[X&Y] Read This If You're Skeptical About Online Dating And Apps

Published: Thu, 09/12/24

Updated: Thu, 09/12/24


WHAT'S INSIDE: Have you always come up with some sort of excuse
to avoid online dating? Or worse, have you tried it before...only to
quit in frustration?



Here's a secret you may or may not know: In over 18 years of directly
helping guys get their online dating profile and first e-mails in order, I've
never seen even one guy who had it all figured out at first.

And here's the even more amazing news. Probably 99.9% of all men
online will NEVER get help.

Wait...why is that so "amazing"?

Simple. If YOU become one of the .1%, it follows logically that YOU will
in turn get 99.9% of the women.

In other words: You'll have virtually ZERO competition for the women
you really want.

By the time I met Emily I had become one of the few and the proud.

It was the best feeling in the entire world knowing a "normal" guy like
me could search over 600 women, email the ten hottest ones and
expect to go out on real, live dates with six or eight of them.

I used to laugh to myself thinking about how many guys out there
were beating their heads against the wall because they couldn't
get even one of the women I was going out with to write back.

But I met Emily--my #1 choice from all the women on the site--and
the rest is history.

That meant I had to "retire" from doing online dating, which had
become one of the things I was best at.

But it also meant I could then freely impart everything I
knew about online dating success to YOU.

That's what Online Dating Domination is all about:

50% Off + The Man's Approach FREE

Believe it or not, after 18 years of working with you guys, I have
WAY more proven secrets to success nowadays than I had even
when I was meeting women myself left and right.

I'm up to version 3.0 of the program for exactly that reason.

And what's more, right npw you'll not only get 50% off, you'll
get a full and complete copy of The Man's Approach as well.

That way you get all my secrets for meeting women online
AND offline.

50% Off + The Man's Approach FREE

I'm ready to spill everything...and yes, I guarantee your results
100%. You can't lose. You can only win.




Obviously, you know by now that we're huge fans of online dating
around here. But I'm completely aware of the fact that you may NOT

And this may surprise you, but I fully GET why that may be the
case.  Some of the complaints I hear most often these days include:

1)    You have to be desperate to resort to that

2)    The women are undesirable, yet they're spoiled brats anyway

3)    There are too many scammers and fake profiles

4)    I'm no good at writing, and I can't stand talking about myself

5)    Nobody writes back, they just collect "likes"

6)    Dating apps only lead to "ghosting" frustration

7)    I tried eHarmony and it sucked

Okay, I'll concede the last one to you.  eHarmony is friggin'

That's why I wholeheartedly recommend choosing your own women
on another app or site instead of leaving it to some computer with
unknown intentions for your social life.

But as for the rest of the excuses, they're all lame if you ask me.

For starters, all you have to do is run a real-time search and
you'll see the sexy women appear before your very eyes.  If you
haven't done that lately, give it a shot.

Yes, they're all right there online...including actresses, NBA
cheerleaders, nurses, teachers, paralegals, hot mommies and all
other types.

Post-modernity is here.  Online dating is normal, mainstream stuff
nowadays.  In fact, if you're single and DON'T have an online
profile somewhere, other people are going to wonder why not.

Scammers and fakes are easy to weed out...if not on sight, then
most certainly within an e-mail or two (Hint: women who you've
never met shouldn't ever ask you for money.)

As for not being able to write, there are ways around that also.
Let's just say that's one of many HUGE advantages The Online
Dating Success Package
gives you.

And apps?  It's all about being different than the herd and knowing
who you're looking for...which a modicum of real, actual effort
takes care of.

So how about it?  Can we put aside the excuses for now?

Let's turn our attention to something much more positive.

I've come up with at least SIX reasons why online dating could
actually be your most powerful way to meet women, if only
you're willing to transform your mindset.

Here are the first three, for now:

1)  Women Online Are NOT In Your Social Circle

Thank you "Captain Obvious", right?  Well hold your horses, pardner.

Have you ever really considered the brilliant ramifications of this?

Consider the social framework that's in place whenever you start
dating a woman who is in your group of friends, a relative sets you
up with or--worst of all--is a co-worker.

Invariably, the two of you run with a common crowd, at least to
some degree.

That means that a woman can't help but expect whatever happens on
dates with you to become everyone else's business.

Given the way society tends to operate, that means she might be
extra-reserved sexually lest anyone brand her a "slut".   She might
take her time getting to know you, and probably won't dare invite
herself over to your place.

Meanwhile, you can't exactly date anyone else in your social circle
until your relationship with the first woman has run its course,

That would be "burning the candle at both ends" since the two of
them probably shouldn't ever find out about each other.

Now consider that women online are far more likely to have ZERO
direct connection to your existing social circle.

So...how does that change the dynamics of any potential relationship
you have with them?

Ever seen one of those commercials with the tagline "What Happens
In Vegas Stays In Vegas"?  Bingo.  When you're outside the social
constraints of the usual crowd you run with, the inhibitions tend
to subside.

2)  You Can Know All Sorts Of Things About Women Online
Before You Even Meet Them

Have you ever met a woman you thought was attractive, only to
figure out that her beliefs, interests and vegan diet were
completely incompatible with anything you had going on?

The beauty of an online profile is that you get an entire stat
sheet on a woman before making the decision to pull the trigger on
contacting her or not.

I realize that sounds pretty basic, but consider this. 

I've met more women than I can count on both hands who would really
love to date men their own age or older, but since they look 12 to
15 years YOUNGER than they really are, only college kids ask them

The question you might be asking yourself about now is this:  "Holy
Mama...how many amazing women have I failed to meet simply because I
THOUGHT they were too young for me?"

Online dating, of course, solves this little problem.  Let's just
say you never have to worry about a 23-year-old woman lying on her
profile about how she's actually 35.  

Or said another way, you're now free to date all the 35-year-olds
who seem 23 that you can handle.

3)  There's An Immense Savings In Time, Money And Resources

Let's cut to the chase on this one.  You can forget going to
expensive clubs, buying pricey tickets to events, spending time
getting ready to go "sarging", or anything like that.

Thanks to online dating you can literally sit at home in your boxer
shorts drinking a brewski while messaging several women at once.

You only invest time in actually MEETING them when you're
reasonably sure it'll go well. 

And let me tell you, once you master the simple art of screening
women online, that part's a piece of cake. 

To be honest, most guys mess it up because they're overly
optimistic (read:  "desperate") even in the face of strong evidence
that the woman's going to disappoint.

So how about it?  The first three bullet points alone make a pretty
solid case for giving online dating a chance (or second chance).

Well, hang in there because I've got the second half coming later



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