[X&Y] 6 Steps To Being Her Hero (Part Two)

Published: Fri, 04/05/24


WHAT'S INSIDE: Here's the all-important second part of
what we started yesterday, this time containing the
practical steps.



If you could choose one thing on Earth to be incredibly good at,
what would it be?

Maybe it would be your favorite sport.

Or playing guitar.

Making money would be high up there on the list for lots of guys.

But how about rocking a woman's world in the bedroom?  Nothing
satisfies quite like that.

That feeling when you know you've achieved sexual mastery is

And yet, here's the thing... Unlike being an expert in the other areas
I've listed above, it doesn't take nearly as much time or special
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If you missed part one on this topic yesterday, definitely
dig around in your inbox and take a look.

In it, I gave you two objective ways to be ready when presented
with the opportunity to rescue a woman by the roadside.

I also talked about why any man in his right mind should be ALL
OVER doing that.  (If you're not, go ahead and pass this newsletter
by...exactly like you would that woman you could have been a hero

But now, as promised, here are steps 3 through 6, each covering
what to do when you actually find a woman stranded with car

3)  Think Safety First

Nothing will immediately establish you as a real man in the eyes of
a "distressed" woman quite like looking out for her safety and
security FIRST.  No surprise there, right?

So pull up in as safe a place behind her car as possible and put on
your blinkers.

Get out and make a quick observation as to whether or not she is in
any imminent danger.

Is her car a traffic hazard?  If so, help her move it further to
the side if at all possible.  This will also keep YOU safer as you
take a look at the car later.

Is she OUT of the car, along with any passengers (especially
children)?  She should be as far away from the car as is
reasonably possible while being out of any potential traffic path.

Are her hazard blinkers on?  This seems like kind of a no-brainer,
but it's really easy to forget to turn them on when stress levels
are high.


4)  Find Out If She Has Anyone Else Coming To Assist Her

After any immediate safety issue is addressed, it makes sense to
find out if she has her cell phone with her and if she's been able
to contact anyone she knows to come assist her.

Obviously, this is a magnificent opportunity--assuming you're
attracted to her--to find out whether she has a guy in her life
or not.

And get this...just wait until you figure out how many women have
boyfriends who don't give a rat's hindparts that their so-called
"significant other" is stranded by the roadside. 

As I see it, you can consider that scenario fair game for making
plans with her.  Dudes like that deserve to be broken up with.

If she DOES indeed have someone coming to fetch her up, you've
done a good deed by getting her and her passengers into "safe

And if that person coming to get her ISN'T a husband or a
boyfriend, I'd say proceed with the next two steps normally.

5)  Lighten Her Mood As You Proceed To Help Her

One of the greatest aspects of Australian culture is the "no
worries" attitude.  The sky could be falling, and an Aussie would
take it in stride.

Take a clue from down under when it comes to helping "damsels in

Honestly, since women follow a man's lead the LESS worry and
stress you feel, the less SHE'LL feel.

Mark my words, she's going to be frazzled, whether she visually
demonstrates it or not.

So above all, stay cool, calm and collected.  Treat whatever is
going on as no big deal, even if her car is on fire.  It's not that
you're trivializing the situation, you're just not getting flustered over
it at all. 

(And come to think of it, having an auto-specific fire extinguisher
might be a nice item to add to your cache in the trunk.  They also
have killer ones you can mount to the interior A-pillar on the
passenger side.  Mine is on a frame attached to the rails under
the driver's seat.  If anything, they look trick.)

Once safety is established (per bullet point #3 above), feel free
to make common small talk with her or even find humor in the
situation.  If it's raining, tell her how much you appreciate
"liquid sunshine" in moments like these.

As always, your confidence and uncanny ability to handle her
situation will ignite her femininity.

6)  Whatever You Do, Stay Objective Until The "Threat" Is Over

The number one mistake men make when attempting to help a
woman with car trouble is to telegraph sexual interest too early in the

Remember, this is certainly no ordinary "pickup" scenario, so you
cannot treat it like one.

Until a woman feels safe and at has at least some internal
reassurance that everything is going to be okay, any attempt to get
her number, ask her out, etc. will likely backfire on you miserably.

At BEST she'll see you as a guy and who frankly doesn't "get it" at
all.  After all, there's a problem at hand here and a real man would
help her solve it before anything else.

At WORST, she'll have feared that you were only stopping because
you had ulterior motives to begin with, and you'll be validating
her fear whether you mean to or not. 

And don't kid yourself.  Once you're in the "creepy zone", there
is NO getting out of it.  You might as well get on your merry way
and drive off.

Fortunately, just a small amount of simple knowledge can keep
you from messing everything up.

That's this:  Your best strategy for truly creating attraction in
these situations is to be the provider and the protector, casually
and without social pressure.

By being a MAN, you awaken (and ignite) her feminine nature and
BAM...the rest takes care of itself. 

Telegraphing that you're just trying to get in her pants will NOT end
well.  It's counter-productive to a process that's actually working in
your favor already, on auto-pilot.

If you've never "rescued" a woman and been her hero before, it's
a truly great feeling that, if nothing else, will inject your self-
confidence with steroids and supply you with the personal power
to go and meet even more women.

It makes you feel like a MAN, and serves notice to women of the

Making ANY bold move in life tends to have that effect, frankly.

So then, it really doesn't matter if the woman you find stranded is
married, a lesbian, otherwise somehow uninterested or even
uninteresting to you ultimately.

You'll have demonstrated amazing "big four" status and will be
appreciated for that. 

But no matter what the energy ends up being like between the
two of you when you've actually met, just don't expect some sort
of "reward", be that monetary, sexual or otherwise.

If she does flirt with you (which is highly likely), bear in mind
that she'll feel already like she owes you one. That's the Law Of
Reciprocity at work.

Again, don't push that envelope.  Just enjoy the moment. 

If you note interest on her part (e.g. flirtation, invitation to
talk again under "better circumstances", etc.), don't work too hard.
Remember, she probably is still pretty stressed and is likely also
running WAY behind schedule.

Simply trade numbers and tell her to call you when she gets home
safely.  Oh man, is that ever a brilliant strategy.  You've given
her an excellent excuse to call YOU. 

And if she doesn't, you can call her back at will in a couple of
hours without appearing needy or clingy at all.

When she thanks you again for being such an amazing man over
the phone and asks how she'll ever repay you, tell her you bet
she's an amazing cook so she should make you a steak and
mashed potatoes sometime.  Then you'll call it even.  Beautiful.



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