[X&Y] Top 10 Ways To Ignite Her Feminine Energy Like An H-Bomb
Published: Sat, 05/04/24
Updated: Mon, 05/06/24
IN THIS EDITION: You have been asking for specific examples
of how to "ignite femininity" when you are with a woman. Hereare ten of them for you--all of which you can start putting into
action today.
Most guys who aren't as successful with women as they'd like to be
share a common pattern.
When it comes to relating to women, they think like a man.
But what makes the most sense to us in theory when it comes to
meeting and talking to women often falls flat as a pancake when
applied in real life.
And I won't even begin to go into how this affects long-term
Let me tell you, it's absolutely, positively true that women do
think differently than we as guys do in a lot of ways.
But since they're also the same species of human being as we
are, they also think exactly like we do in many other ways.
So how do you sort all of that out? Well now, that's the ninja
skill that separates the men from the boys in this whole area.
And if you really want to get ahead of just about every other guy
on the planet when it comes to understanding women, then Chick
Whispering is your turnkey plan:
Guys who've ravenously devoured the Chick Whispering program
in the years since I first introduced it have reported visible, tangible
changes in how first dates are going for them.
Simply put, if you're sick of underachieving with women even
though you know you're a great guy, this is probably the missing
piece of the puzzle:
Having given this some thought, I've decided that once you get a
handle on what's in Chick Whispering you'd likely appreciate a
great excuse to go try out your newly-minted skills.
So check it out. If you snap up your copy of Chick Whispering by
tomorrow night at 11:59p Texas time (Central Daylight Time,
GMT -5), I'll to fork over a copy of my book Cook For Your Date
as a free bonus.
GMT -5), I'll to fork over a copy of my book Cook For Your Date
as a free bonus.
No kidding. It goes for $27 in the X & Y Communications Store all
day long, but I'm really looking forward to hearing your success
stories. The way I see it, the proper formula for such a success story
would go something like this:
would go something like this:
1) Absorb every precious iota of goodness in Chick Whispering
so fully it'll make sponges jealous.
2) Voraciously consume every word of top-secret, nuclear arsenal
craziness that's in Cook For Your Date.
3) Let the hottest, sexiest woman you've met this week invite
herself over to your house for dinner.
4) Proceed to affect such utterly magical attraction magnetism
that it should probably be illegal in some states...and do so with
no regard whatsoever for having to go to work in the morning.
5) Holy Mama, what a difference!
Obviously, writing this is bringing back some sweet memories.
I mean, I've known Emily for almost nineteen years now and all of what
I've revealed in Chick Whispering and Cook For Your Date still
works like crazy.
And she knows it, even acknowledges it, and still loves every
minute of it.
Sure, you've got 48 hours or so to mull it over. But if you take
me up on this cool little deal that I've got for you right now,
that's a 48-hour head start you'll have on enjoying the fruits of
your decision. So here's that link again:
By the way, YES...Chick Whispering still comes with a live 30-minute
1-on-1 session with me personally.
And now, let's get to that question from Kevin in New Mexico. He
asks about how exactly to "ignite femininity"...
I recently went out with a single mom, who had actually approached
me for the date. Throughout the day prior to the date she was
texting me so on and so forth. She kept telling me how excited she
was. While I was excited as well, there was no need in building up
an expectation.
I was going into the date with NO expectations other than getting
to know her. I used a few of the standard questions, but then
moved on to other questions to "ignite her femininity," such as,
"Wow you seem passionate about X. Why is that?" or "What do you
like to do? Really...how did you get involved?", etc.
These were not canned questions, and I was just trying to be
different. Well, she would answer but she hardly asked any
questions back.
This is not to say she was chatting the whole time. She just
seemed to lack the drive she had previously to get to know me.
I can honestly say I had little to no chance to put my foot into my
Now I know the advice about not being creepy, smelling bad, and
other hidden detractors to success. While I am no Casanova, I know
plenty of female friends whom I can flirt with and so on who would
be honest if I did something wrong.
Since I have friends who would tell me the truth no matter what, I
went into this date with the confidence I have when hanging out
with friends.
I did not try to treat her as a friend, I did not act neutered, and
I avoided past mistakes which got me into the "just friends zone."
I am glad I have an honest person like you to tell me about my
questions and approach when on a date. I want a conversation to be
interesting, because I personally hate a dull conversation and find
it pointless to continue the date if it is.
I know you don't like to give advice on what exact words to say,
which I don't want because it DOES sound canned and fake.
But how can a man carry a conversation and not appear neutered?
What topics or questions are not neutered questions?
Kevin (Roswell, NM)
Hey Kevin:
I have to tell you. You are certainly not alone.
And I don't mean the otherworldly aliens y'all have over there
in Roswell.
You've got real, red-blooded, New Mexican hotties over there,
But in this context, what I really mean is there are countless
thousands of guys who share your dilemma.
Like you and me, they don't want to use "canned lines".
Yet, we often find ourselves at a total loss when it comes to sparking
conversation that "ignites femininity", don't we?
