[X&Y] "So...Are Women Just Teasing Us, Or What?"
Published: Mon, 08/26/24
Updated: Mon, 08/26/24
IN THIS EDITION: Are women really sexually
interested, or is it all a ploy?
I have to tell you... Wednesday's Masterclass
on How To Avoid Crazy Women might be
VERY different than what you are imagining.
It's not going to be a dry, clinical list of
various psychoses and how to diagnose them.
After all, I'm NOT a psychiatrist.
What you CAN expect is infinitely more practical:
* What "crazy" looks and acts like
* What "crazy" DOESN'T look and act like
* All the sneaky ways mentally ill women
draw you in...again
* How to STOP attracting (and falling for)
insane chicks (even if they're hot)
* What to do if you're already in a
relationship with a mentally ill woman
* And yes...how to know when you've found
a perfectly SANE one
After seven years married to a woman with
profound mental illness...
...then continuing to date "crazies" for
a time after the (inevitable) divorce...
...and THEN deciding "enough is enough"...
...and attracting ONLY sane women from that
day on...
...AND spending the last 18 years with the
most level-headed woman EVER...
...I'm the guy to teach this Masterclass:
Masterclass For Men: How To Avoid Crazy Women
48 HRS FROM NOW: Wed. 8/28 @8pm EDT (GMT -4)
Make no mistake. I know how being with an
insane woman makes YOU feel like everything
is spinning out of control...on a daily basis.
She's the crazy one, you're the sane one. But
she has this way of starting arguments that leave
YOU flatfooted.
She somehow gets you to believe YOU are the
one who's gone nuts.
It's as if some bigger and weirdly smarter
unseen entity is in control, and you have no idea
to fight it.
All you want is order and stability in your life,
but she's all about chaos.
That's just ONE small example of how bad it can
get when you're with a woman who isn't in the
same reality with you.
Whether you have experience with crazy women,
want to avoid them before that ever happens,
or are in a relationship with one now...this
Masterclass For Men has your name written all
over it:
Masterclass For Men: How To Avoid Crazy Women
48 HRS FROM NOW: Wed. 8/28 @8pm EDT (GMT -4)
Remember, even if you can't make it on Wednesday
you can still take full advantage.
The Download Portal and 1-on-1 interaction available
after the event make it so.
It's human nature to consider what's happening in our
lives and either assume or simply hope that our experience is
common to everyone.
Take, for example, the concept of whether or not women really
enjoy sex.
For guys who would like to be physical with a woman, but are as
yet unsuccessful at doing so, the easiest assumption to make
is that women must not enjoy sex at all.
Certainly, this is the conventional wisdom among particularly
frustrated guys everywhere, right?
I mean, you walk down the street and women LOOK amazing but
seem to be ACTING asexually, if you get right down to it.
You don't see them giving us any clear signs that we should
approach them, let alone making any "bold moves" that would
suggest they're up for anything sexual at all.
In fact, the only place you ARE likely to see women advertising
sexuality in a remotely "public" way is on some porn website or
at the local strip club.
All this, of course, fuels the market for books and programs
specifically designed to teach guys how to pick up strippers.
After all, if they're the only ones demonstrating sexual openness,
then they must be the only ones who ARE sexually open, right?
And surely, then, they represent a guy's best chance at "getting
some", no?
The multitude of other women out there? Well, they must all be
part of the supposed majority who just play "keep away" from men,
manipulating them with empty sexual promises just to get what they
want their whole lives...at our expense as guys. Right?
And worse, some of them even have the audacity to present
themselves in a way that causes us to become completely wadded
up in frustration. The bikinis and sundresses during summer
are especially flat-out tantalizing.
So it's easy for a guy who isn't experiencing the success he wants
with women to automatically assume that women are just "teasing"
And the darkest result that can come from that thought progression
is we begin to truly become bitter and resent women.
But guess what? In most cases, it's NOT their problem. Seriously.
The truth, which can be either GOOD news or BAD news if you let
it be, is that the vast majority of women out there ARE indeed very,
very sexual beings.
And that's not all.
There's also even better or worse news, depending on how you
look at it: It's up to us as guys to ignite that feminine sexuality.
Like TNT, the fuse isn't going to light itself.
Imagine stepping out on the tarmac at LAX, London Gatwick,
Chicago O'Hare or whichever airport is close to you and
happening across a Boeing 737-800.
It's clean, freshly fueled up and even retrofitted with those cool
"sharklets". Although silent and stationary at the moment, it
WANTS to fly.
But if I sit behind the controls of the thing, it probably isn't
going to go anywhere.
It's not that I'm a worthless, powerless human being. Mostly it's
because I don't yet have a pilot's license, let alone a class one
instrument rating.
To spell it out in plain English (or is that "plane English"?) it's
not the plane's fault I can't fly it.
And if I want it to stop teasing me badly enough, then I ought
to do what it takes to get a pilot's license and the proper type
Now every one of us on Earth, man or woman, has our own
set of idiosyncrasies. But generally speaking, most women are
a lot like that 737.
And unfortunately, most of them are--at best--parked on the
tarmac wanting to FLY.
But nothing is going to happen until someone worthy of making
that happen steps up.
Unfortunately for everyone involved, most guys don't ever learn
what it takes to ignite a woman's femininity.
Instead, they either approach her as if walking up to the nose
wheel of that 737 and commanding it to "fly", or they just give
up and don't even bother.
Either way, the truth doesn't change. The 737 is designed
and equipped to fly...and very well, I might add.
So how do you get to the point where you have the
"credentials" to be the man who brings out a woman's natural
feminine sexuality?
The good news is you have the power within you right now,
simply by virtue of having been born a man.
But you DO need to wake up your understanding of what it
means to be a masculine, confident man of character who
can in turn inspire a woman's confidence in you...especially
at the sexual level.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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build this worldwide movement of over 100,000
men reclaiming their masculinity, standing as a
positive role model and deserving the high
quality women we want.
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