[X&Y] Pt 2: 6 Reasons To Try Online Dating...Even If You're Skeptical

Published: Fri, 09/13/24

Updated: Fri, 09/13/24


WHAT'S INSIDE:  As promised, here are the other three
excellent reasons to give online dating a fair shake.



Can ordering up a half dozen or so women to go out with this
week be as easy--and fast--as ordering a pizza?

I know for a fact that it is.  Well, except maybe for the "30
minutes" part...unless you type REALLY fast.

Better to relax and give yourself a couple of days, maybe.

Don't ask me, though. Ask the multitude of happy guys out there
who got their hands on Online Dating Domination 3.0.

But hey, we're not talking about pizza delivery here, we're
talking about meeting real, live human beings (fresh, hot SEXY
ones, nonetheless).

So actually, you might want to ask THEM instead.

You know, those deeply satisfied sweethearts who are THRILLED
a real man finally showed up and rescued them from the flotsam
and jetsam that was clogging their inbox.

Let's get real here.

Some ludicrously high percentage of dudes out there are sending
out brain dead first e-mails like "Uh..hello. Wanna hook up?"

All they're getting in return is, well...they're getting
NOTHING in return, that's what.

Don't kid yourself. The women who EVERY guy is writing to are

1)  HOT



(Why is writing this making me crave pizza?)

The point is they all turned up online because they CRAVE
a man.

But they want one who knows what he's doing:

50% Off + The Man's Approach FREE

Online Dating Domination 3.0 lets you be that guy who comes out
of NOWHERE in a halo of glory to sweep her off her feet and
carry her away.

Away from those other knuckleheads who's profiles you'll
soon be tiling your bathroom floor with.

Those guys will seriously never know what hit them. All they'll
know is that they're still DATELESS...while you run off with
ALL the best women.

Which guy are you going to be?
Take it from the voice of experience: The ONLY way to fly is
in a "halo of glory":

Every Secret To Online Dating Success

Right now I've activated an automatic coupon code to get
your very own copy of the full-on "halo of glory" installation
kit that is Online Dating Domination 3.0 for 50% off.

Watch half the price fall right off the screen when you get to
the order page.

Just for good measure, I'll also give you a FREE copy of
The Man's Approach. That way you'll be fully equipped to
meet women online OR offline.

Whatever you do, don't go hungry. Ordering up the hot stuff
is only a click away.

50% Off + The Man's Approach FREE



Hey, I understand why so many guys are so turned off to the idea of
online dating.

But I'm not going to let that keep me from doing what I can to shed
some light on why online dating actually ROCKS, if you give it the

Yesterday I listed the first three of six solid reasons why any guy
who's written off the idea of meeting women online should rethink
his position.

If you didn't happen to catch that, go ahead and sift through your
inbox for it.  It's good stuff.

Meanwhile, since I'm a man of my word, here's the second half of
the list:

4)  You Can Set Up Dates In Other Cities Before You Even Get

Got a business trip coming up?  How would you like to have a couple
of hotties lined up in advance...ready to hang out with you and show
you around their town?

Or are you going spend your free time at night hanging out in the
hotel bar with the engineers?

Let's face it, you're not going to have time to go meet women AFTER
you're there.

The solution? That's right: Online dating.

Simply run a search in the city you're headed to and fill your
schedule accordingly.

This really works. And yes...you can be completely honest with these
women about what you're up to. Lots of them will be all the more
excited to meet you.

5)  Kick "Approach Anxiety" To The Curb

What's the best way to do away with the fear of approaching
women...forever?  The answer is disarmingly simple: Do away with
approaching women to begin with.

Writing an e-mail and hitting "send" is not nearly as
nerve-wracking as seeing a woman in public, battling your inner
demons, gutting through the "three second factor" and hoping you
don't trip over your shoelaces while walking over to her--let alone
your tongue after you actually get there.

Sure, gaining mastery over that is super cool...if you want to.  But
the thing is that you don't really HAVE to now that there's online

But just the same, consider this.  How much easier will it be for
you to approach women OFFLINE knowing that you have at least three
or four women in your life already who you met ONLINE? 

Just sayin'...

6)  Everyone Is "Available"

Sick of striking up conversations with pretty women and getting all
the way to the golden moment where you get the digits, only to hear
those brutal words:  "I have a boyfriend"?

The worst part about that transaction is you often can't really be
sure whether or not she actually DOES have a significant other or
if she's just brushing you off in the most sanitary way she knows

Online there's never any such drama.

Let's just say this.  If you EVER hear that from any woman you met
on an online dating site, she has a SERIOUS problem with spending
her money and time in completely counter-productive ways.

But you WON'T ever hear that from a woman online.

If she's online, she's single.  And if she writes you back, she's
interested.  That's as simple as it gets in this life.
What's more, you're able to know with reasonable certainty whether
women online are divorced, never married or--importantly--only
separated without having to dig for such politically loaded info in

The convenience of that cannot be underestimated.

By now I can only imagine you're probably beating yourself up some
for having slept on online dating all this time.

And no kidding...all six reasons I've outlined for you in this
two-part series are fully legit.  When your online dating strategy
is executed to perfection, meeting women becomes easier than you've
ever imagined it could be.

So go ahead.  Reach for your mouse and sign up.  You know you want
to...and the women online are waiting for you.



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