[X&Y] 6 Ways To Tell If She's Psycho
Published: Sun, 09/01/24
Updated: Sun, 09/01/24
This past Wednesday's Masterclass hit a bit
differently for a lot of you guys.
I got several messages from men who could
really relate, and wanted to finally rise above
the situation they were in.
It's readily apparent to me that a WHOLE
LOT of us as men don't really give the
idea of avoiding crazy women much thought
until we already HAVE one in our life.
I completely get it. I was that guy myself.
I had no idea what had hit me, or what
I was really up against.
And like several of you mentioned, this wasn't
the kind of thing I was ready to "go public"
about in a group of other men, either.
But if that's the life you're living right now,
you've GOT to do something.
Since I can relate 100%, if you sense I'm
the guy to talk to, PLEASE get on my calendar.
You're not going to tackle this alone...and
by the way, YOU are NOT the one who needs
a psychiatrist.
That's why having a coach like me in your
corner is so valuable.
Click "reply" and tell me your story:
Or, set up a time to talk it over for FREE:
And now, here's a newsletter that covers just
a tiny fraction of what was covered in that
If you know me, you know by now that I generally write positive
emails. I talk a lot about how to become a better man who gets
better women. In my mind, that's what it's all about.
Today, I'm going to write to you about women I'm POSITIVE you
should be avoiding.
But first, a caveat. I've been driven to the point of having to
write this, really.
You see, I've seen this disturbing trend going on with the e-mails
and phone calls I've been getting lately. Guys are weighing in
with stories of flat-out preposterous behavior from women and
asking me if it's "normal".
No, it's not. When you tell a woman on the phone you need some
extra time to think about an exclusive relationship at 10pm the
night before, you're NOT supposed to wake up at 5am the morning
after to her standing on your bed, straddling you with a butcher's
knife in her hands.
And that goes double if you've never given her a key to your
And it goes TRIPLE if you've never told her where you live.
Nope. That's not "normal" behavior.
And yes, that was an real story from an actual guy wondering if
he should actually excuse her for such a "minor infraction".
And let me tell you...that's just one of MANY, MANY examples I've
heard before.
If you've been around here a while and know my personal history,
you know I've seen many other examples FIRST HAND.
Yet, shockingly, the recurring theme is that guys are attempting to
rationalize behavior like that, wondering if they should just pass
it off as either a fluke or something they should simply expect from
women in general.
I don't care how good she looks, gentlemen. All women
are NOT stark raving nuts.
And there's no coming to terms with women who are.
Rationalizing equals SETTLING. And in this case, the particular
brand of settling you are dealing in could have particularly
devastating ramifications if left unchecked.
So here it is guys, but only because it appears to be necessary:
"6 Ways To Tell If She's Psycho", or "A Half-Dozen Types Of
Behavior That Are Irrational".
1) If She'd Already Be In Jail Were She A Man
The vignette I shared above is a shining example of what I'm
talking about here. If you are attempting to rationalize behavior
on a woman's part that you are sure would have landed you in the
slammer for a night (or longer), then you're not thinking clearly
Whether it's assault, shoplifting, public drunkenness or whatever,
the root cause of your rationalization is probably a deep-seated
feeling that male behavior is BAD behavior, and that women are born
with a halo that protects them from legal consequences.
Well, last I checked there was only one code of law. In the real
world, I've never known there to be distinctions between male and
female infractions.
Ask yourself, if a guy ever did what happened here to a woman, how
would you feel about it? What should his consequences be? Then,
realize the yardstick measures equally regardless of gender.
2) If You're Personal Safety Is Jeopardized
If you go to bed at night thinking she might kill you in your
sleep, and if you're considering hiring a "royal taster" to make
sure she isn't poisoning your tea, I'd say there's a very real
This also holds true if she has plate-throwing fits of rage like a
scene from "The Godfather".
Okay, so maybe you messed up and gave her reasonable grounds
to get upset. That doesn't mean she gets to be utterly violent about
it and/or vindictive over the long term.
For the record, I'd probably lump "terrifying driving habits" into
this category also.
3) Extreme Double Standards
She has a couple hundred "really, really good guy friends" with
whom she's decidedly got the "touchy/feelies" for.
When you casually bring up that you felt disrespected at that last
house party, she levels a stream of invective upon you that would
make the most raging alcoholic jealous. (Oh yeah, "raging alcoholism"
counts as psycho also.)
Meanwhile, you can't even remember the "waitress that was flirting
with you" five weeks ago while at lunch as some Mexican restaurant
you no longer recall the name of. But today she decided your life
should be made miserable because of her...whoever she was.
4) Compulsive Behavior
Something out-of-line happened and now she has called you 147 times
between midnight and 6am. She's sorry. She's wondering if you
still love her.
