even though I was still standing there doing nothing, I didn't
even notice she was there until her car door slammed shut and she
drove away.
This is because the woman had made it a point to walk clear around
the next island over to return to her car.
Without question, she had gone out of her way to avoid me.
Now here's the thing. Under circumstances such as these, I'm
pretty sure most of us as guys would feel a twinge of insecurity.
We'd probably mutter something to ourselves to the effect of, "Wow,
that chick didn't just hate me...she hated everything about me."
That's right, we'd see it as a clear-cut case of "rejection".
But here's the thing. Remember, in this case all I did was simply
offer to help her when she was in need...all from about fifteen feet
I wasn't a "Space Invader". I didn't say anything creepy, weird or
In fact, I was dressed in a clean, stylish shirt and pretty normal
Quiksilver walkshorts.
As for my truck, it's a late-model four-door...not something like
what Michael Madsen drove in Kill Bill.
In other words, this wasn't my problem.
Anyone looking on as a third party would have quickly come to
that same conclusion.
But let's look at this logically.
I suppose there's an outside chance that some inexplicable
force took over this woman's psyche and convinced her to be
disgusted by me on sight...even though I was friendly and
But I seriously doubt it.
After all, I can walk into elevators, order from restaurants and
hit the gym on a daily basis without causing a thundering herd of
innocent people to urgently stampede from my very presence.
So maybe there are a couple of other possible explanations for
what happened here.
I've just added another BRAND NEW video to The Difference's
Member's Area, this time from crowd favorite Rob Brinded of
Code Of The Natural.
Code Of The Natural.
Rob's got a phenomenal new exercise that instantly makes you
more physically attractive to women. He's never taught it
anywhere else before.
It's now a part of The Difference. Grab a "cold one" and check it
out if you haven't had a chance to:
First, what if this particular woman in the Lexus likes to think of
herself as competent and sharp, but is also easily embarrassed?
As such, she could have felt mortified that her car drew that much
attention when she drove up, let alone that I had acknowledged the
"awkwardness" of it all.
Meanwhile, I thought nothing of what was going on since surely
anyone could catch a plastic milk container under his or her car as
easily as someone else...so I was unlikely to see the situation as
she might have been seeing it.
That alone is a more plausible explanation than that she was
"instantly disgusted" by me personally.
But how about this?
What if the crazy truth of the matter is that this woman was
actually very attracted to me...on sight, no less?
Think about it this way. What if she's a woman of character who's
already in a relationship--or even happily married--and is extra
careful not to put herself in a position to flirt with other guys,
let alone cheat?
If she actually found me intriguing, she might actually go out of
her way to keep from getting involved in a potentially flirtatious
conversation with me.
Now obviously, the truth is that I'm happily married also and my
sole intention really was to help.
But SHE might not have realized that...just like I actually didn't
think to check if there was a big rock on her left ring finger or
Nevertheless, it isn't completely out of the question that an
attractive thirty-something in a four-door sedan would be happily
married, right?
Go ahead and let what I've been telling you here for the last few
paragraphs sink in.
There is not one definite explanation for why this woman wanted
nothing to do with me.
And certainly, the more you think about it the more likely it is
that what happened at the gas station on Thursday afternoon was
not a personal indictment of my lack of attractiveness.
I mean, to be honest, Lexus Lady could have fit in nicely with that
crowd of ex-girlfriends I mentioned before...you know, except
without the torches and pitchforks.
That is to say, lots of women just like her have decidedly not
"rejected" me.
Maybe she did find me interesting. Or maybe she was flat-out
Or, maybe she indeed found me distasteful.
Who knows for sure?
The point is that the next time YOU don't exactly get a favorable
reaction from a woman you approach, it might not be because YOU
were "rejected" either.
As I've said time and again, "rejection" is pretty much a myth that
we invent based on having pre-approved a woman as some sort of
"goddess" before we even get to know her.
It's NOT a "competition", it's just a conversation.
And what's more, you are NOT creepy, weird or pushy to a woman
UNLESS you really are creepy, weird or pushy.
Simply being a perfectly normal man who does and says perfectly
normal things is NOT going to disgust or frighten women. I promise.
How will this new mindset transform your interactions with women?
Can you sense when a woman is embarrassed and help her relax
in the moment? That will keep you in the conversation longer if
you can.
Can you sense when a woman isn't actually afraid of you, but rather
afraid of her attraction toward you? How might you respond to a
situation like that?
Be Good,
Scot McKay
P.S. If you enjoyed this newsletter, you'll love The Difference.
X & Y Communications is dedicated to making you the most skilled
participant in the dating world you can be, at whatever stage of
life you are in. It's straight talk about the most creative
subjects, somehow encompassing character-based principles while
being neither too shy nor too judgmental to hit the important
things head on. The basic fluff you've heard a million times
isn't rehashed around here.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
This e-mail newsletter is a free service of X & Y Communications.
It is never sent to those who have not asked for it. If you
believe you have been sent this message in error, please respond
and we will kindly (and promptly) remove you from our mailing list.
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