[X&Y] 5 More "Wimp Tests" As Promised
Published: Thu, 04/11/24
It's no secret that the vast, vast majority of you as men
who read this newsletter have a lot going for you.
You are men of solid character.
When I do a coaching program with you, the goal is
total transformation into being your absolute best self.
Then, having the amazing woman in your life you've
always sensed you deserve becomes reality...sooner
than later.
That said, many of you are already in a relationship
with a fantastic woman.
But it could be going better.
Maybe you know why it's not, or perhaps you don't.
More and more men are making the bold decision
to refuse mediocrity in their relationship.
Some see red flags that could eventually kill what
they have with a great woman.
Couples Coaching clears the obstacles and opens
the gateway to a bright future.
It's just like a Ten-Plus program, except BOTH of
you work with BOTH of us (Emily and myself).
Unlike counseling or therapy, there's an END goal
in mind...and we pledge together that you WILL
reach it.
Take a look:
Want to get yourself sorted as a man first, and
THEN do Couples Coaching? YES...you can
also do a hybrid Ten-Plus that makes it happen.
Whoa...let's just say a lot of you had, um..."opinions" about
yesterday's brouhaha (aka "newsletter").
First, I have to give props to the guy who gave me environmentally
friendly, animal-safe instructions for effectively removing
venomous species from one's apartment.
I have to say that's above and beyond the call, my brother.
While you're certainly a bad man, I'm not quite ready to
impose the art of rattlesnake wrangling upon other dudes as
a requirement for manhood in good standing.
And while there was general agreement about "public whining",
some of you felt free to lecture me on the "potential danger
of 2nd degree burns" from popcorn bags.
There were even a few somewhat angry unsubscribe demands. I
should have seen that coming, I suppose.
Well...at the risk of permanent damage to fragile egos everywhere,
I've got the second half of my list of ten "simple wimp tests"
for you.
After all, fragile egos are for wusses. Keeping promises isn't.
I laughed out loud writing these down, so at the very least
prepare to be entertained.
Besides that, all I can say is that if the bit about going to the
doctor and/or changing tires got under your skin yesterday, I
probably haven't done much to improve matters today:
6) Driving A Stick Shift
If you're physically sitting anywhere other than the United States
while reading this, you're probably already scratching your head.
Yeah, I realize that in the year 2024 a "manual" is probably
understood by anyone under 30 to be a car that doesn't drive
Nevertheless, I remain shocked by the number of guys in this
country, at least, who are stopped dead in their tracks if
confronted with the requirement to pilot any motor vehicle that's
not equipped with an automatic transmission.
I don't care if you're a "car nut" or not, this is important.
Well, first there's the simple fact that anything cool to drive in
this life is better with a manual transmission. That includes 4x4s,
motorcycles, and sports cars.
If you're out rock-hopping in Moab, Utah with an automatic Jeep,
don't come crying to me when that doesn't work out for you. (Do
they even MAKE Jeeps with automatics?)
Manual transmissions make life more fun when you know how to use
But far more importantly, there's going to come a day--sometime
soon, if it hasn't happened already--where you're going to be called
upon to "save the day" by driving someone else's car. It might even
be an emergency.
If, once you jump into the driver's seat, the very next thought
that crosses your mind is, "Oh $#!%, what do I do NOW?" then you're
going to be nobody's hero.
And that's usually when some chick orders you to "get out of the
frickin' driver's seat before someone gets hurt", leaving you
standing there while she whizzes off effortlessly.
Don't let THAT be the moment that finally persuades you to spend an
hour or two in the empty corner of the mall parking lot with a
borrowed '97 Sentra.
For what it's worth, I'd even recommend taking a few private pilot
lessons...you know, just in case you're ever called upon to land a
plane in an emergency (it happened one time in Florida).
But hey, that's just the way I think.
7) Trying New Foods
Here's what some women do when a completely new, exotic or
somewhat challenging culinary delicacy is placed before them.
They take their little finger and tentatively jab at it with utmost
care, so as only to coat the tip of said finger with about twelve
molecules of the "lab sample" at hand.
It's as if they're playing "Operation" with it.
Then, they stick out the tip of their tongue and reprise the
tentative jabbing motion until about three of the twelve anointed
molecules have actually invaded their oral cavity.
I have no idea how any woman gets any idea of how something really
tastes by doing that, so I therefore have no idea how YOU would
So don't do that. Take a bite of the stuff already and be done with
You're welcome to have a napkin ready in case the process requires
reversing. Nobody's telling you that you have to actually swallow
any nasty food. That would have nothing to do with being brave,
that would just be crazy and/or stupid.
8) Shots
Nope, I'm not talking about how many "Jaeger Bombs" you can pound
down. I'm also not expressing a particular opinion about COVID
I'm talking about what typically goes on at the doctor's office.
Assuming you can get past #2 from yesterday, the next major cause of
much weeping and gnashing of teeth within the medical realm is the
dreaded injection.
I promise you with all my heart that the anticipation of whatever
pain it causes is MUCH, MUCH greater than the actual pain.
Consciously put that theory to the test the next time you get
blood work done or get a flu vaccine.
For what it's worth, you should probably get over your phobia of
dentists too. Like blood tests, dental work is on the list of
life's inevitabilities.
Oh yeah, and when the opportunity presents itself just rip off a
bandage in one fell swoop too, please. And get on with it, already.
The sooner it's over with the better.
9) Standing Up To Customer Service Departments
If you've paid good money for something and you're being treated
ridiculously in return, you should make your displeasure known in a
civil but nevertheless direct manner.
Don't let someone who has had more training and experience than you
at dealing with irate customers EVER, EVER guilt you into believing
you're the problem if you have a legitimate point.
If you've paid for something, you're the customer and the person
selling you the product works for you. Don't ever let that common,
natural fact get clouded by manipulation.
Granted, you've got to make sure you have a valid point and you've
definitely got to give the other side a legit chance to make things
But make no mistake, this is another area where women watch how you
handle things VERY carefully. If you're either a doormat or a
crybaby you're not going to come off as a man who knows how to
provide and protect.
Be reasonable and direct when there's an honest concern, and remain
steadfast until it's resolved. You can't go wrong that way.
10) Resisting Immature Provocation
I've saved the most significant one for last.
What we're talking about here is remaining cool under fire when
someone (or even something) royally pisses you off.
The baseline fact underscoring this entire thought is this: Whoever
raises his voice and/or loses emotional control first in ANY
situation is the one who LOSES.
And losers are usually the ones who lacked confidence, composure
and/or sheer balls compared to the prevailing victor.
In other words, they wimped out.
Show the world that you expect to be respected and that you will
not kowtow to immaturity or foolishness of any kind.
Pick your battles wisely and rarely, saving your energy for true
life and death situations.
Oh, and if you're actually the one instigating immature
confrontations and other overreactions, you're advertising your
wussiness to the world to an exponentially higher degree.
So, how did you do?
In case you happen to be expecting some sort of "grading scale",
I've got some news for you. This exercise is "pass/fail", and the
only passing grade is a 100%.
There's no chance of grading on a curve, either. You've got to get
all of this stuff right.
The good news is that all of the examples I've shared are
completely within the realm of your personal control. Did you
notice that?
The only question that remains now is this: Are you willing to "man
up"...especially if it leads to much greater success with women?
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