[X&Y] Disrupted
Published: Sat, 08/17/24
Updated: Sat, 08/17/24
WHAT'S INSIDE: Have you had your life turned upside down? Here's
how to take full advantage of that opportunity. Yes...I said opportunity.
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It's pretty normal to view whatever causes disruption in our lives
as a great big hassle.
COVID-19 immediately comes to mind, of course. That was
completely beyond our control.
But what about examples based on what we CAN control?
How about, say, if you were to relocate to a new city? Not only
is moving a bummer in and of itself, but your entire life would
be uprooted. Your job, your social circle, everything...including
your daily routine.
But is having your normal, rote way of doing things flipped upside
down really such a bad thing?
If you're like most guys, you've probably gotten all-too
comfortable, if not completely set in your ways.
You've been waking up at a certain time, going to a particular
coffee shop to get your morning brew and driving on the same
street to get to the same old office.
And at night you come to the same apartment and watch the same
shows on TV. Chances are you probably haven't even rearranged
the furniture since, well...ever.
So no doubt, when confronted with the specter of relocation, panic
can easily set in.
It feels like you might be losing just about everything that has
helped you feel at home for so long.
The IT world tends to use the word "disruptive" to describe a new
technology that will change people's thought processes in a good
I'm going to make the radical suggestion that the very same
premise holds for life itself in many, many ways.
Your move to a new city represents a chance to break bad habits
and replace them with new and better ones.
Let's face it, your lifestyle as you currently know it will be
vaporized once you're handed the keys to your new place.
So why not join that massive fitness club two blocks away? You've
been meaning to get into better shape, even as you've been telling
yourself to get out there and meet more women.
And now that there's not an In-N-Out Burger so conveniently
located on the track from office to home, why not change your
eating habits?
Better still, since you're in a new city with a ton of new stuff to
discover, why not actually get out of the house in general a bit
more often?
Why not make good use of Meetup groups and the like to meet new
people and build your social circle?
Instinctively, you already know every bit of what I'm talking about
here is a fantastic idea. The trick is to make sure you get on
all of it fast...as in the day after you move in and get a good
night's sleep.
Yes, seriously...you need to make it that high a priority.
Otherwise, your new routine is going to fall into place without a
whole lot of thought.
And you can bet the "brain dead" version will not be as focused, as
healthy or even as fun as the one you've intentionally designed
with a plan in mind.
So, do you need a full-on relocation to make all of this happen?
Not necessarily.
I wouldn't wish health setbacks on anyone, but they're certainly
disruptive. It may be a psychological blow to get into an
accident or receive less-than-optimal blood test results.
But how many people have cited those dark events as life
changers months or even years later? Plenty.
And then there's divorce, of course. That represents a giant
wrench in the works to your family life and indeed to your
relationships with women.
Some marriages break up pretty suddenly, and perhaps for
reasons that aren't exactly our fault. It's crushing at the time it
happens, and the pain takes its sweet time to heal.
But yes, you can move on. And yes, life can be better than you
ever thought possible sooner than later.
I can promise you that because I've walked down that road myself.
I've also been laid off from my dream job only to realize just a
few years later that it was one of the best things that ever
happened to me. That has happened TWICE, actually.
I've been put on meds by my doctor that I wanted off of as soon
as possible, which motivated me to start thinking about my health
more than I did when I felt young and immortal. That too is a good
Sure, disruption is stressful stuff, at least in the short-term, which
is why most of us would just as soon avoid what looks like a
wrecking ball at first.
But the next time your life gets "wrecked", see the forest for
the trees and recognize the real, actual opportunity that exists
there for you.
This is no Pollyannaish pep talk here. Very often comfort is
what kills.
But when you're finally knocked out of your sanctuary of
familiarity, you're given the gift of motivation to make changes
you may have never gotten around to otherwise.
A better social circle, a healthier lifestyle and even
higher-quality women await.
Let's hear it for the wrecking ball.
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