[X&Y] It's September. What Do You Have Going On?

Published: Mon, 09/09/24

Updated: Mon, 09/09/24



Do you (or did you) have a woman to spend time with?

If so, is it the woman you really wanted?

Or, are you actively meeting women whenever you go

How is that working out?

I sincerely hope all of your dreams and fantasies have
been coming true lately.

But as I've said before, "hope is not a strategy".

Right here, right now I want to speak directly to those
of you who have already spoken to me on the phone

I talk to my fair share of men who are fed up with having
all sorts of things going right for them in this life, except
having the right woman in it...if any women at all.

But...I also talk to plenty of other men who just can't pull
the trigger on a Ten-Plus coaching program, even when
they want to.

They KNOW other men get precisely the results they want
from it. But there's often that nagging fear they'll be the
one to fail.

It's like the feeling you get right before jumping out of the
plane on your first skydive.

I get it.

But the truth is I'm like your skydiving instructor. I've done
this hundreds of times, and I have dinner plans.

I know it's going to turn out fine.

So if you're the guy reading this who has talked to me in
the past--and are still experiencing that empty feeling that
you're missing out--let's make it right.

Click "reply" on this message and tell me you're ready
to rock.

Or, you can simply click below and let me know you're all
about re-visiting the possibilities:

It's Time To Take Action

You already know I'm exactly the guy you think I am.

I wake up every morning excited and honored to
impart even greater success to men all over the world
than I've experienced myself (and that's saying

But I wasn't born a "natural", so I respect where you're
coming from and the journey you're on.

It's all about practical, no-nonsense knowledge in
combination with the direct encouragement you need.

Let's Do This Thing



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