And you're wondering if this is "normal".
Look man, if EVERY woman called us 147 times in a six hour period
NOTHING would ever have been accomplished by now over the entire
history of mankind. Hell, we'd still be playing with sticks and rocks.
Never mind that last point is obviated by the fact we wouldn't have
invented the telephone. You get my point.
It's not like 147 is the magic number, either. The first call could be
all the evidence you need.
One guy called me this very morning to ask me if a woman calling at
3am "just to see if he was home" was "normal".
By the way, he called me at a reasonable hour in case you can't help
but wonder.
But anyway, If something like this ever happens to you, say this:
"OK, I've got a deal for you. YOU promise NEVER to call me at 3am
like that again, and I'LL promise not to answer the phone."
Sounds like a fair deal to me.
5) Massive Swings
No, not the ones they have on the beach at Spring Break. What
we're talking about here is "Jekyll And Hyde Syndrome".
Maybe she hasn't been formally diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder just
yet, but that doesn't change the fact that you have NO IDEA which
chick is going to show up at any given time.
One minute she's a sweetheart. The next, she's livid and screaming
at you. You're afraid to look because there might be snakes sticking
out of her head.
Whoa...I promise this is NOT what EVERY woman is like.
And it's not a given that you should put up with it, either. In fact,
quite the opposite.
6) Utterly Unreasonable Accusations Or Assumptions
You've been out for a whopping total of ten minutes filling the
tank in your pickup truck to get ready for your road trip this
weekend. You walk back into the house and she accuses you of
having been to see your "girlfriend" and having sex with her.
Or...she freaks out and tells you to remove the satellites, "invisible"
radio towers and/or hidden microphones from her apartment that
you are obviously using to spy on her and broadcast movies of her
naked in the shower to a global audience.
Nope...I'm not making those examples up either. They're true
stories from a guy who rationalized them--namely me, many years
Guys, if you are with a woman who demonstrates clear signs of
living in an alternate reality you must realize that you are a
witness to clear signs of a very serious mental illness.
Take it from the voice of experience.
DO NOT under any circumstances allow yourself to become
entangled in a serious relationship with such a woman, regardless
of how much of a hottie she is.
In fact, I'd highly recommend alerting her family to her erratic
behavior and helping her get some professional help...seriously.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
This e-mail newsletter is a free service of X & Y Communications.
It is never sent to those who have not asked for it. If you believe you
This past Wednesday's Masterclass hit a bit
differently for a lot of you guys.
I got several messages from men who could
really relate, and wanted to finally rise above
the situation they were in.
It's readily apparent to me that a WHOLE
LOT of us as men don't really give the
idea of avoiding crazy women much thought
until we already HAVE one in our life.
I completely get it. I was that guy myself.
I had no idea what had hit me, or what
I was really up against.
And like several of you mentioned, this wasn't
the kind of thing I was ready to "go public"
about in a group of other men, either.
But if that's the life you're living right now,
you've GOT to do something.
Since I can relate 100%, if you sense I'm
the guy to talk to, PLEASE get on my calendar.
You're not going to tackle this alone...and
by the way, YOU are NOT the one who needs
a psychiatrist.
That's why having a coach like me in your
corner is so valuable.
Click "reply" and tell me your story:
Or, set up a time to talk it over for FREE:
And now, here's a newsletter that covers just
a tiny fraction of what was covered in that
If you know me, you know by now that I generally write positive
emails. I talk a lot about how to become a better man who gets
better women. In my mind, that's what it's all about.
Today, I'm going to write to you about women I'm POSITIVE you
should be avoiding.
But first, a caveat. I've been driven to the point of having to
write this, really.
You see, I've seen this disturbing trend going on with the e-mails
and phone calls I've been getting lately. Guys are weighing in
with stories of flat-out preposterous behavior from women and
asking me if it's "normal".
No, it's not. When you tell a woman on the phone you need some
extra time to think about an exclusive relationship at 10pm the
night before, you're NOT supposed to wake up at 5am the morning
after to her standing on your bed, straddling you with a butcher's
knife in her hands.
And that goes double if you've never given her a key to your
And it goes TRIPLE if you've never told her where you live.
Nope. That's not "normal" behavior.
And yes, that was an real story from an actual guy wondering if
he should actually excuse her for such a "minor infraction".
And let me tell you...that's just one of MANY, MANY examples I've
heard before.
If you've been around here a while and know my personal history,
you know I've seen many other examples FIRST HAND.
Yet, shockingly, the recurring theme is that guys are attempting to
rationalize behavior like that, wondering if they should just pass
it off as either a fluke or something they should simply expect from
women in general.