Worse, sometimes (like you just saw the cold, harsh reality of) we
think we're doing what it takes to create attraction, only to
watch things fall flat on her end.
Truth be told, it usually takes a very objective plan at first in
order for most guys to get it right.
Although the words you choose should be your own, you can indeed
build a solid framework of patterns and mindsets that tend to get
stunning results.
Along those lines, here are the top ten ideas for sparking the kind
of conversation that is most likely to "ignite femininity":
1) Speak in that almost regal way that demonstrates leadership
and shows you have her best interest at heart.
For example, if you're at a restaurant and they try to sit you by
the door when it's cold outside, you may instinctively remember
that women get cold easily. So you confidently suggest to the host
or hostess that you that you'd like to be placed at a table that's
further away from the door.
You voice this request because you know your date will be cold by
the door, so you are unconcerned about being polite versus
causing discomfort to your date. You don't ASK this in the form of"Um...if it's okay, do you think maybe we could possibly..."
You put her feelings and priorities first, and expect her to follow
your leadership accordingly.
You don't do this in an obnoxious way, but rather in a confident way
that exerts your opinion of what the right thing to do is. It's as if you
are "in charge" of the situation...because you are.
2) Instead of merely making small talk, isolate her femininity
in the questions you ask.
Instead of, "What do you think of the weather we've been having?"
try, "So what really makes you feel like a woman?" Such a simple
acknowledgment that you and she are of different genders is often
WAY past where most men are willing to take the conversation.
Make no mistake, the questions you asked the woman you were out
with were great questions. But they weren't the type of questions
that expressly address the powerful polarity between a man and a
If that polarity isn't stoked in your conversation, it's going to
be all neuter, all the time for as long as the two of you have to
endure the date.
The best practice is to engage her with a mix of the kind of
questions you asked with combined with least a few gender-specific
questions. Too many of the latter and you'll indeed come off
weird, no doubt.
You want conversation to flow naturally ASAP rather than occurring
as if you have some sort of hidden agenda.
3) Keep it light and fun. No heavy stuff.
You've GOT to avoid any talk of work, politics, religion or
long-term marriage goals during first meetings for sure, and
probably even for a few dates after that. There will be plenty of
time for that later.
And by all means guard against any indication of complaining or
bitterness. In fact, you can even call that sort of conversation
out if SHE starts it. Tell her you want to hang out with positive
Getting this right shows her that you, again, are about her comfort
even as you know how to take leadership. It also shows you know
how to create a fun, intriguing environment for pressure-free
male/female relating to happen. Very cool.
4) Get her to talk about herself by asking open ended questions.
This means asking for descriptions and/or opinions as opposed to
anything that can be responded to with a simply "yes" or a "no".
You can't have any conversation whatsoever otherwise, especially
one that's going to keep you out of the dreaded "JBF Zone".
When she is free to talk about herself, she senses that you care
more about her than about impressing her. When the circumstances
are such, women are more likely to utter those magic words, "It's
as if you and I have known each other for ten years, not ten minutes."
5) Give approval when appropriate, and from a perspective of
authority as opposed to neediness.
For example, she may say, "I can bake some mean pecan peanut butter
oatmeal cookies. They're my favorite."
In response, you wouldn't say "REALLY?!? Pecan peanut butter
oatmeal cookies are my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE TOOOOO!!!!" Because
they're not. You're would just be saying that in an attempt to shoehorn
artificial rapport into the scenario, which would be pathetic.
Instead, try, "No kidding? So you can bake. I'm proud of you...baking
is a lost art and not many women can bake. "I'm proud of you" is an
immensely powerful phrase because it usually it conveys authority.
It puts you in control as a "chooser" and keeps you there.
6) In fact, avoid trying too hard to build rapport or impress women
in general.
Why is that? Because "trying too hard", although a pandemic problem
among us as guys, is irrevocably fatal.
Instead, imply with your words (preferably indirectly) that it's
SHE who should be trying to impress YOU...all the while making no
effort to hide your intrigue.
Intrigue works, neediness does not work. The tricky part, though,
is that the two concepts are tantalizingly similar.
For example, after she talks about baking cookies you may ask,
"So...what other kinds of tasty treats do you think you can tempt
me with?"
Let her answer the question. If she picks up on the flirtatious
nature of it, so be it. If not, don't break stride.
7) Do not be afraid to flirt.
I've defined flirting before as ANY communication between a man and
a woman that would feel flat-out wrong were it between members of
the same sex (assuming heterosexuality, of course).
So flirting doesn't have to involve overtly sexual come-ons by any
stretch. This means that in all actuality if you sucpect she is
flirting, she probably is.
And if what you are planning to say sounds remotely flirtatious
and/or even adventurous, it IS.
Women LOVE this. Rest assured that it's not going to come off as
creepy if she has already agreed to be on a date with you and
appears to be having fun.
Remember, it's only when she feels like you would potentially harm
her or get weird on her that she gets creeped out. Simple
gender-charged (compare against sexually-charged) conversation
is a lot of fun to women.
