[X&Y] The Weirdest Thing About Women And Their Smartphones
Published: Sun, 08/18/24
Updated: Sun, 08/18/24

IN THIS EDITION: A woman's smartphone might be your best
friend...for a completely unexpected reason.
Yesterday I invited you to a world where virtually all women adore
And yes, I heard from some of you who are still skeptical.
Well, first off know this. I respect what you may have been
Some women will use us, spend our money, cheat on us and then
blame us for all of it...getting away with everything, even as we're
somehow left feeling like the "bad guy".
I understand that happens. I've lived through some hardcore
experiences myself.
But let me tell you. You have control over how women treat you
from this day forward.
And you also have control over the kind of women you attract.
Will it be the high quality ones who bring you joy or the unworthy
ones who cause you a world of pain?
This all means you have a choice. Will the kind of women you
want LOVE you or (at best) IGNORE you?
Will the RIGHT women see you as a leader and get sexually turned
on, or will you let the WRONG ones walk all over you...again?
Female Persuasion is designed to give you the charmed life with
women that you rightfully deserve.
Yes...this is the program that reveals how and why I'm so wildly
successful at teaching guys how to meet women in-field:
Charm Women's Brains Out
You still have one more day to take advantage of the automatically
applied coupon code and get 50% off.
Plus...I'm giving you my program The Difference as well. It contains
all the "hidden" secrets that are jealously guarded by men who are
good with women.
And remember, I back Female Persuasion with a 100% money back
guarantee that promises you'll start earning the favor of wonderful,
giving, beautiful women immediately. No disappointments.
Back in about 2003 or 2004 I was spending a lot of time learning
about how to get better with women.
One of the big topics was how to approach a woman who's talking
on her cell phone. As small as it was, that phone was seen as an
enormous "barrier to entry".
Well, fast forward eighteen years later. I was at the car wash the other
day. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, so there were a good
three dozen people waiting with me while their cars were being
None of us knew each other, of course. So predictably, human
nature kicked in.
One after the next, people started reaching for their smart
phones...especially the women.
They were perpetrating as if they were handling important e-mails
or checking their schedule, but in reality most were dinking around
on Facebook or something.
I got to thinking why that sort of thing tends to happen.
Well, there's really no question people are addicted to their
But here's the weird part.
If you pay close attention to the social dynamics at play in a
group of strangers, you'll pick up on the slightest twinge of
social uneasiness right before the women in particular start
reaching for their smartphones.
Truth be told, that iPhone is every bit as much of a "security
blanket" as it is a multi-functional electronic device.
Women who are alone and reach for their smartphones are
uncomfortable with being alone.
Finding themselves in a group of people with nobody to talk to
feels awkward and perhaps even a bit embarrassing to them.
Women who fit the somewhat stereotypical mold of being VERY
social creatures will always gravitate away from that feeling of, well,
A smartphone is the 21st century solution for manufacturing "social
interaction" at will.
That's why women who are alone in a crowd like that will soon start
texting someone--anyone--after just a few minutes of playing
"Salad Ninja".
Go ahead and ride public transportation sometime if you're not
used to it. Every woman on the bus or metro for longer than two
stops will probably be texting someone or playing with some app.
But the smartphone solution to situational loneliness is NOT a
perfect one. It's still a cheap substitute for real, human interaction.
And THAT is why I challenge you to start considering a woman's
smartphone a major indicator of when to approach instead of a
massive barrier keeping you from it.
Show me a woman who reaches for her smartphone in a crowd and
I'll show you a woman who's broadcasting how she would love some
attention from a real, live human being.
That means if you go talk to her she'll practically thank you for
rescuing her from her loneliness and self-consciousness in the
Now granted, I'm assuming here that you didn't sneak up on her from
behind and ambush her.
I'm also assuming you handle yourself like a respectable, non-creepy
human being and giving her space.
But seriously...put what I'm talking about to the test as I have on
dozens of occasions.
Walk right up to her and make an observation or guess which car
is hers.
That's all you need. Definitely refrain from bombarding her with
a ton of questions. Small talk is fine to begin with.
My prediction is that she'll put the smartphone down so fast it
might get digital whiplash. Then she'll look up at you with an
almost relieved look. Maybe even a bright smile.
From there, you might have to gather yourself and recover from
the momentary shock at how easy it was to approach a woman
with a smartphone.
But you will. And once you suspend your disbelief and try it a few
more times with other women in similar situations, you'll find you
have a powerful new strategy for meeting more women than ever.


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