[X&Y] Do This And She'll Feel Comfortable With You Immediately

Published: Mon, 06/24/24

Updated: Mon, 06/24/24


WHAT'S INSIDE:  Here is a simple and practical
way to make her feel more comfortable with you
from the very start...which always leads to GREAT



Given how much has changed in recent years
about how men and women relate, it seems as
if every step brings its own set of questions.

Women seem more stone-faced and "busy" out
there than ever. And every article you read makes
it sound like they'd rather be left alone anyway.

But meanwhile, dating sites and apps are letting
us down, too. It's like we serve them nowadays
instead of vice-versa.

And if you DO get a woman's number, are you
supposed to play the text game with her, or do
you dare CALL her in the year 2024?

It might not matter at all, since she only gave
you her Instagram...or even her OnlyFans account!

What about when you DO go out with her? Can you
really call it a "date" nowadays?

And is she more into "hookup culture" (whatever
that means) or is any sexual interest you show
likely to get you in trouble?

What if your name and face end up on the "Are We
Dating The Same Guy?" Facebook group?

If these are the kind of questions that keep you
up at night--and not for the good reason--then
this coming Wednesday's Masterclass For Men is
for YOU:

Masterclass For Men: What Has Changed


In just about 48 hours from now, you'll discover
all the keys to mastering the new...all without
losing site of what HASN'T changed, and probably
never will.

If you're coming off a breakup from a long-term
relationship, this Masterclass is your one-stop
shop for getting back out there.

But no matter WHO you are, when you have clear
vision to navigate changes without losing sight
of what works at the constant PRIMAL level, that's
when you become spoiled for choice with women:

Masterclass For Men: What Has Changed


Here's the thing...if women COULD tell you what
you need to know to meet, attract and captivate
them in the year 2024, they WOULD.

The problem is they're all just as confused as WE

This presents a golden opportunity for you--as a
man who knows what he's doing--to LEAD.

It all happens day after tomorrow. That's Wednesday,
26 June at 8pm EDT

Remember, if you can't make it on Wednesday night,
the complete Download Portal will be available the
morning after the event. Be sure to claim your ticket:

Masterclass For Men: What Has Changed




"It's like we've known each other for TEN YEARS, not TEN

Those are the magic words indicating a woman is completely
comfortable in your presence.

As we've talked about before, a major linchpin of the "big four"
along with confidence, masculinity and character is the ability to
cause a woman to feel safe and comfortable in your presence,
aka "inspiring confidence".

If she's attracted to you but doesn't feel safe around you she
won't answer your phone calls and/or actually go out with you,
despite any signals she sends that she likes you.

Women are "security seeking creatures".

They are more circumspect when it comes to potential for
physical harm than we are. It's amazing how many women live
their lives in fear.

When in doubt, we should err on the side of helping a woman
feel safe and comfortable...from the very moment we meet her.

There's not really a "stage", as some PUAs suggest, during
any particular interaction with a woman that you "build comfort".

It has to be in effect from the very first second and remain
throughout your entire relationship with her.

Now obviously, when starting a conversation with a woman you
want to get her to talk about herself rather than doing all the
talking, especially if you end up going on and on to her about
yourself. We've covered that extensively in the past.

Here is a golden strategy when making conversation with a
woman to help her feel more comfortable with you.

It's simple but magical, easy to remember, and will transform
your fortunes with women.

When getting a woman to talk about herself be sure to
avoid "why" questions, especially in response to something
she says she did or something she prefers.

Whenever we ask someone "why" they did something or
prefer something or have a certain opinion on something it
comes off as if we're questioning their judgment or even
belittling them for it.


Her:  "Well, I work for Insurance Company X."

You:  "Why did you choose to work there?"


Her:  "I drive a little Volkswagen Beetle."

You:  "Why would you drive one of those?"

"Why" questions put someone on the defensive.  That's
NEVER a secure feeling.

The worst part about a "why" question is it signals potential
confrontation and/or "silent" judgment.

Since the perception you're thinking negatively about her is
"under the radar" and as yet unspoken, the net negative
impact on her comfort level with you is actually WORSE than
if you had told her you thought her job or her car were terrible.

Ironic, isn't it? After all, most of us don't intend to come off
that way. In our mind, we're just asking open-ended
questions and making all the right moves.

Contrast the vibe surrounding "why" questions with that
created by simple teasing, which doesn't come off as

This is because she knows where you stand and presumes
you're purposefully bantering with her for the sake of pure


Her:  "Well, I work for Insurance Company X."

You:  "That's a shame. Company Y is who I go with, so now
you can't get me an extra discount using your feminine charm."


Her:  "I drive a little Volkswagen Beetle."

You:  "Oh geez...what a GIRL car. I bet you'll even trade it in for
a minivan someday when you have a bunch of babies."

If teasing banter isn't really a part of your personality, no
worries.  You can focus instead on asking "what" or "how"
questions instead of "why" questions:


Her:  "Well I work for Insurance Company X."

You:  "Really? What exciting superhuman heroics do you
perform on the job all day?"


Her:  "I drive a little Volkswagen Beetle."

You:  "No kidding? How do those things handle on the
racetrack? I would think if you drift it too hard around the
corner the daisies would fly out of the vase on the

OK, OK...obviously, I've got too much "teasing banter" in my
DNA to leave well enough alone.

But note how "what" and "how" questions indicate more of a
curious intrigue on your part than signaling imminent
confrontation like "why" questions do.

It's all about her emotional response to the nature of the
conversation YOU are leading.

If she feels she genuinely intrigues you, she'll feel MORE
comfortable with you.

Contrast that with what she'd feel if you were to challenge
her in a confrontational way with "why" questions.

If you are a masculine "big four" man who creates attraction by
your very presence (tone of voice, how you carry yourself, being
relaxed, etc.) then using "what" or "how" questions instead of
"why" questions will be like pure catnip to women.

Finding a man who actually cares about who she is and what
she is into in addition to what she looks like is every beautiful
woman's dream.

Note that I've not mentioned gushing compliments her way or
interjecting "sexual innuendo" into the conversation.

I solemnly promise your masculine presence PLUS simple
intrigue--even free of any focus on sexual themes--WILL
intrigue her in return.

After all, she's following your lead. Deserve what you want.

Sexual interest will follow soon enough, and likely WAY sooner
than if you forced the issue.



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