8) It's not at all necessary to agree with everything a woman says
and/or like everything she likes...in fact, you shouldn't
This factor was perhaps implied somewhat by point #5 above, but it
indeed deserves its own bullet point.
For example, when she talks about the "unique" cookies she bakes,
you can openly verbalize that you're NOT much of an oatmeal cookie
guy, if that's the case.
Go ahead and tell her, albeit with a hint of playfulness, she's
going to have to dig deep and come up with a different recipe for
A man who isn't so compliant all the time (as in, "Yes, dear")
shows that he has his own plan, his own opinions, all the while
demonstrating to a woman that she can count on him to be able to
stand up to her...which is a great indicator that he'll of him
being able to stand up FOR her when necessary, too.
Again, her feeling of comfort and security is a huge part of what
triggers in a woman's soul that she has a man in her presence.
9) Mix in good-natured teasing and banter.
This is as opposed to some misplaced form of "negging" that amounts
to nothing more than insults (e.g. "cocky/funny" that ISN'T funny).
The kind of conversation were talking about here is supposed to be
FUN and PLAYFUL. There's really no better way to release a woman's
natural feminine energy.
If a woman spills coffee on herself during a first meeting, your
first thought should be to make her feel comfortable as opposed to
suddenly self-conscious.
You may lead with a smile and a slow-shake of the head...then
change course, laugh and say, "Well, actually...on second thought
you've just freed me up from having to be on my best behavior all
day/night. So thanks for that." When she looks up at you with a
raised eyebrow and the corner of her mouth turned up, you calmly
say, "No, really" with a perfect poker-face.
You can reverse course during a conversation from "tired and
predictable" to "totally unexpected" with great effect, also.
For example, on my first meeting with Emily, which happened to be
for breakfast, I swear she ordered the most massive breakfast
platter on the menu.
As soon as it was placed in front of her by the waitress, I joked and
said, "Are you going to eat the rest of that?" as I pretended to pull
her plate toward my side of the table.
Sensing the humor in that immediately, she said, "Oh, don't worry.
I can eat whatever I want and never gain an ounce". I immediately
put a concerned, resolute look on my face and quietly announced,
"You just lost a point. No doubt."
She laughed, and to this day still sometimes asks--with a
flirtatious giggle--if she ever made up that lost point.
10) If there's ever an "elephant in the room", call it out.
Don't shy away like a wuss from conversation that had better happen
for everyone's own good.
If you're going to be five minutes late for the meeting, drop her a
text telling her so. (And yes, I said "text". That is an excellent
situation in which to put text messaging to good use.)
Similarly, if she's late and didn't give you any indication ahead
of time, don't just let it slide. I mean, you don't have to grill
her like cheap fajitas, but you can casually mention you think it
would have been respectful for her to give you a heads-up, since
you would do the same for her.
Do you see how that would send all the right messages about who
you are at your core?
Whatever happens, don't let awkwardness blossom. If you think
everything should be going well and it's not, don't pretend
That falls under point #8 above to some degree in the sense that
you'd otherwise still be trying to contrive a shiny, happy
situation out of something that isn't so perfect ...and women can't
stand that.
If you've ever tried to blow sunshine up the skirt of a woman who
just answered "nothing" to the "what's wrong?" question, you get
the idea.
For example, if you know she just broke up from a guy she was
engaged to, and she seems distant, you might as well throw it on
the table.
Don't ask a question, but rather present a statement. If you must,
punctuate it with ", huh?" This is a great way to ask a question
in a way that sounds self-confident rather than tentative or
In such a situation you might say, "So you're still kind of broken
up over that break up, huh?" She'll either own up to the truth or
she'll wake up and snap out of the funk that she may not have even
been fully aware she was advertising so obviously.
Ultimately, the key to conversation that "ignites femininity" comes
down to how effectively you portray the "big four": masculinity,
confidence, your ability to make her feel safe and secure, and
You should at all times come off as casual, collected and under
control. You do not concern yourself in the moment with the
outcome of the date because you are a man who has a plan and is
unaffected by outside phenomenon (within reason).
YET...you are indeed intrigued by the woman you're with and
interested in her as a woman, even if your world isn't going to
exactly implode if she doesn't reciprocate that interest.
After all, if she doesn't, it's her problem not yours--but only as
long as you've led in the "big four" direction. See how that
The "big four" is to a woman's femininity as a blue-tip match is to
Without question, most of what I've shared in these examples above
is not new information. I've mentioned them all before, and I'd
dare say so have others. I genuinely trust you'll see the
objectivity in them, as promised. But the caveat always remains
"your mileage may vary".
Please don't think you'll be able to go out and force the exact
lines or examples I've given above into random scenarios. You've
got to feel into each situation and apply your uniquely individual
brand of masculine, confident, comfort-building ideals into
whichever words you choose and the attitudes you adopt.
This really does take practice, but the skills can indeed come to
you sooner than you think.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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