[X&Y] Your Simple Secret To Sexual Fulfillment

Published: Fri, 06/21/24

Updated: Fri, 06/21/24

Does it seem like the more you try to get women to have sex with you, the less sex you're actually having?  Here's why that is...


WHAT'S INSIDE: Does it seem like the more you try to get women to
have sex with you, the less sex you're actually having? Here's why
that is...



Most guys aren't having any sex at all, which is bad.

But even if they are, it's often just "vanilla"...on the rare occasions
it actually happens.

The first HUGE problem is finding women who are sexually
bold, adventurous and uninhibited. Most men have no idea
how to spot them, let alone attract them.

THEN comes how to send her to the moon and back in the
bedroom. By all accounts, it seems like there's not a lot of real,
honest sexual fulfillment out there nowadays.

If you can relate at all, my big question is this: What if you
could get in on what you've been missing out on?

I promise your sex life can be SO much better and FAR more

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Being in the business I'm in, and being a man, guys often ask me
how to get women to have sex with them.

Ironically enough, my answer typically involves some iteration of,
"Well, genius, stop trying so hard to get them to have sex with

Be that as it may, as many of us have encountered time and again in
life, one of the most oft-repeated blunders in the business world is
"if something isn't working, do twice as much of it".

This happens all the time when guys aren't getting women to agree
to all of the sex they want as early and as often as they had hoped.

Yeah, well.  "Hope" is not a strategy. 

Sure, male or female, we are all sexual creatures.  But there is SO
MUCH more depth to us all. 

Perhaps ironically, that's exactly the key to being more sexually

And therein lies today's point.  Make sure you are ready for this
one, too.  It's something you've never heard before (and I major in
that sort of thing, if you're just getting acquainted with this

Here it is:

  Men who prioritize raw sexual fulfillment over actually enjoying a
  woman's company in a more holistic sense are almost universally the
  LEAST sexually fulfilled people I know of.

In other words, guys who are trying to get laid tend to be the least
guys I know.

Is this attributable to the old theory that "the more you chase
something the more elusive it becomes"?

Maybe in part, but there's much more to it.

Okay, then.  Is it because most women are wise to such motives and
don't give in?

Unfortunately, that's not it either.  Plenty of women these days are
more than okay with casual sex.

Well, what IS IT already?

The answer lies in the very telling likelihood that the guy who
views women as walking life support systems for their vaginas is
the very same one who constantly kvetches about how all [women] are
"dead lays" with absolutely zero sexual skill, drive or creativity.

Bad sex = Low fulfillment

But here's the thing.  I submit that maybe the problem ISN'T the

Come on now, you can't really believe that all women are passive,
asexual and/or even frigid, can you?

Well, maybe if that helps you sleep at night.

But really, why should a woman's full sexual potential be
squandered on a guy who, when it comes down to it, is USING her? 

Make no mistake.  It won't be. 

Show me a guy who has a healthy respect for women, and furthermore
actually ENJOYS women...and I'll show you a guy who's partner is so
fired up in the bedroom (and the kitchen, and the closet, and the
shower) that the smoke detectors had better be disconnected. 

Most women know all too well that one man's "dead lay" ("D/L") is
another man's "Siren/Vixen" ("S/V").  And men who focus on "getting
laid" at the expense of everything else a woman potentially has to
offer him don't experience "S/V"s so much. 

In fact, some have seen such a steady pattern of "D/L"s that they
refuse to believe "S/V"s even exist outside of porn.

Go and try to figure THAT out.  And when you do, deserve what you



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