[X&Y] 6 Steps To Being Her Hero (Part One)
Published: Thu, 04/04/24
WHAT'S INSIDE: You spot a woman whose car
has broken down along the highway. Quick...
what do you do?
What does it mean to be "amazing in bed"?
How do you spot women who are amazing in bed before
you even TALK to them?
How do you BECOME amazing in bed yourself?
And what do you do if she's NOT amazing in bed?
All of that...and I've not even scratched the surface of
what's in Behind Closed Doors.
For example, there are TWO different full sessions with
David Shade, one on "mental foreplay" and the other on
how to get women to tell you their fantasies.
Specific skills and techniques. Preparation. Creativity.
Stamina. Positions. Dirty talk. Erotic hypnosis.
You even get a session answering all the questions
most guys won't ask, and another from the #1 male
literotica author on dominant sexuality.
Behind Closed Doors turns you into a master in the
bedroom. Go ahead and take a look...there's even
more I didn't have room to mention:
Use "bcd50" To Get 50% Off
Remember, you only have 48 hours to score the
whole program for 50% off. Just use the coupon code
"bcd50" at checkout.
Plus, right now I'll also give you a copy of
Female Persuasion for FREE. That way,
you'll be charming to more women before they
ever enter your bedroom. Nice.
Use "bcd50" To Get 50% Off
Somehow, in spite of all the modern conveniences we have in the
21st century, we as humans consider ourselves "busier" than ever.
And one could argue that with the advent of smart phones and the
Internet--especially social media--we're actually interacting with
real, live humans less often than we used to.
Certainly two years of COVID-19 isolation has cause many
people's social muscles to atrophy even further, right?
But even under so-called "normal" circumstances, there's the
simple fact that many of us as men have been programmed to
believe women want to "fend for themselves" nowadays--and
any attempt to assist them will only be taken as an insult.
I've actually heard chivalry referred to as "benevolent sexism"
Add it all up, and you can quickly come to the sad realization that
a lot of guys might observe a woman's car broken down on the
highway and proceed to blow right past her.
After all, we rationalize that we've got someplace to be...and she
probably didn't need our help anyway, right?
Well, today I want to introduce you to one of life's most
surprisingly rewarding male/female interactions: rescuing a damsel
in distress by the roadside.
Ha...the MGTOW guys are already wadded up over this idea,
I'm sure. Cool. More for us.
Get this right, and you'll not only enjoy the distinct experience
of feeling like a man, you'll be honing your mad "big four" skills
in the process.
That will reap juicy rewards for you as you interact with more and
more women in the future.
Notice I DIDN'T jump right out and say this is a super-cool way
to roll the dice on getting a girlfriend. Only Dr. Clingy McNeedy
would think like that in such a situation.
What we're talking about here is simply doing what high-quality
men do, thereby reclaiming our rightful reputation as men of
strong character and operating at a high level of personal power.
Right on, then. Here are the first two of six pretty simple steps
to being a woman's hero, right when either of you least expected it.
Today's steps involve PRE-planning, whereas the other four I'll get
into next time are more procedural when you're actually on site.
Oh, and by the way...even if you don't have a car and/or don't drive
the principles I'm about to hand you translate very well to just about
any situation where you could theoretically emerge as the MAN on
the spot.
1) Have The Right Tools
Think about it...this is pretty much the only thing that makes Batman
a superhero. It's not like he can fly or communicate with whales.
It's all in the gadgets.
Obviously, if the likes of Batman can't be of much help to anyone
otherwise, you really can't either.
Listen, I don't care if you drive a 4x4 pickup with a brush guard,
off road lights and a winch (although that can't hurt) or an '87
Toyota Camry.
All you really need is a set of jumper cables (you can get them in
a soft case so they don't clutter up your interior), a basic tool
kit (they make them specifically to keep in your car), a small
first-aid kit, flares and a lighter, a kickin' LED flashlight, a modern
multi-tool like a Keyport (which every guy should have anyway) and
a charged mobile phone.
You can keep all of those things either under your seat, in your
center console or in your glove compartment. That's cool...after all,
what else are you going to put there, gloves?
Besides, you just might need some of that stuff yourself someday
Now, if you're blessed with car that has a good sized trunk, keeping
a 2-gallon gas container, a funnel, a blanket, a can of "run flat"
and an extra two quarts of motor oil in there would probably make
Batman jealous.
But if that's not really practical, no worries. Most of us aren't
exactly patrolling the Dalton Highway in January.
2) Know Car Troubleshooting Basics
Of course, having the raw materials necessary to be of assistance
will do neither you nor anyone else any good unless you know how to
use them.
That means you should know at least the basics of figuring out
what's wrong with a broken-down vehicle.
Thanks to the magic of the Internet, I promise it will take about
two hours of your time to know more than what 95% of most guys
know on this subject. Seriously.
Google how to use jumper cables, how to definitively tell if a car
is out of gas as opposed to having a fuel pump problem, how to tell
the difference between a dead battery and an alternator issue, what
to do when a car overheats, and general basics on how to change a
flat tire.
Here's a hint on the latter: Nowadays EVERY car has the pieces to
the jack in weird places, and probably some special convention for
how to detach the spare from its compartment.
You'll probably need to look it all up in the user's manual found
in the glove box. Or better yet, Google it. I promise you won't
look bad for not knowing the specifics of how every car's jack and
spare work.
By the way, if you've never had a flat tire before, changing a tire
can be done in about 20 minutes and isn't really all that difficult,
at least once you gather all the jack parts.
So with that all taken care of, you should be well prepared to step
up for any woman stranded on the roadside, even when other guys can
only manage an epic fail.
As I said, stay tuned...because next time I'm going to fork over four
seriously POWERFUL strategies for making women HOT for you
right then and there.
But hey, like I said, that's only if you WANT to. Being any woman's
hero is its own reward.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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