[X&Y] The #1 Mistake That Psyches Us Out From Meeting Women
Published: Sat, 08/31/24
Updated: Sat, 08/31/24
IN THIS EDITION: It's one of the most destructive mindsets
a man can possibly have when it comes to success with
Inspired by The Chick Whisperer Podcast (which is now The
Mountain Top Podcast, of course), Chick Whispering is the
definitive (and ever-popular) guide to understanding women.
Rather than a mechanical list of "bullet points", expect real-world
descriptions and scenarios designed to take the mystery away and
reveal what really goes on in a woman's mind.
If you've ever truly wanted to GET women, Chick Whispering is
designed to give you the information you need all in one place.
At the end of today's newsletter I'm going to give you a new,
creative way to get your hands on it...
Not long ago I wrote about how we as guys believe women
think like we do about attraction.
For example, since much of our attraction to a woman depends
on her physical appearance (at least initially), we assume women
process attraction the same way.
But the reality is women really, truly don't want a guy who is
"prettier" than they are.
So sometimes women end up with guys who just don't compute
according to our way of thinking.
That's when we get super angry--either inwardly or outwardly--and
start ranting about "why a woman like her would be with a guy like
I've described before how this phenomenon weaves its way into our
psyche and keeps us frustrated, therefore limiting our success with
Yet, I'm still getting plenty of e-mails from guys still wrestling with
this pretty hard.
It all comes down to a simple fact, however. You can argue reality,
or you can embrace it and get in step with it.
In order to get a valid perspective, let's turn it around. What happens
when a woman assumes men process attraction the same way she
I got a call from a woman who had recently met a guy and had a few
They met, had what appeared to be a decent first date and he asked
her out again.
But...he also asked her a question via email that has troubled her
immensely. Offhandedly, he asked her what her interests and
hobbies were.
This concerned the woman greatly, because she didn't have
"exciting, action-packed" hobbies. Further, she was worried her
long-term plan and level of ambition weren't going to be enough to
impress this new guy.
In short, she assumed we as guys think like she does.
You see, women are wildly attracted to men with ambition,
motivation and passion. This typically manifests as a plan that
makes a woman feel safe and secure, and which she can willingly
hitch her wagon to.
So when the guy (who was probably just making small talk) asked
the question he did, she automatically assumed he was "testing"
for the same answers she would be looking for.
But really, my guess is he would be perfectly happy with sharing
his exciting world with her, and welcoming her to some new and
cool pastimes.
Ultimately, as I shared with her, her new friend was likely most
interested in knowing she was up for some exciting adventures
along the way as opposed being reticent to join in the fun.
It was a huge burden off of her shoulders to know she didn't have
to provide the plan, or be the source of those exciting adventures.
She thanked me profusely for the advice.
Now, you may be rolling your eyes at this point. Shouldn't that\
have been plainly obvious to her?
Seriously, when was the last time you needed a woman to be a
world-class skydiver or have a plan for world domination in her
back pocket?
And importantly...when was the last time you were physically
turned on by a woman for those reasons?
The answer to both of those questions is probably "never". In
fact, most guys would rather not have to deal with such intimidating
factors at all.
We want to lead. We want women to approve of our plan and jump
on the bandwagon with us.
And in the case of the woman I referenced, the guy had already
asked her out on a second date. She had succeeded at creating
For her, it's now time to go with the flow instead of (*ahem*)
pre-disqualifying herself based on...wait for it...her own assumptions
that men process attraction the way she does.
Otherwise, she's talking herself out of success with men in a similar
way we as guys talk ourselves out of success with women.
So yes. All of us--men and women alike--appear to be going around
assuming that MOTOS (members of the other sex) are attracted to
what they themselves are attracted to.
Yet, at the same time men and women also tend to consider the
opposite gender "enigmatic", pronouncing the possibility of
understanding members thereof "impossible".
So which is it? Do they think like we do, or are they "impossible"
to figure out?
It can't be both...unless, of course, we haven't even figured
ourselves out yet.
And let's face it. You've got to know what you want in a woman.
Then, you've got to put aside the obstacles of the past, recognize
what your desires are and then deserve what you want.
It's simply a matter of finding out what women want from a great man,
and representing that to them. (e.g. through the "big four")
The result? You open the floodgates to an endless supply of great
women in your life.
I told you I had a "creative" way for you to get your hands my Chick
Whispering program. In the book, I show you exactly how to understand
women--by way of real-world scenarios like what you've read in this
Also included are ten audio programs that further illuminate how
women think and what attracts them.
So what I'm going to do for you is something I almost NEVER do.
Between now and midnight tomorrow, I'm going to make Chick
Whispering a part of my already discounted bundle of all five
of my premium e-books:
Deserve What You Want, Cook For Your Date, How To Manage
Your Wildly Successful Dating Life, and Never Ever Settle.
That bundle already comes with 10 "rare" audio bonuses.
But right now, I'll also give you the entire Chick Whispering
program with it for free.
This is good for the next 48 hours only. Here's where to get in on it:
All Four Books + 10 Bonuses + Chick Whispering FREE
Deserve What You Want is where it all started--the foundation.
There's even an audio version included...all eight hours' worth.
Never, Ever Settle, the follow-up to Deserve What You Want, is
usually only included with Virtuosity. There's a wealth of valuable
insight on women in there for you.
How To Manage Your Wildly Successful Dating Life is all about going
achieving true greatness with women. It's the book that contains
the blueprint for the infamous "Depth Chart", along with showing you
how to easily date multiple women at once.
And Cook For Your Date? Well, that's the nuclear weapon when it
comes to creating attraction. This book will show you--step-by-step--
how to get any woman to invite herself over to your place, and
what to do when she gets there.
Are you kidding me? Enough said.
So it makes perfect sense that I would sweeten the entire deal with
a fresh copy of Chick Whispering. Once that piece of the puzzle is
added, you're pretty much on the road to being unstoppable.
Most guys don't pull the trigger on chances like this to make a real
difference in their success with women. So I want you to be one of
the few and the proud. Here's the link again:
All Four Books + 10 Bonuses + Chick Whispering FREE
And just for good measure, I'm still including yet another eleven
bonuses along with the addition of Chick Whispering for free.
One of those bonuses, which I highly recommend, is a month of Power
Sessions. That not only gets you more advanced, in-depth content
that goes way beyond the basics, it gets you prioritized answers to
your e-mail questions from me personally. (Seriously.)
So there you have it. Here's your chance to snap everything up for
a massive discount compared to ordering everything separately.
Have a great weekend, gentlemen. I'll talk to you again soon.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
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