[X&Y] Have We Been Tricked Out Of Our Masculinity?

Published: Sun, 08/25/24

Updated: Mon, 08/26/24


IN THIS EDITION: If you don't speak in sexual innuendoes,
women aren't going to realize you're a sexual creature...right?




Masterclass For Men: How To Avoid Crazy Women

Wednesday, August 28th 2024, 8pm EDT (GMT -4)


Is it like you somehow keep attracting
CRAZY women, one after the next?

What in the world is going on there?

After all, YOU are perfectly sane.

And you know plenty of other women out
there--co-workers, relatives, maybe even
your buddies' WAGs--who are mentally
stable creatures themselves.

But YOU draw in all the "wack jobs".

I mean, what's truly nuts is how they can
SEEM perfectly "normal" at first.

But THEN they start accusing you of things
out of NOWHERE, like flirting with some
waitress you didn't even notice.

They bring up things in arguments from like
six months ago...that you have ZERO chance
of being able to remember ever happening.

You walk on eggshells because their mood
can pivot 180 degrees out of NOWHERE...

...And suddenly they're either mad at you
or want nothing to do with you.

And when you try to break up with them
because they just humiliated you in front
of your friends for the last time...

...they leave you this 40-minute-long message
crying and sobbing about how "sorry" they

Nope, nope, and...nope. NOT all women are
like this.

And wow...I'm not even scratching the surface
of how WEIRD it gets when this kind of chick
invades your life.

All I know is you want to AVOID these crazy
ones at ALL cost.

And yes, it's THEM...not YOU.

If you can relate to even 1% of what I'm
talking about here, then this month's
Masterclass For Men is for YOU:

Masterclass For Men: How To Avoid Crazy Women

If what I've mentioned sounds familiar, I'm
going to break down the FULL LIST of how
insane women act...

...What separates "normal" feminine behavior
from the crazy stuff...

...How to AVOID the "wack jobs" to begin with...

...And even how to extricate yourself from a
relationship with a crazy woman if you're
already with one.

I've BTDT, so I know the storyline all too well.
That makes me THE guy to teach this stuff.

But I GOT OUT...and now I've been with the
most level-headed woman I've ever met for over
18 years now.

If I can do this, you can...starting THIS Wednesday.
Get your ticket here before they sell out:

Masterclass For Men: How To Avoid Crazy Women




I've read your latest e-book plus listened to a few of
your podcasts, and they are all great. You always invite
questions, which I think is also great, so I'm going to
take the opportunity to ask one.

You talk a lot about letting out the natural masculinity
in all of us. That's got me thinking about how I constantly
self-censor myself around women by giving a neutered
response to what's going on around me instead of my
natural inclination, which is to respond with sexual
innuendo (if the situation could safely call for it).

The reason I do this is because I don't want to come
off as offensive, or worse, a threat to women.

You also talk about the fact that women need to feel
that they are safe around the guys they are with.

My question is how do I imbue my responses with
sexual overtones (and thus convey my masculinity),
while at the same time not making myself seem
offensive or threatening to women?

In other words, how can I be unapologetically
masculine without seeming to be a threat?


Edmonton, Alberta


Hello Patrick:

Imagine if all the women of the world stopped being feminine
because they thought you'd be offended by it.

Would they be doing the right thing? Would that make you
feel more "comfortable" with them?

Indeed, if sexual polarity ceased to exist altogether, would the
world be a more "date friendly" place?

The question is ridiculous to even ask, isn't it?

The very idea of being "unapologetically masculine", worded
as such, presumes that the very people masculinity is
designed to attract would somehow be repulsed by it.

All the press given to "toxic masculinity" these days is
basically a mind trick to make us think of masculinity
as a violent, offensive, destructive force.

But that's a perversion of actual virtuous masculinity.

Men who show strong leadership, make solid decisions
and build well-formed (dare I say compassionate) plans
to STOP violent, offensive and destructive forces are
indeed masculine in the way that's primally and irresistibly
attractive to women.

Notice I haven't yet mentioned the act of having sex itself.

That's because actual sexual activity is what is catalyzed
by masculine/feminine polarity, not the catalyst.

Thoughts of sex come as a result of attraction, not before
she's attracted.

That means "imbuing responses with sexual overtones" is
straight-up putting the cart before the horse. 

In fact, even though most men make this mistake, it
strongly communicates to a woman that you DON'T

Simply talking about sex--either directly or indirectly--
doesn't positively affect sexual attraction any more than a
car salesman telling you that you should buy a certain car
makes you want to actually BUY it any more than you did

And that goes DOUBLE if the car salesman pushes the
issue too early and or too aggressively...coming off as if it's
all about him.  

Everyone knows it's the CAR ITSELF that makes you want
to buy it.  Once you WANT the car, nobody has to talk you
into it.

So when it comes to creating that DESIRE in women
effectively, come off as a masculine man rather than a
neuter human being. 

I promise the resulting sexual polarity will take care of
creating attraction all by itself.  

This shouldn't be so much of a mystery to us because it's
actually not a gender-specific reaction at all. We as men
are really no different and the psycho-emotional level.  

Think of it this way. Most men LOVE to be seen as an
effective provider for women, but only when we know she
appreciates EVERYTHING about us as men and is willing
to reciprocate fully with the wonderful benefits she brings
to us as a woman.  

And what if we go out with a woman who clearly sees us
as nothing more than a human ATM machine?  Well, we
resent that, of course. Only a man with horribly low
self-respect will continue to endure such a relationship.

"Big four" men who place a great value on high-quality
femininity and represent masculinity in the way that truly
turns women on have nothing to worry about.  

Women who are "offended" under those circumstances
are the ones with the problem.



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