[X&Y] Her Parents Came Home Early...At The Worst Possible Time

Published: Sat, 04/06/24

WHAT'S INSIDE:  Things were getting hot and heavy...then all of the
sudden, headlights beamed through the living room window.   Sound
familiar?  Well, what happened next?  Do you remember?



Have you ever wondered what really makes a woman
completely addicted to you and 100% loyal?

So loyal, in fact, that a richer, better looking,
younger guy could come along and try to sweep her
off her feet...and she'd show ZERO interest.

Ever wondered how to make a woman that into you?

Well, the most important factor is to treat her right
in the bedroom.

Blow her mind in the bedroom and she isn't going


Because so few guys know what they're doing in bed that
when a woman meets a guy who really 'gets it' she doesn't
ever want to let him go.

Click here for the whole story:

Be Amazing In The Bedroom...Starting Tonight



You can already tell from the title of this newsletter what I'm
about to talk about.

Even though it was likely years ago, if it has happened to you
before you remember it well, don't you?

Somehow you and your high school girlfriend had ended up all
alone at her house on a certain Friday night.

And inevitably, things started getting a little HOT.

Sure, the two of you were sitting there watching TV innocently
enough at first.  But you started kissing her.

The kissing soon turned into bra straps and zippers being undone.
Before long, both of you were breathing heavily.

And amidst telling each other that you "just couldn't help
yourselves", and pronouncing things to have progressed to the
"point of no return"...it happened.

Out of nowhere, you saw the reflection of headlights in the living
room window.

Her parents' car had just pulled into the driveway.  They were
home, even though it was only 8:45!

That's when something extraordinarily curious happened, didn't it?

Suddenly (and that's an understatement), you realized that the
"point of no return" was a myth.  You really could help yourselves,
couldn't you?

That truth was abundantly clear as you both scrambled to find your

It's amazing how circumstances can affect our mindset and even
our very emotional state, isn't it?

And here's the point:  Nothing has changed since high school as far
as that's concerned.

The first obvious lesson here is that even now, as an adult, you
should make it a point to be sure that any possible scenario that
could possibly derail your "alone time" with women is anticipated
from the start and dealt with accordingly.

Do you make sure to turn off your computer speakers before a woman
comes over, lest she hear your Messenger go off or someone leave
you a Skype voicemail?

Do you put your phone on mute?

Do you make sure your gas tank is full before picking up a woman
for the evening?

Do you check your schedule when planning a date to make sure you
don't have an early flight the next morning or an exam to study
for?  (Don't laugh...I've personally blown it on both of those
scenarios in the real world before.)

You've got to be a step ahead of any notorious "mood killers" at
all times.  Pretty basic stuff.

But you know me by now.  I'm not going to drop something that basic
on you and sign off.  I've got a deeper corollary for you.

How about when it comes to flirting?  Do you know what to do when
the "headlights" flash through the window?

You've heard me say time and again that flirting is really nothing
more than ANY interaction between a man and a woman that would feel
downright awkward if between people of the same sex (assuming
heterosexuality here).

So what happens when you're talking to an attractive woman as you
"normally" would, when all of the sudden--out of nowhere--you find
out she's, say, the boss's wife?

You change you tune FAST, don't you?  And admit it--that usually
means you dial it down to the "extra neuter" level, doesn't it?

I mean, the LAST thing you need (even less than having been accused
of hitting on her) is for HER to suddenly be all over you.

Face it.  The simple fact that you know how to slam the door on
anything that even remotely resembles inappropriate "interest"
proves that you KNOW what flirting looks like.

So then, since you've just proven to yourself that you know what
flirting is all about
, can you now trust that you know how to use
your innate flirting ability when it IS perfectly appropriate?  

Give some thought to that and watch your flirtation with women
become more natural and appealing to them as a direct result.



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