[X&Y] 10 "Wimp Tests"
Published: Wed, 04/10/24
WHAT'S INSIDE: Are you a genuine protector in women's
eyes? Here are some surprising ways to know for sure.
Today we're talking about finding courage, even in relatively
low-risk situations that don't call for a whole lot of bravado.
Although we'll have some fun in that context below, here's a
more serious angle on that conversation.
Most men won't ever made a bold move to be the
absolute best man they can be.
We fear failure, and sometimes even success. After all, if that
sexy woman you approach actually agrees to go out with you,
you're going to have to keep her attracted.
Why is it that military officers, mayors of cities, famous
musicians, serial entrepreneurs, Navy SEALs, Ivy League
professors and other sharp guys have hired me to coach
It's all because those who seek strength tend to be the ones
who get stronger.
"Good enough" is never good enough. Not until you've got
the girl.
25 minutes will give you clarity. Let's talk:
Want the details ahead of time on what the now legendary
Ten-Plus Program looks like?
See here:
...and here:
=====Today we're talking about finding courage, even in relatively
low-risk situations that don't call for a whole lot of bravado.
Although we'll have some fun in that context below, here's a
more serious angle on that conversation.
Most men won't ever made a bold move to be the
absolute best man they can be.
We fear failure, and sometimes even success. After all, if that
sexy woman you approach actually agrees to go out with you,
you're going to have to keep her attracted.
Why is it that military officers, mayors of cities, famous
musicians, serial entrepreneurs, Navy SEALs, Ivy League
professors and other sharp guys have hired me to coach
It's all because those who seek strength tend to be the ones
who get stronger.
"Good enough" is never good enough. Not until you've got
the girl.
25 minutes will give you clarity. Let's talk:
Want the details ahead of time on what the now legendary
Ten-Plus Program looks like?
See here:
...and here:
By now you know all too well that being a wussified milquetoast
is not attractive to women at all.
The very essence of what ignites femininity is directly tied to
facing fear with courage, coming up with a plan when crisis hits
and being a protector when danger and uncertainty loom.
And, well...you just can't be any of those things if you're cowering
in the corner, now can you?
Most of us will never be faced with storming Osama Bin Laden's
camp in Pakistan, landing an airliner in the Hudson River or
fending off wild tigers in the Sri Lankan jungle.
That's all well and good, but you will need to be able to get
through normal, everyday life in 21st-century post-modern
For better or worse, life presents nearly constant challenges
to "man up", even if they're small or even subtle ones.
Nevertheless, you can bet your bottom dollar that women are
In this two part series on the subject, I'm going to present to you
ten very basic, common ways to tell with almost 100% certainty
what kind of man you are.
Do you possess even a modicum of the masculine courage that
indicates to a woman that you're a leader, provider and a
Or are you just a frightened shell of a man, a passive follower
who runs from every potential challenge?
Here are the first five "simple tests". Perhaps the first should
be based on whether you have the guts to even read on vs.
folding up and hitting "delete" without even facing what follows,
But seriously...ah, what the heck. Take a deep breath and go
for it...
1. Popcorn Bags
When you make a bag of popcorn, can you fish the bag out of the
microwave when it's done, open it, pour out the contents into a
bowl without either using an oven mitt or repeating a staccato
chorus of "Ow! Ow! Ow!" the whole time?
Can you crumple up the bag a couple of seconds later without
flinching, or do you have to blow into it and bounce it around in
the air for half a minute before doing so?
Here's the truth. A bag of popcorn is hot, but when handled
according to the directions it's not hot enough to fry your
fingers. And yes, you really can crumple up the empty bag
immediately without injuring yourself.
You can also survive taking a cold shower if necessary, walking
a mile in 100 degree heat with a gas can or jump-starting your
neighbor's car on a cold winter morning.
Only wimps can't handle reasonable (read: "not dangerous")
deviations in temperature.
Don't you dare stick your toe in that swimming pool first if others
are already happily enjoying themselves in it. Dive right in, man.
2. Going To The Doctor
I don't know what it is about going to the doctor that strikes such
fear in men's hearts, but we'd better get over it if we know what's
good for us.
When something isn't quite right with your health, you know it.
And that means you also instinctively know you need to go see
a doctor.
Yet a huge percentage of men bury their heads in the sand,
pretend nothing is going on and that whatever is ailing them
will go away on its own.
This isn't only dangerous and irresponsible, it's freaking wimpy
to the extreme.
Any woman can see your fear is keeping you from taking the
best care of yourself you could. Therefore, you're also not
improving the likelihood that you'll continue to be there for her
and your future family.
She isn't impressed.
3. Public Whining
Children are best known for whining, particularly spoiled and
undisciplined ones.
Some men never grow up. They continue to fuss, complain and
create drama at the first sign of bother or inconvenience all
through their adult lives.
Not coincidentally, these are usually the same men who are
dateless, often without ever realizing why.
Simply put, real men never verbalize their reticence or discomfort
toward what they already know needs to be done.
There's never a complaint without a solution attached.
They simply nut up and take care of business. This is like catnip
to women.
Notably, whining is not to be confused with boldly standing up to
injustice, manipulation or the like.
If you're ever accused of "whining" by someone whose B.S. you've
just called out, you can let that go in one ear and out the other.
4. Varmints
Here it is: If there's a spider in the house, it's you who needs to
deal with it.
You get extra points for doing the deed without nervously squashing
otherwise innocent critters simply because they've been found
outside of their natural habitat.
The general rule around here is if the thing is legitimately dangerous
(i.e. scorpion, brown recluse, etc.) then you smash it.
Otherwise, you get some toilet paper, coax it into your grasp and
toss it outside.
Nobody is saying you have to go all Steve Irwin on crocodiles,
Komodo dragons or cave tarantulas. But you should be okay with
catching and removing toads, lizards and other small and harmless
Even more bonus points are yours if you can catch harmless garden
snakes, if only for personal enjoyment. Just don't "surprise" your
girlfriend with them or anything.
5. Flat Tires
Do you know how to change a flat tire? You should, because it's
not going to end well for you if she has to do it while you stand
there watching helplessly.
In other words, she'd better not have to break a nail because you
were unwilling to get your hands dirty. And that's exactly how she'd
look at it.
It's even more to your credit if you actually look forward to
changing one, even if in the back of your mind you're miffed by the
inconvenience and the cost of fixing or replacing the thing.
Contrast a guy like that with the quiet majority who don't even
know how to find all the pieces to the jack their car came equipped
with, let alone how to use it.
I've known guys with full-size pickup trucks who were completely
nonplussed as to how to release the spare from where it's stored
below the bed...if they could even find it at all.
So then, there are the first five. How are we doing so far?
The good news is that all of the examples I've shared are
completely within your control to get right. Did you notice that?
Rest assured the other five I'll reveal to you tomorrow are as
well. Stay tuned until then to find out what they are.
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