[X&Y] You Did Everything Right...But She's "Not Feeling It"
Published: Thu, 09/19/24
Updated: Thu, 09/19/24
IN THIS EDITION: Can you be TOO "safe"?
Are you EXCITED about life picking up
again at full-tilt?
Or are you dreading it?
Or what's arguably worse...is NOTHING
going to be any different?
...unless you DO something about it?
If life isn't fulfilling, let alone exciting,
it's time to get UNSTUCK.
The question is HOW.
My most unique program Un-Settled is
about getting past the status quo and
making a BOLD choice to craft your
own lifestyle from now on:
50% Off Un-Settled + Big 4 Man Challenge FREE
Women follow a man's lead...so you have
to be heading somewhere.
Maybe you need to get your mojo back.
Or perhaps you're in a rut and want to
finally maximize both your potential
AND your sense of personal fulfillment.
No matter what, Un-Settled is for you:
50% Off Un-Settled + Big 4 Man Challenge FREE
In addition to getting 50% off the program,
I'll also give you full and complete access
to the only other group coaching program
in X & Y Communications history.
That's The Big 4 Man Challenge, of course,
and it's yours FREE when you snap up your
copy of Un-Settled.
IN THIS EDITION: Can you be TOO "safe"?
Are you EXCITED about life picking up
again at full-tilt?
Or are you dreading it?
Or what's arguably worse...is NOTHING
going to be any different?
...unless you DO something about it?
If life isn't fulfilling, let alone exciting,
it's time to get UNSTUCK.
The question is HOW.
My most unique program Un-Settled is
about getting past the status quo and
making a BOLD choice to craft your
own lifestyle from now on:
50% Off Un-Settled + Big 4 Man Challenge FREE
Women follow a man's lead...so you have
to be heading somewhere.
Maybe you need to get your mojo back.
Or perhaps you're in a rut and want to
finally maximize both your potential
AND your sense of personal fulfillment.
No matter what, Un-Settled is for you:
50% Off Un-Settled + Big 4 Man Challenge FREE
In addition to getting 50% off the program,
I'll also give you full and complete access
to the only other group coaching program
in X & Y Communications history.
That's The Big 4 Man Challenge, of course,
and it's yours FREE when you snap up your
copy of Un-Settled.
One of the "big four" factors that really matter to high quality
women is what I refer to as "the ability to inspire confidence".
When your masculine, confident presence attracts her, the
next step is help her feel safe and secure in your presence.
When a woman who is already attracted to you begins to
trust you, then you can begin to establish an ongoing
relationship on solid ground.
When her fear goes away, she feels free to act on her
feminine attraction to you.
Conversely, if she senses she's potentially in any kind of
physical danger when you're around, gets a negative vibe
from you or is "creeped out" in any way you'll get nowhere
with her.
So yes, a woman has to know you represent protection
and goodwill rather than the opposite.
But there's a plot complication.
Providing security to a woman (or inspiring confidence, if
you will) is very different than being "safe".
A woman doesn't want to feel as if she is physically
endangered at any time, but she does crave a man who can
bring a sense of adventure and excitement to her life.
Without the latter, she's bored to tears.
Similarly, she doesn't want to be "controlled" in a manipulative
manner, but she does want a man who is an assertive leader.
Without the latter, she'll lose respect for you.
Additionally, you can't become utterly predictable, stuck in a
rut of doing the same things over and over again. Yet, you
most certainly can't be irrationally compulsive either...that's
just scary.
Yes, you've got to know how to differentiate all of this, which
isn't always so easy to do.
Some guys miss the mark when making women feel safe
and comfortable in the basic sense.
But most guys, I'd contend, are actually on the opposite side
of the spectrum.
We're too "safe".
Again...to be clear, I'm not saying you should become flat-out
dangerous. I'm talking about something completely different.
We avoid disagreeing with her opinions. We dare not even try
so much as to hold her hand even when she's laughing,
playfully hitting us on the shoulder and staring at our lips in
And, ironically, it's precisely because we're hypersensitive to
"scaring women" that we end up this way. We don't want to
"impose upon them", so we chalk up our Failure To Deploy as
"being a gentleman".
Meanwhile, there's a woman somewhere who wanted to be
kissed and went home feeling frustrated or even rejected.
Worse, because we rarely leave the basement ourselves once
we come home from our jobs at Cubicle City, the most
"adventurous" activity we can come up with when we're with
her is the same trip to Chili's or Applebee's followed by
crashing on the couch chilling with Netflix...again.
Taking the "safe" option is not adding value to a woman's self-
perceived boring life, is it?
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