I don't care how good she looks, gentlemen. All women
are NOT stark raving nuts.
And there's no coming to terms with women who are.
Rationalizing equals SETTLING. And in this case, the particular
brand of settling you are dealing in could have particularly
devastating ramifications if left unchecked.
So here it is guys, but only because it appears to be necessary:
"6 Ways To Tell If She's Psycho", or "A Half-Dozen Types Of
Behavior That Are Irrational".
1) If She'd Already Be In Jail Were She A Man
The vignette I shared above is a shining example of what I'm
talking about here. If you are attempting to rationalize behavior
on a woman's part that you are sure would have landed you in the
slammer for a night (or longer), then you're not thinking clearly
Whether it's assault, shoplifting, public drunkenness or whatever,
the root cause of your rationalization is probably a deep-seated
feeling that male behavior is BAD behavior, and that women are born
with a halo that protects them from legal consequences.
Well, last I checked there was only one code of law. In the real
world, I've never known there to be distinctions between male and
female infractions.
Ask yourself, if a guy ever did what happened here to a woman, how
would you feel about it? What should his consequences be? Then,
realize the yardstick measures equally regardless of gender.
2) If You're Personal Safety Is Jeopardized
If you go to bed at night thinking she might kill you in your
sleep, and if you're considering hiring a "royal taster" to make
sure she isn't poisoning your tea, I'd say there's a very real
This also holds true if she has plate-throwing fits of rage like a
scene from "The Godfather".
Okay, so maybe you messed up and gave her reasonable grounds
to get upset. That doesn't mean she gets to be utterly violent about
it and/or vindictive over the long term.
For the record, I'd probably lump "terrifying driving habits" into
this category also.
3) Extreme Double Standards
She has a couple hundred "really, really good guy friends" with
whom she's decidedly got the "touchy/feelies" for.
When you casually bring up that you felt disrespected at that last
house party, she levels a stream of invective upon you that would
make the most raging alcoholic jealous. (Oh yeah, "raging alcoholism"
counts as psycho also.)
Meanwhile, you can't even remember the "waitress that was flirting
with you" five weeks ago while at lunch as some Mexican restaurant
you no longer recall the name of. But today she decided your life
should be made miserable because of her...whoever she was.
4) Compulsive Behavior
Something out-of-line happened and now she has called you 147 times
between midnight and 6am. She's sorry. She's wondering if you
still love her.
And you're wondering if this is "normal".
Look man, if EVERY woman called us 147 times in a six hour period
NOTHING would ever have been accomplished by now over the entire
history of mankind. Hell, we'd still be playing with sticks and rocks.
Never mind that last point is obviated by the fact we wouldn't have
invented the telephone. You get my point.
It's not like 147 is the magic number, either. The first call could be
all the evidence you need.
One guy called me this very morning to ask me if a woman calling at
3am "just to see if he was home" was "normal".
By the way, he called me at a reasonable hour in case you can't help
but wonder.
But anyway, If something like this ever happens to you, say this:
"OK, I've got a deal for you. YOU promise NEVER to call me at 3am
like that again, and I'LL promise not to answer the phone."
Sounds like a fair deal to me.
5) Massive Swings
No, not the ones they have on the beach at Spring Break. What
we're talking about here is "Jekyll And Hyde Syndrome".
Maybe she hasn't been formally diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder just
yet, but that doesn't change the fact that you have NO IDEA which
chick is going to show up at any given time.
One minute she's a sweetheart. The next, she's livid and screaming
at you. You're afraid to look because there might be snakes sticking
out of her head.
Whoa...I promise this is NOT what EVERY woman is like.
And it's not a given that you should put up with it, either. In fact,
quite the opposite.
6) Utterly Unreasonable Accusations Or Assumptions
You've been out for a whopping total of ten minutes filling the
tank in your pickup truck to get ready for your road trip this
weekend. You walk back into the house and she accuses you of
having been to see your "girlfriend" and having sex with her.
Or...she freaks out and tells you to remove the satellites, "invisible"
radio towers and/or hidden microphones from her apartment that
you are obviously using to spy on her and broadcast movies of her
naked in the shower to a global audience.
Nope...I'm not making those examples up either. They're true
stories from a guy who rationalized them--namely me, many years
Guys, if you are with a woman who demonstrates clear signs of
living in an alternate reality you must realize that you are a
witness to clear signs of a very serious mental illness.
Take it from the voice of experience.
DO NOT under any circumstances allow yourself to become
entangled in a serious relationship with such a woman, regardless
of how much of a hottie she is.
In fact, I'd highly recommend alerting her family to her erratic
behavior and helping her get some professional help...seriously.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
This e-mail newsletter is a free service of X & Y Communications.
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