[X&Y] 6 More Phrases That Mean She'll Love You Forever (Part Two)

Published: Thu, 06/20/24

Updated: Thu, 06/20/24


WHAT'S INSIDE:  Here's the second half of my two-part series on
what women say to you when they really, really, really (insert 1000
"reallys") like you.



No matter what the media would have us believe, the truth is that
the vast majority of us as men want only to treat a good woman

We're all about being her hero.

But tragically, more good, decent men just like you than ever before
have simply given up...thinking that meeting real, live women just
isn't worth the trouble OR the perceived risk of "bothering" them.

Some guys have even commented on my own blog and elsewhere
that they've actually trained themselves to stop noticing women

But meanwhile, the truth has been hiding in plain sight.

Despite all of the negative media, it's still the case (and always
will be) that women WILL follow the lead of a man who has their
best interests in mind, and they'll LOVE him for it.

Even high quality women themselves are left shaking their heads.

They have NO IDEA what to do...except wait...and hope...that a
great man like you will rise above the fray and boldly turn her

They're depending on YOU to sort all of this out...and FAST.

That's why I developed The Big 4 Man Challenge.  It gives you
everything you need to escape the "Just Be Friends Zone" and
be the real man she craves:

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Approach women with ease and confidence.

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Have the relationship with her that others don't even believe
is possible.  (Emily and I spill all of our secrets.)

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The Big 4 Man Challenge covers all of those mission-
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Plus, this time around I'm also including the exclusive bonus
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Guys all over the world write to me about The B4MC saying,
"I should have had this 20 years ago."

The 50% off promo ends tomorrow.



Last time I shared with you the first six of a dozen phrases that a
woman will voice when (and only when) you have ignited her
femininity to the hilt and spontaneously caused her to adore you.

I cited those first six as the ones women use when they've either
just met you, or at the very least haven't been dating you for very

Now, for the second half of this brief journey into the realm of
understanding women, we turn our attention to the woman we've
invite into our lives for the long-haul.

What ethereal utterances, especially when filtered through the
mellifluous voice of femininity, serve notice unto us that we have
succeeded at establishing eternal presence within a woman's joyful

Or more simply put, what does a woman who will love you forever
actually say to you?

As promised, here are six textbook examples (and a bonus):

1) "I Never Thought I'd Meet A Man Like You"

Great job, Prince Charming.  When you hear this, you've veritably
succeeded at becoming the quintessential representation of her
"knight in shining armor".

And this is serious stuff, the power of which is not to be
underestimated.  After all, every woman dreams of finding the
perfect man for her from the moment she starts playing with Barbie
and Ken.  Probably before then, for all I know.

Rest assured and take pride.  You've swept this woman off her feet,
which means--at least figuratively--that she has no plans to walk.  

2)  "I'd Do Anything For You"

There is no bitterness whatsoever in the heart of a woman who says
these words to you.

She at once recognizes your considerable and perpetual contribution
to her blissful quality of life, even as she responds to your optimism
and generosity with a deeply rooted desire to reciprocate.

Plan on being a happy man for a long, long time...as if you weren't

3)  "I Would Marry You All Over Again"

Of all the choices you could have made among the many interesting
women you've ever met, you can rest assured you've made a wise one.

Indeed, she likely had options of her own.  And even after decoding
at least some of your masculine intrigue and mystery, she remains
smitten to this day. 

Months and/or years have not eroded her excitement about being with
you.  And given your solid leadership, there's no reason to believe
things will be going south anytime soon.

4)  "I Have The Greatest Husband In The World"

Victories earned in the category of "Greatest Husband" are
unofficial, of course...because in theory each such election carries
a constituency of exactly one voter.

Nevertheless, you've won.  In a landslide.

And the mandate is clear:  Keep doing whatever you've been doing
right, and don't ever stop.

5)  "You Are The Most Wonderful Father Ever"

Transcending merely her affection and respect toward you, this
statement represents a full acknowledgment that even your offspring
are crazy about you.

Your deft leadership succeeds on a daily basis at wrapping your
entire household in a cocoon of tranquil security.  She recognizes
this and isn't about to throw a wrench in the works anytime soon.

And your kids love both of you for it.

6)  "You're Amazing"

These two words are often all that an otherwise speechless woman
can gather the wherewithal to speak.

And this is not surprising.

After all, within two simple words are contained the entire gamut
of positive emotion that can possibly be expressed. 

She admires what you do.  She respects who you are.  She awaits
your next magical surprise.  She loves you...and she even likes you

And every day you carve yet another new facet into her shining
perception of you.

7)  BONUS:  "I Adore You"

Among phrases indicative of extreme like, this one is about
as powerful as it gets, stopping just short of pure worship.

Indeed, when you look up the word "adore" in the dictionary the
definition reads, "to love intensely".  As such, you can bet women
don't just throw the term around loosely.

The inside of my wedding band is engraved with the words, "I
adore you now and forever".  That's about as legit as it gets.

By now, you may be wondering, "Well, McKay, isn't this all
longhand for 'I love you'?"

The short answer is "yes". 

But one of life's profound joys lies in the fact that women are
usually far too creative and expressive to leave it at that.



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